I don't get it
I don't get it
american dream not real
eastern Europeans are douchebags
the us is just another crime infested shithole with a corrupt government
shitty unfunny story because werent able to intlude the rest of Liberty state that was originally planned for it, so it became glorified III, nixing every aspect that San Andreas had
The game is shit
>entire map is all just one giant city with little variety outside of skyscrapers and apartment blocks, so driving gets boring quick
>police are completely braindead and worthless
>everything is brown, gray, and gritty
>MC is a spineless pushover cuck
>almost every character is unlikable
>extremely, extremely repetitive mission structure
>every single mission devolves into drive here, mow down a ton of people
>later missions rarely even involve NPCs in the car and at a certain point, every mission is just an all-out firefight; the game is scared to let you have just one mission that doesn't involve mindlessly mowing down mobs of goons
>no checkpoints so must restart from beginning if you die or step one toe out of line
>gunplay is absolute garbage. With controller, cursor moves very fast vertically/horizontally, but at any angle at all it moves very slow, which leads to very janky aiming. There is a regular zoom-in when free aiming, but lock-on inexplicably zooms the camera in way more, but yet is completely worthless since enemies just stay behind cover. Even when an enemy is right on top of you, half the time, the lock-on will twist you to an enemy fifty feet away instead of the enemy right on top of you. Free aiming and just popping headshots completely trivializes the combat.
>movement feels extremely slow and clunky
>every car from sports car to an armored truck drives like a damn barge, and yet will flip on a dime to even something like a cyclist
>have to restock health and buy armor between every mission by the halfway point because every mission becomes a massive gunfight
>NPC companions rush in like retards and can die, forcing you to just run head-first into a huge mob of enemies
>frequently enemies you are chasing will have plot armor where you are meant to just go on some scripted bullshit chase before you can actually kill them, and there is no way to tell they have plot armor besides just shooting them a ton and they never die.
not reading that but i agree its shit
Peak of the series
They fucking ruined it
It's le gritty and REAL and all your bosses die or get shipped to prison and you assassinate, steal cars and stalk for 40 hours. no variety, shitty easy races.
Great Recession kino.
No other game captures the vibe of the late 2000s as much as this one.
they're using dumbphones. he's kinda fresh off the war. it's set in early 2ks.
Luis has a smartphone?
Half the people at the time didn't get it either. You either get it or you don't. Personally, I get it and it's one of my favorite games of all time.
>t. gets it
it was fun online if hackers decided to do fun stuff with people who weren't hacking. Like driving around on a lamppost. Or invincible firetrucks. in Online. The bad part was if there was a hacker with lagswitch it would crash the server
So I got GTA 5 and I have to ask has anyone else had issues with the controls or is it just me?
still better than 5
I remember watching pretty much everyone getting filtered hard by this in high school.
If can't get it, probably don't have a good eye. This is one of those games that you realize is oozing heart and soul once you get it.
Smartphones weren't widespread till 2010+
Its outright stated it takes place in '08 and references a ton of American late 00s culture
I didn't get my first smartphone until early 2010, and even that had a flip-out keyboard.
Not him but while IV is set in 2008, the game definitely had the mid-2000s in mind on account of the post 9/11 paranoid.
I got the stupid duffle bag somewhere and played through at least 10 times DLC's included it's a modern classic :)
>filtered by one of the most popular and mainstream and simplistic games in existence
uh huh buddy
Well that there is Grand Theft Auto 4. It's part of the Grand Theft Auto franchise but interestingly enough it's not the fourth game in the series.
>MC is a spineless pushover cuck
The terrorism paranoia was prevalent through the entirety of that decade big fella
kino as fuck, don't play it as fucking gta v user, is a more refined gameplay experience.
I don't know man, it felt like shit was about to be different around 2008, but maybe that was just me.
ur mum is a simplistic vegetable for rape
I installed a mod which makes it so Niko stumbles when shot like NPCs do. Game is perfect now.
lol, it was the most normie of normie games and every journalist gave it a 10/10
kek, critics back then gave 10 to everything with minimal hype, the difference with gta iv is that has aged like a fine wine, the story was way ahead of its time, the graphics were amazing and the physics were revolutionary.
Normies BOUGHT it but a lot ended up hating it because of the change in tone.
San Andreas and Vice City were the normie games. IV was a rug pull. You went from scarface and boyz in da hood to this Eastern European thing that had no mainstream appeal whatsoever. Nobody even knew what country Niko was supposed to be from. Total whiplash.
