ITT: Statements that make you angry

ITT: Statements that make you angry

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>ITT: Statements that are true
fixed that for you

4 niggas in a row and J"RPG"s suck. Not turn based itself.

XV is bad. VIIR is bad. Sakura Wars PS4 is worse than the originals. Valkyrie Profile PS5 is worse than the originals. Action isn't automatically better than turn based. In fact, KH2FM is the only truly good ARPG from Japan. Turn based and more experimental systems tend to be better.

these ones


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What sucks is stagnant turn based systems like pokemon that have kiddie pool depth
A turn based system needs to atleast have as much complexity as chess to justify the game
Failing that, it at least needs variety in player options to present multiple avenues of playing the game

its called turn BASED for a reason, zoomer faggot

Have you tried accessing smogon?

>turn based is outdated
>pixel or 2d graphics are outdated
>open worlds are good
>games aren't about stories
>games are only about stories
>remakes are awesome

>t. has never played a roguelike with their distinct style of turnbased

>KH2FM is the only truly good ARPG from Japan
Dragon's Dogma and Bloodborne also have great combat.

>replayability is tied to loot/types of weapons the game has
Absolutely not
If a game is good you'll play it again
Simple as

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This is true, but only applicable to menu turn based, the most braindead genre in existence. Tactical turn based > Strategy Turn Based >>>>>>>>>> Menu Turn Based.

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Spoken like a 'tard who's never tried the online battle. Just because the base game is easy as fuck doesn't mean it's shallow. Pokémon has far more complex combat system, blowing DQ, SMT, and Persona games out of the water.

>retards still getting filtered by turn BASED combat

Attached: eo turn BASED.webm (256x192, 2.55M)

But it's true so why does that make you mad?

>XV is bad
No it isn't.
>VIIR is bad
Literally the best FF game in years with the best combat in the whole series.

People who hate turn-based combat are borderline retarded children with no attention span. No need to get mad at them really.

>competitive pokemon

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>>XV is bad
>No it isn't.

the gameplay alone of FFXV is bad

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How can you fix turn based?
In most turn based game, you ended up using attack most of the time, and status magics are either completely rubbish or too OP.

Still using the same old webm huh?

Looks like someone's never played SaGa Scarlet Grace.

>Still using the same old webm huh?

ironic because the trolls that defend XV use the same webms to falsely claim that it's casual as fuck gameplay is good.

What kind of gay ass games do you play? In most jrpgs I play you have tons of worthwhile stuff you can do. Even in DQ11 which is in the OP buffs and statuses are great and pretty much required to use effectively with Stronger Monsters turned on.

uh huh

>monster literally just 1 shots all your party members with zero interaction
yeah, sucks.

imagine having such awful taste

unironically get good

D&D FFT Baldurs Civ4,5 AdvWars BFwesnoth EndlessLegend all good turn based combat games. OFC you poison the well by posting games that havent evolved or experimented with the formula for decades like dragon quest or pokemon, so im assuming you havent played any of these.

Press turn is fun

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What a retarded shit
Whole jrpg was just mistake

A game being longer doesn't make it better. JRPG's have gotten away with padding their games with mindless grinding for way too long.

>Pokémon has far more complex combat system
Having to sift and filter out 95% of the game's mechanics due to them being objectively shit competitively doesnt make it complex.

It does not, JRPGs suck balls. Final Fantasy popularized it and ruined many Japanese games for years that could of been actual gameplay games instead of story/movie games.

>How can you fix turn based?
by making it into rtwp

it's true in the case of JRPG combat

Pokemon games have depth to the point that some people will autistically spend 1000 hours trying to perfectly breed the stats on an individual pokemon. The issue is that the games are designed for kids and these same people will throw a hissyfit calling the games not hard enough.

It would be like grown men watching Paw Patrol and complaining about the depth of the plot.

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The depth in the combat is not the IV breeding though

Try watching a pokemon showdown highlights video on youtube

"Pokemon was a part of my childhood"
Bitch, does it look like I care if the shit game was important to use as a 5 year old? Doesn't change the fact pokemon is such a shit series.

So which e-celeb made a video this time?
Whenever you see many threads on the same subject you know that the lemmings just saw something popular that tells them what to think.

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most likely some fat nigger that doesn't play video games so it's time to have bot spam faggotry

Turnbased? More like turnCRINGE. Fuck that slow ass grindFest and load screens. Watching retards stand there on both side until their turn come.

shitting on jrpgs is a long time standard Yea Forums-core thread

"falcom is a shit company that makes boring games"

Have you tried putting your balls in a vice?

Turn based is lazy and done by devs so they don't need to think about combat. Zero skill. The highest display of skill is real time multiplayer anyway... but multiplayer makes Yea Forumstards shit and piss their pants since they can't even mic up lmao

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Open world bad

I hate some things that are staples about JRPGs and its that most encounters aren't designed to be engaging, they're designed to deplete your resources before you fight the boss at the end of a dungeon and only during those handfuls of boss fights you can actually FINALLY engage with the games combat. This means this 40~ hour long game only really has 15~ real fights over the course of it, including side content.
Also, I hate mana in JRPGs for the most part because it also becomes another resource managing thing, but this time its having a character in your party thats fucking useless for most encounters besides boss fights because you have to save all your mana for the boss and JRPGs treat mana as a way more precious resource and the items to recover it are way rarer or way more expensive. If I ever use a mage in a normal encounter in a JRPG its always using the shittiest versions of spells because they're the cheapest.
JRPGs need more things to make their combat engaging like Shadow Hearts judgement ring or something like Radiant Historia.

>>The highest display of skill is real time multiplayer anyway
*throws a tantrum at skill-based matchmaking*
*cheats some more*
"yup it's pro skill hardcore gamer time"

>le turn based is bad
yet DQXI is the best JRPG to release in the last decade while every other series chases the action shitter crowd and are failing such as FF.

Turn based combat gets a bad rep from JRPGs where 3 niggers stand in a line and smack an hp sponge to death, and this is done hundreds of times over the course of a single run.

>call of duty
>I don't care about there being no factions. These stupid cosmetics don't matter and don't effect gameplay. In exchange we get free content!
they just don't understand.

fpbp, RPGs are boring as fuck

You suck dick with that mouth

But seriously, it's the lack of depth and not the fact that is turn based.

>tlaou, god of war and uncharted are the best games or whatever exclusive

everyone fucking movie, everyone fucking shit, tlaou is literal a quick time event machine but without the button in the showing in the screen.

RTS and turnbased died because zoomers lack attention spans

>turn based was because of hardware limitations

But it's true?

those games all have more gameplay to cutscene than pretty much every jrpg. The only difference is that the production quality is actually a thing hence they look like "movies" instead of jrpg cutscenes: single digit polygon anime figures standing still and expressionless while you're reading textboxes in which characters appear one by one.

Bug fables hard mode kinda does what you talk about where theres lot of special encounters or your first time in an area involves a really hard fight with generic enemies that become more managable as you progress. Early game is a bit of a resource attrition simulator though.

I'm only upset because it says base and not based.

You're just picking bad games. They'd be even worse with turn based combat. Turn based combat is only good in card games and roguelikes.
