Duke Nukem Forever

Duke is coming. Here's a taste:
Happy mother's day, Yea Forums

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>it's real

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Looks like shit. Good thing it was scrapped.


someone made randy an offering

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god damn this looks so good for 2001. how retarded do you have to be to not have released this?

I want it.

can you slap alien wall tits and tickle anus doors like the final game?

That's what you get when your boss is a coke-fiend.

Holy fuck

peak boomer shooter
they should've released it

>for 2001
Eh, it for 1999, 2001 had Halo, but it still looks very impressive and fun

>how retarded do you have to be to not have released this?
I don't know

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Damn the fire an M16 grenade launcher explosions look nice. Textures as well.

Love Unreal Engine

So is this getting leaked or released or what?

whachu smokin on nigga

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>shield enemies

Yes, that looks better

coming when?

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Why is dook fighting the EDF? Why is dook killing humans?
Where are the alien bastards? Why do I get the sinking suspicion there's only like 15% of a game here levelwise and we're going to be super disappointed if it ever gets released?

Is this like someone fixing up a scrapped build or what the actual game was suppose to be. drop the mega link faggots

if by 'offering' you mean 'blackmailed Randy into leaking his child porn for the rights to the betas' i'm all ok with that!

>shield enemies

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what else you got OP?

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My headcanon
>Dook gets brainwashed with alien head parasite while sleeping or some shit
>Intro has you fighting EDF and killing nice human men
>Get freed from brainwash, spend game doing regular Dook shit
>Alien parasite collected data on Dook's brain to make alien Dook as final boss

Keep your eyes on Yea Forums this June.

Almost every chapter is present in some form. A huge chunk is playable, a huge chunk is block-outs with no enemies. All of the E3 content is there.

What if OP is Randy.

>DNF dickwaving yet again
This has been going on for, what, a couple years now? I don't want to see any more threads until someone has the balls to drop the game to the public masses.

please be real

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Don't play with my heart like this.

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So it's still just an incomplete mess then, who cares?

Doesn't like 90% of the 2001 version still exist and Cuntface Bitchford just won't release it?


no and only literal retards think this game was ever 90% complete


user, I guarantee some autists will finish the job and provide some sort of modded "complete" version.

I want it to be out there and I want Randy Bobandy Pitchford to seethe.

I love that techno remix of the DN theme.

all the enemies just sit there and do nothing for duke to shoot them.

stop giving me hopes that this will be released.

Now that the dust has settled I think we can all agree it wasn't bad.

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And you're not releasing it now because...?

i do agree, i can call it 'forgetable' at most.

It wasn't good either.

probably cleaning all the stale urine and semen off from recovering it from randys office.

screen cap this thread and game files

the pipebomb carkey remote was a cool idea and the mission where your shrunk was good, besides that I don't remember much.
not bad not good somewhat average.

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Damn it looks awesome! Can't wait to see more of it!

do this OP or your faggot

Bad very linear level design
Entirely health regen, no health pickups
2 weapon limit
Boring vehicle sections

It wasn't absolutely terrible but those 4 choices killed the game. The late 00s/early 10s were an awful time for shooters (it still is but in a different way)

>Keep your eyes on Yea Forums this June.
No. Fuck you. If you've got it, you will release it now. I don't give a shit what excuse you may have up your sleeve, you dump that shit in ten minutes or fuck off.

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throwable shit, wall titties, anus doors, dicks on whiteboards. bruh wouldnt appreciate a free fuck from his dream girl

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It was shit.

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Hot damn.

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Upload it pussy

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Is that an editor I see?

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Not only will we get autists that'll finish the unfinished levels, but also mods possibly. This is the best bizzaro timeline.

I really want to believe. I want to bet on the Duke again.

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OP, does your name have any signification by any change (like a clue)?


today OP was not a faggot
please dump it bro

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post a high res screenshot of the redneck from the e3 trailer

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As a bonus, here is a fraction of the maps folder

Not just the editor, we will be releasing the full source code too.

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I want to believe.

you better at least uphold your word and release the game in june... or else...

>source code
>you lived to see next-gen games developed in the douk engine

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Why can't you release it now? We've been having these DNF 'previews' for years now. Now is the time to do it.

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Why can't you just drop this now?
Is Randy himself behind you with a gun or something?

Doubt it but he definitely is looking for the person who broke into his office.


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this is the first leak i have seen with stuff happening and audio. interface looks different from last leaks too..newer build?

Lemme download it I'm a big duke fan

Yes, those previous leaks were from somebody else.

Does it have working mirrors?
This whole title is like a missing chapter from gaming history

old leaked screenshot with different ui

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>sandwork doneky
>sandwork inside

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