Post your unpopular opinion about Elden Ring
Post your unpopular opinion about Elden Ring
i won't buy it until its 20 dollars or less
OP didn't beat the game and copes with these threads.
should've took place in Sunbury, Pennsylvania
unironically the most fun i've had with a video game in like 10 years
Everyone should be able to summon their horse if the area allows it normally.
Same, specially when I need mods to fix most of the shit in that game.
Being too easy ruined it the most. Very poor balancing is second on the list.
It's pretty good
I enjoyed it
I'm kinda tired of bitching about that game, a summary is second half is doodoo and combat feels old and boring, reddit community ruining messages.
They should've just made the Sekiro sequel they baited, too bad Miyazaki hates them.
I never got the appeal of this series and don't think it's a modern classic or masterpiece. The only thing the game had going for it was shock value, art and gore.
Everyone claims that Marika is some god-tier villain and mastermind, but she only got as far as she did because everyone else was too dumb, weak or apathetic to stop her plans.
It was the first game I played in a long time where I didn't like any of the characters.
The most forgetable, least kino souls game.
it's good
It feels like you're either playing the best fromsoft game ever made or the worst depending on what area you're in. Quality throughout the game feels inconsistent as hell.
They should have deleted pvp
other than foreskin duo the final quarter or so of the game has the best bosses
Dark Souls 4 with a pretty canvas painted over it. I won't deny that the art direction and aesthetic is nothing short of stunning, but combat feels too similar and repetitive to the previous games despite guard counters and a jump button (lol) being added to the game. I was hoping for something completely different; particularly I would have liked to see the ash summon mechanic fleshed out a lot more.
Overall it's not really a bad game per se, but it made me realize just how bored Ive gotten with the Souls formula as a whole.
unpopular here? I unironically enjoyed it and think that even with all it's problems it's definitely the best thing to come out in the past few years
Why is the art direction or aesthetic stunning? Bunch of disconnected areas, washed out flat colors. Ugly as shit to look at
delete invasions
the game has so much content that you end up being overleveled by accident
Honestly the best game I've ever played. Not really an unpopular opinion outside of Yea Forums though.
The game peaks too fast, the first 2 real big dungeons are the better ones of the whole game
I thought it was cool. The first entrance into Liurnia of the Lakes as well as Leyndell, Royal Capital are some of my favorite "area reveals" in all of gaming. I didn't feel disconnected at all. Shame about the fashion choices, though.
Sorry you don't agree but aesthetic appeal is pretty subjective
idk. most of my complaints are common sense shit like how the game is stingy about upgrade materials. i don't have any particular hot takes. unless "believing weapon arts should only be a two handed thing so i can parry bare handed like you could in the older games" is one. because i hated needing to have a dagger or shield for that in ds3 and i hate it now.
Reduce damage, all of it.
Its bad because it is open world
Not enough black, hispanic and Jewish representation.
It's unironically a masterpiece.
>every character has the same fucking name
>impossible to piece together the lore since the world is so fucking big and spread out
>what you do piece together is fucking retarded and overly complicated
>all npc questlines go absolutely nowhere
>still feels unfinished even though the game drags on for far too long
>hardly any good armor sets
>only 2-3 memorable boss fights
>shitty non existant music
I blame all of this on that fat diabetic fuck. He has the opposite of the midas touch. Everything he gets his fat american sausage fingers on turns to flyover shit. Still all minor gripes for a 8/10 game that could have been goty of the year every year.
Not a single one of these opinions is
a) your own
b) unpopular
Best game since Sekiro. AAA western cuck devs in full cope mode, they know they lack the talent to make anything as good or better.
I dont know who the fuck you think you are but dont ever quote me again
What pasta is this based off again?
Literally the easiest SoulsBorne game out there because you have summons for every fight.
I hate how the balance is dogshit in it and because the devs jerk themselves off on difficulty, if you are playing blind, you have no way of knowing if your build is just dogshit or not because if you are like me, you just assume that the game is SUPPOSED to be that hard and your weapons are SUPPOSED to be weak as fuck despite being upgraded to max, when in reality, you built a subpar build without knowing its subpar and are having a hard time because the balance is shit.
I love Souls games, but even that is not enough for me to be able to enjoy the absolute gimmick that is Open World. I'd rather play DS2 for the 10th time than play Elden Ring for a second time.
It's not fun. The gameplay's stale. The story, such as it is, shit. At times I almost feel like there's been a massive troll job, and it's an overhyped piece of crap for pure keks.
user the game is made around having summons.
I think the end game is perfectly balanced, and I thought Elden Beast was relatively easy for a FromSoft boss.
Open world was a mistake.
Which makes it incredibly easy if you choose non-retarded ash summons.
>Mimic Tear
>Putrid Corpses
>Little shield guys
Upgrades those, and its easy mode. Bonus points if you get to have an NPC summon for the fight as well.
The only difficult thing about Elden Beast is trying to not get bored running after it every 20 seconds.
The artstyle is trash, and the realm to work with when it comes to visual customization is terrible. I get it vistas are buetiful, fog effect with creapy creature really crafts an aesthetic. But understanding how the castles look from a birdeye veiw and exploring them by rubbing your face in everything makes them all feel small as hell, even with all the vertically they tried to bring in. Hundreds of man hours to make fucking rocks, bricks and grass with the only worthwhile notes are willingly framed in small specific bites. Armor sets are a huge collection or recycled ideas and idiocy.