>>every car from sports car to an armored truck drives like a damn barge, and yet will flip on a dime to even something like a cyclist
there's no bikes in GTA4 so I can tell all you've said are LIES you NIGGER
i miss the online bros...
Honestly the rug pull is what makes it so unique. Just like GTA VC and SA before it, Rockstar managed to find a niche unlike any other by introducing so many people to the game's Eastern European immigrant theme which kept it very unique. Meanwhile its rival Saints Row lost its soul when they attempted to satirize it.
Though Red Dead 2 saw the return of the soulful storytelling we had in IV, the aesthetic and framework for it was way more normie-friendly - Westerns. In IV, Niko was ugly, Roman was a fat retard, all of niko’s friends were very flawed human beings, the city was depressing and the villain was a rat and a coward. What rockstar forgot was that their products were bought by a lot of teenagers who didn’t appreciate any of it, but those teenagers eventually realised “serious storytelling” worked thanks to TLOU (barf).
>nixing every aspect that San Andreas had
And that's a good thing. You want to play fitness minigames and dress up go download a Barbie flash game faggot
>but those teenagers eventually realised “serious storytelling” worked thanks to TLOU (barf).
Don't you mean Red Dead Redemption? Which came out two years after IV and was a spiritual successor of the storytelling of IV?
>MC is a spineless pushover cuck
>literally takes down everyone who ever wronged him in the game and defended his own brother from being a spineless pushover
Same, I’ve played through it like 7 times (and god knows how many hours in multiplayer) and it just clicks with me more than San Andreas and V ever could.
Wish we could get games with as good of writing and characters as this one.
>replay gay tony
>play the drug dealing missions with luis' friends
>he hangs out with them for old times' sake
>always stuck in the same old conversation topics, remembering better times, nothing new ever happens between them
>his friends are still stuck in the same old habits, stuck in life, low key resenting him for eventually making it
>but their relationship never gets too deep, more like long term acquaintances
I hate but really appreciate that this reflects perfectly the relationship I have now with the school friends I'd play this back in the day, vidya writing at its best, so simple yet effective
Red Dead’s final third was marvellous, but the rest of the game played it much safer. It wasn’t a big enough event, either, to really make people go “gaming storytelling has been changed by this”, though. TLOU is unfortunately what did that. RDR2 was so celebrated and embraced because a lot of millennials were finally conditioned by marketing to enjoy the kind of thing rockstar had been doing for a whole generation. GTAV was a hilariously mis-timed release. If rockstar had stuck with its true ambition when writing that, whatever they would’ve done would have been embraced, as millennials were “mature” enough by then.
>tfw remember getting my first iphone in 2009 and being amazed that I could post here on the go
>tfw everyone I knew was blown away by how futuristic it looked
I miss the simplicity man, almost kind of wish they never took off because of how much they fucked up our heads.
rdr2 is written like a marvel movie. the writing was shit. would not compare it to IV or tlou
>It wasn’t a big enough event, either, to really make people go “gaming storytelling has been changed by this”, though.
I don't know user, RDR1 was critically acclaimed even by normies when it came out.
>RDR1 was critically acclaimed even by normies when it came out.
bitch what
>and it just clicks with me more than San Andreas and V ever could.
I know what you mean, IV paces itself so well in comparison to SA or V where they jump from crazy mission to mission that it gives whiplash. One minute you're a gangbanger, the next your racing in the mountains, then you're freeing immigrants from a tanker.
>zoomers unironically believe that games like GTA IV and Fallout 3, which were normiecore that sold tens of millions and critics favorites are underrated hidden gems because Yea Forums didnt unanimously like them
You don't get it user, Rockstar made westerns cool again thanks to RDR.
this user aren't wrong. It's a heavily flawed game compare to V.
Nevertheless I still love it. The gunplay is fun. It offers more dark and serious tone/story compare to the rest of the franchise. I don't know why people hate the driving system in that game. I like how there are actual weights on cars when driving but okay the bikes do suck, I have to admit that.
V is by far more superior than IV. but I still would prefer IV.
The same people who played IV are the same people who started with GTA 1 you stupid tranny.
no one said that.
GTA IV is UNDERRATED compare to the rest of the franchise.
I loved those plus his deeper conversations with Tony, hell Tony’s probably the best written gay dude in vidya.
I love seeing Luis push to get him out of his bad habits and back to being the strong willed nightclub master he once was.
I’m 30 and even back then I remember SAfags crying about missing stuff like bicycles and other shit.
Who cares? III is the only good one
honestly I was pretty cool seeing someone with an iphone, most still had shitty razors or the ones with a slide out keypad, seeing something fully touch screen was honestly super cool
Even less people get V.