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this map sucks
especially running between each area on foot

I'm watching a fucking 6 hour yt vid about the entirety of zombies. The guy is boring and his cadence and writing sucks but I can't stop watching

Die Rise > Transit > Call of the Dead 2.0 > Buried
My favorites maps that you play as the Victus crew on. I fucking loooooooooove Die Rise like no tomorrow. Too bad most players are absolutely shit and hate maps that are even slightly challenging.

>Bus privileges are FUCKING revoked!
For how lacklustre the Victis storyline was, perhaps sans Buried, it spawned 10 times the theories as the O4's saga. What is the Flesh? How does the world come back from this? What happens when all the pylons are lit? Where is Bus Route B?
Good times.

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die rise with PHD flopper would have been way more fun, they could have at least made it an EE reward if it was too powerful

>you will never make bus route b theories again

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>Spawns on round 4

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these are my favorite boss zombie, I like how the map punishes you for having zombies infected by the spores and they are weak enough to be handleable

Mob of the dead was my favourite from BO2 for the simple fact the whole easter egg could be done solo. Felt good to join a bunch of randoms and "win" the map and end it.

Zetsubou > Der eisendrache > Origins > Alpha Omega > Botd > Tag der toten > Gorod Krovi > Call of the dead > Shadows of evil > Classified > Die Rise > Moon > Shangri-La > Der Riese + the giant > Buried > MotD > Ascension > 5 > Transhit > Kino > Verrückt > Shi no Numa > Natch > Revelations > Nuketown

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remember when tranzit was like the most mysterious map and some dev said there was way more to be found on the map beyond the easter egg?

>Zombies threads are now relegated to retarded youngsters who liked the plot after BO1
What a shame.

>origins and de in your top 3
Look, I understand that these maps were cool on launch, but can you really say they're top 3 material after 7+ years now? These maps reward bad players for doing menial tasks. Surely you've improved enough by now to see how much of an overall detriment these maps had to zombies as a whole user

I honestly prefer that kind of style in map design, the never ending tasks to be done entertain me like no other maps do, that's why I like playing zetsubou, because I'm retarded

For me it's der riese

Tranzit is the best map, no pretendo64 anymore

>zombie shit
gay and you're all fags for playing this garbage
doubly so because it's call of fucking duty

Cant hear you over the sounds of me having fun, what was the last time you had fun?

>kino THAT low
Not very kino of you, user.....

thats the columbus, but without the cum

sorry user but pre-BO4 zombies was kino

You're a fucking brainless cunt. Don't reward that garbage just because you want some background noise.

>What is the Flesh? How does the world come back from this? What happens when all the pylons are lit? Where is Bus Route B?
I've got about 200 hours in BO2 zombies and never heard of any of this.

there was though. There's fucking heaps to do on that map. I've literally never done the EE and still play tranzit once or twice a week.

Thank you. Feels like I'm the only one around anymore that understands why zombies is so shit now.

last night while playing my based boomer games

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I understand that a task based system is more up your alley, but there was a time where maps featured almost no tasks altogether yet the community would play non stop simply because the game was fun on its own. Innovation was in the form of map design, not as something that would actively make the core gameplay harder to achieve like generators or afterlife for power.
Mob was the start of all this with its pap system. Buried was a good compromise, the only required action was opening jug which could be done within the first minute of gameplay. And Origins sealed zombies' fate forever
The sad part is that all these quests could have been strictly tied to the easter egg and nobody would have had an issue with it, but instead the core audience at the time was slowly being replaced with people who only cared for superficial aspects like story or easter eggs. Take a look at how shadows was received on launch compared to today. The difference is not in the map, but in who was present at the time
I'm not trying to be mean here but people like you aren't zombies fans, you're a completionist who uses this game as a medium. The people who honestly enjoyed the mechanics of the game have been cast out and forgotten, and this lack of understanding on the devs' part is exactly why zombies will never reach its peak again and why we'll continue seeing shit like bo4 and vanguard

I enjoy hearing about the different Easter eggs and the story. I missed out on that way back when.
>You're a fucking brainless cunt
Fair enough man

Kill yourself. It's not hard at all. You can kill the denizens in one hit if you melee them before they land on you.

it was a cool idea on paper but resources were spread so retardedly thin across all the bus stops that there was almost no good place to try and hold down

>resources were spread so retardedly thin across all the bus stops
the fog and lava was never the issue. the map should have had at least twice the amount of wall buys, three perk machines at each location minimum, a wonderweapon that could kill more than 3 at a time, and a 2 minute bleedout timer

The zombies had stopped being a threat entirely by BO3. I played through that and finished the easter eggs, then went back to BO2 to have fun. I blame the zombies YouTubers. All the popular ones only got popular around the end of BO2. They only care about easter eggs and records, and they passed that shit on to their dumb zoomer fans. The devs saw this burst of popularity and thought correlation = causation and wrongfully assumed it was because of Origins and made EVERY SINGLE MAP AFTER IT follow that exact same boring procedure.

Don't agree with the perk machines, but the rest of that would've made the map great.