>rehash enemies with different hats and colours so their stats match different areas
>also places around repeat enemies with stronger stats without visual differences
>fucking donkey
>map purposefully made useless to emphasis scale
Fire Giant and Elden Beast are both incredible boss fights.
Maliketh is a garbage boss and the ultimate combination of what makes fromsoft bosses annoying and unfun
>long combos
>most of the time spent in air
>ends said combos with a life draining aoe and then immediately goes back in the air
>needs a special item to parry him but it barely helps
>whole second half of the fight is getting one hit in and then waiting 20 minutes for the next one
you'd have a point if he didn't have very low HP for the part of the game he's in
Are those even useful? When I chose to use ashes it was always memeshit like the frostbite archers (same enemies as shield guys) or the mausoleum ganksquad.
The corpses are tanky as fuck, they just need to be upgraded.
Fire Giant isn't a problem if you don't summon, because then you can ride Torrent.
Elden Beast feels like it is missing Torrent from the fight.
It made me appreciate Dark Souls II more. Not a single boss in Elden Ring is anywhere near as good as Ruin Sentinels.
The gameplay is pretty stale. A level 1 Sword and Board plays exactly like a Level 200 Sword and Board
It's more fun to rush to late game areas and grab somber stones to pump up a weapon of your choice and curbstomp the rest of the game than it is to play naturally
Everyone with a pulse beat this game dont kid yourself
>A level 1 Sword and Board plays exactly like a Level 200 Sword and Board
Well yeah? That's like the most vanilla of vanilla builds but you can still at least change the shield to have No L2 ability and use the weapon art of the right hand weapon.
This is a DLC hope for me, I quite like fighting mounted enemies, and even just an NPC invasion would be fun.
I think I'm over Miyazaki's dead world design
Elden Ring is a perfect example of quantity over quality.
it's really just another shitty overrated jrpg
>bad art and character design, outdated graphics
>gibberish writing and non-story
>bad voice acting
3-4/10 at best. Came in expecting decent amounts of visual storytelling, sprinkles of roleplay, and an interactive overworld. I cant think of a game in recent memory more of a let down, mostly because of how much hype there was for it. its an insult to call it an RPG and the open world is just an empty husk to find more enemies or inventory clutter. any interesting items are just modifiers to combat. Basically every facet of the game was neglected in favor of combat and the combat was frustrating with very little satisfaction.
>inb4 fishing minigame meme
Literally any overworld interaction to break up the monotony of horse > combat > horse > combat would have been a massive improvement.
came in expecting RPG adventure game with entertaining combat, didnt get it.
I never want to play it.
I used S&B as an example. but that applies to all weapons. AoW are more disconnected from the core gameplay than spells and don't really add much to the gameplay imo
I thought ranni was an immensly boring and unlikeable character i dont get why people simp for her. And i want blaidd to be my werewolf boyfriend
I got it for free
Elden Ring is boring. The world is so bland. The characters are bland. The story/lore is boring. The gameplay is a downgrade from Sekiro and even Bloodborne. The open world meme is even worse in a Souls Like game.
It's genuinely far, far too easy, even at the end of the game. Malenia's waterfowl attack was just the right level of difficult that should have been implemented across the whole game. Sekiro got the difficulty just right.
This is the most disappointing aspect to me. I was expecting an actual RPG world of some kind but the sorcerers in Raya Lucaria, the wandering nobles, the soldiers of all the demigods, they may as well just be fucking hollows because they shuffle towards you to kill you on sight like any other souls game. Why have all this hype and get GRRM onboard if you aren't actually going to try something different beyond the open world?
The open world adds very little. Most areas are forgettable.
It feels like they could have taken whT they already have as a starting point, changed absolutely nothing, but then added a ton more interactivity, environmental storytelling, weapon arts upgrades, quest routes, etc. and it would have been the best game of the past 20 years. But this would have taken at least 2-3 more years of development.
Managing the optimal equipment load out, war of ashes, potion allocation, fucking tailsmens, and dozens of all the bell and whistles makes me feel like I'm at an accounting job not a game.
If most of your players have to fucking google/youtube every little fucking thing you have a shittily designed game.
I haven't seen anyone praise Marika as a villain. Most people who played Elden Ring don't care about the lore at all
It's weird seeing a Yea Forums thread about Elden Ring being more reasonable than the Elden Ring general over at /vg/. Or maybe it isn't, I don't know.
Games with super cryptic, obscure quests and ridiculously hard to find secrets can work perfectly well in a game, but ONLY if the players are certain (like 99.9%) that whatever they're encountering is an intended feature, not a bug.
In other words, when a quest NPC is missing, the player should not have to guess whether it's intended for him/her to be missing or a bug. If there's even the slightest chance that it's a bug, then the fun of spending time finding it is all gone. There has to be that trust with the developer that the path you're being led down is intentional. Otherwise it's a fucking waste of time. Unfortunately Elden Ring had a lot of bugs like this. Hope what I'm saying is clear.