Did you preorder a $150,000 ship yet?
Did you preorder a $150,000 ship yet?
i swear star citizen is deliberately memeing on its consumers at this point
Just start a class action so they have to release the shitty game so we can all have a laugh.
I played star citizen in one of the free fly weekends
its pretty fun. I like how they've gone all out for immersion. its still a buggy piece of shit but I had more enjoyment in it than a lot of other games
Is this the game that was supposed to be like 50 games in one or was that something else? I remember years ago reading about some game that was going to combine like ten different genres or something crazy into one but this seems more like just a space travel thing.
>making coffee is an important part of every Star Citizen(tm)'s life, so we at Cloud Imperium believe it is imperative to get it as immersive as possible
>for this reason, we'll be modeling each individual coffee bean, as well as the particle physics of ground coffee and coffee liquid, simulating multiple types of colors and brews in multiple brewers and cups
>this will require another 10 year delay, and we need to hit a $750 million funding goal to make it happen
I fell for scam citizen.
Post yfw you didn't fall for the scam
Convince me this isn't the best scam pulled in decades.
promising endless features in an MMO is very common for kickstarter scam games that never get finished.
You're probably thinking of Chronicles of Elyria though. They promised every feature you can imagine and delivered nothing.
>Know this is fake
>Sudden thought, "But I bet they would..."
>Do quick search
Made me chuckle
I believe Star Citizen doesnt even exist. It's like an elaborate borgesian roleplay involving thousands of people where they pay money to be a part of a generational joke.
NFTs exist user
your mom tricked someone into nutting into her so she could have you
I understand the desire for realism but "bar fills up automatically and do a trivial thing every half an hour to reset it" is the most shitty and stupid time wasting mechanic and just makes games worse. Unless the entire game is built around it like Don't Starve, it's just turning your game into a chore simulator.
Only a retard thought this game wasn't vaporware put of the gate.
So why does anyone put money into Star Citizen today? Sunk cost?
t. Cucked Citizen
This game won’t come out in my lifetime
Remember that shitty survival/BR game SCUM? Advertised real metabolism, poops and pee. Turns out the concept is stupid and the audience actually doesn't want it. Go figure.
There are always people stupid enough to fall for a scam, no matter how transparently stupid it is. People like you and me aren't the target. It's people that unironically have mental disabilities. The same people that get scammed by spam emails from a Nigerian prince. The people who actually buy NFTs as an investment. The people that still are investing in Chronicles of Elyria. These are the people who invest in Star Citizen.
>pcfags: "lmao, consolefags are sheep"
>also pcfags: *spend thousands of dollars on a game that will literally never release*
Forgot to mention the current crowd favorite, or Gunzilla. Falling behind on your scams user.
Can you buy ships in game yet?
This is literally the only thing I want from this piece of shit, to move on and up to other fucking ships.
didn't their CEO straight up call out some youtuber cabal?
There are PCfags and there are consolefags, and then there's just straight up fags. The latter are the ones who back scam citizen. Fags transcend mere platforms.
Tried to, then lost a shitload of "players" because the cabal legitimately blew them out via programming skills. Now they are struggling and the rumor is they are about to start another scam.
name 2 games with urine physics, i'll wait
Star Citizen is just Yandev with billions of dollars.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 has the pissing minigame i recall
Yea Forums talks about Postal 2 and Death Stranding relatively often, if that's the joke then sorry.
Does it have NFTs yet?
>youtubes say anyone could copy the progress they've made so far for free in a week
>game dev challenges youtubers to recreate all the systems they made
>lists off a bunch of specific requirements
>youtuber makes a game that fits all the requirements he listed in the time limit
>goes full nitpick "no true scottsman" over it and makes up a bunch of other stuff he never said before to claim it's not valid
pretty funny how it played out IMO
>at this point
I wanted to be wrong and get a good space game
It was funny as fuck, I love seeing scam artists blown the fuck out.
doesnt sound funny just sounds completely annoying for everyone involved but the CEO
if this game allows me to play as a female pilot that pees herself, i might actually buy this fucking game
No it was great. This guy was being really arrogant and egotistical. He lost the argument and money at the same time. Nothing better than watching a shitty dev burn.
Especially people who push crypto currencies and NFT
Sounds like they're...
taking the piss.
no its definitely funny you joyless autist
wait did he actually pay out the 10k or whatever it was for completing the challenge?
as long as you acknowledge that your fetish is weird as fuck
>"Urine Physics"
Fuck no, he welched and lost a tone followers.
If these youtubers can do this and the same youtubers claim Star Citizen is a scam why don't they make their own SC from scratch like they did to Earth2 to prove it.
Only ten years for perfectly simulated fine particle and liquid physics? What a steal! I think I'll buy another ship
The real article really isn't that far off
This is the biggest TORtanic in existence. Sometimes I just want them to release it already and see the whole thing implode with the force of a hundred Cyberpunks. Other times I just want it to be delayed forever for the laughs.
>NFT market already collapsing
>Star Citizen continues to raise more money every year than the previous year
SC is far better than NFTs
>implying it was going to come out in the first place
At this point I feel sympathy for all the people who have been waiting for a good space game for 20 years.
user every time a woman squirts in orgasm, it's pee that comes out. i have fetish for humiliation, but wet panties = peed panties which is completely normal.
They aren't even on the same level dude.
Earth 2 devs showed demo, store assets and not real gameplay, nor did they put any real work into the project at any point (which is the scam part). You can download and play Scam Citizen right now. Taking down Cloud Imperium is a whole other can of beans. Would require infiltration into the studio.
they don't want to?
Of course not. The interesting part is the programmer said he'd give the tech out to any other similar game if the CEO refused to pay out so it'll be fun to see if that goes anywhere
It is released in early access
It's just a game. Nothing about this game is groundbreaking. It's going to have the same elements as other games you have played. And like any other game, a newer game will come along and capture your attention away from this one. Even if you absolutely love the game, you will grow bored with it and feel burnt out after 50 to 100 hours of playing.
What makes it even worse is that it's been in development for so long and continues to be only in a pre-alpha state that new hardware technologies have emerged during development. The game is last gen software written for last gen hardware. It has already lost ground against other games.
It's just a game. It's not groundbreaking. There will be newer and better games to emerge. It makes absolutely no sense at all to keep giving those scammers any money.
The game has been a joke for so long that proclaiming it to be "released" wouldn't change anything. People would laugh and forget about it in a week.
getting wet and squirting are two different fluids user. Perhaps brush up on your sex ed sometime
>Taking down Cloud Imperium would require "insert illegal activity here"
Ok dude lol
user asked, I'm just giving him a realistic answer.
Underrated, 10/10 post
Because that would require making a game on par with other released space sims like Elite Dangerous and admitting it's not a scam.
this is the biggest scam in human history
Basically, yes. I was trying to imply it without saying it.