Some of the easter eggs on some maps were just absolutely ridiculous.
Step 215543 or 49991: If you shoot this thing 10 miles outside the map with a certain weapon you will spawn 15 bananas you must find in the map

Which cod game should I get on steam for zombies
Thinkin black ops 1 cus kino is based as fuck

I didn't really like any of the zombies maps after transit. They all got way too dependent on easter egg hunting.

So don't do them. They're not mandatory, and retards that think they are is why you can never find a game with players beyond BO2.

I used to bust nuts every day to the girl from that map.

I think blood is the one with like 7 maps so I'd get that one

I also blame the youtubers. I don't think they knew the influence they had at the time, but its been 9 years, it's unreasonable to assume they still don't know
Every original map in bo3 has a craftable shield, the same 9 perks, at least two (2) convoluted setup steps whether it be in the wonder weapon, pack a punch, power, or specialist, an overpowered wonderweapon/specialist which is used primarily for camping in conjunction with gumballs, and annoying ass """popcorn""" enemies which serve no other purpose than to grab a players attention and artificially increase the intensity of the gameplay
They are mandatory when they include crafting the wonderweapon. "then don't do it" is a terrible argument. What are you going to do? Play a map without a wonderweapon? Fuck no, the wonderweapon is pretty much half the map


Objectively best zombie maps until bo3 since everything after that is shit
And some honorable mentions because these are gangster too
>call of the dead
>der riese
>the one map where they introduce widows wine

Probably blops 3 if you get all the maps since it has a bunch of them plus with mods you get tons of options for fanmade maps or remakes of older maps.

making the maps beatable instead of just purely wave survival was good
some of the EE steps are beyond fucking obscure though

I forget what it was but it was a Japanese WW2 map or something and the easter egg had you not only get some Bow weapon but shoot some object way out of the game bounds. So stupid

I don't know how you can put mob in the objectively best tier when it suffers from the same issues present in bo3. I will agree it's to a lesser extent but is it really still top tier at that point?
Get black ops 1. You have kino and five which are two very different maps. You also have the option for the resurrection dlc which includes all the waw maps and moon bumping you up to 7 total
I'd avoid bo3 because it only has 1 map on disc and a clunky movement system. Zombie chronicles is a decent deal but you'll be playing it on an inferior engine where the game is more stressful and less replayable
If you want modded maps, got for waw as its only 20 on steam and includes all the dlc. Plus you'll have plutonium support. waw has some really good custom maps so you won't be missing out
I'd also avoid bo2 because it only has tranzit and its subsections available on disc. Tranzit is a bit lackluster and so are the survival maps but they can still be fun. The dlc maps are 15 a piece and are more on the experimental side

blops1 is for nostalgia
blops 3 is for more fluid movement and includes all blops1 maps minus five and gives you origins

name the worst EE step you can think of
can be from any map or game

Zombies ended with Moon.

I hated any step that involved the robots in Origins. Especially the later ones that had very specific timings and made you have to train forever to wait for it.

its definitely not the worst per say but watching a kid do the simon says step on moon to launch the rockets for like 30 minutes as he fails nonstop was brain melting

>fluid movement
>sprinting is replaced with slide jumping
>landing without sliding halts your momentum for a good half second
>no strafe jumping

>relegating blops 1 to just nostalgia

I tried watching it. Just the absolute worst.

Start filling in your rounds

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Moon EE was hard as fuck solo


Yeah he's pretty annoying. Is there another one with a better guy? I'm interested in the content just not the tuber

I can't remember many EEs that were doable solo and weren't hard as fuck.

feeding dogs or dragons
not only are they required for a wonderweapon, they also actively discourage you from killing zombies. they make you wait in between kills for their shitty animation to finish. it's the worst when you're starting a new game and you're forced to sit around and do nothing. i'd rather it be kill 20 zombies and have them be satisfied instantly rather than the shit we got

I've gotten into at least the 40s for every single map there is solo and with a friend. The game stops it's difficulty not far in and just becomes tedious. The only exception imo would be Die Rise, Ascension, and maybe Moon if you are trying to prevent the excavator from molesting the tunnels. The prior two was only mentioned because their dog rounds were genuinely a detriment to deal with. Losing jugg mid round is fucking painful to deal with when it comes to the thieving little monkeys.

is it the lore one or the map retrospective one?

The difficulty is in the consistency. In solo round 40 is only 110 hoard ups compared to the 1320 needed for 100. You also only get 4 downs. It's almost therapeutic once you get into a rhythm

Transit is complete fucking garbage and only faggots think otherwise.
>dude let's put fire fucking everywhere! That'll add difficulty!

It seems like everyone else has gotten zombies recommendations on youtube too. Still not buying them, though. Have only played bo1 and bo3 on playstation.

See I don't disagree that tranzit isn't that good of a map but there are redeeming qualities to it especially if you're playing with friends or people that like to stick together

I find Transit unique and fun to explore. Since the game lacks any kind of fucking threat I enjoy map hazards like slowing harmful lava and the little cum goblins. The only fault the map has in my opinion is just how fucking hard it is to save someone cross map. Although i typically go jugg into stamina up so maybe the movement issue in the game isn't really that big of a deal to me. Especially with the silly jet engine gun you can use to just skitter over the lava.