The user has fallen in love with a video game character!

The user has fallen in love with a video game character!

Attached: farq.jpg (480x256, 34.92K)


Yes. I love Ranni

Attached: ranni141.jpg (1280x720, 124.25K)

3d women cant love

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Attached: laugh.jpg (1000x553, 62.5K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: ff10fa7493d0309c4cc5f106396fe87d.jpg (832x1212, 220.63K)

For me it was Neeshka, and the chick from Knights of the Old Republic.

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 98.51K)

Neither can 2D woman for that matter

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I love my wife Bernie!

Attached: Bernie(739).png (1417x2098, 1.53M)

Attached: 26104789-Closeup-portrait-of-happy-excited-successful-business-man-in-love-with-money-funny-looking-guy-holdi-Stock-Photo.jpg (1300x1034, 103.76K)

they can love much more than any 3d woman

Attached: mia105.jpg (723x600, 87.33K)

Based pipechad

its more like a lust. Like their bust lust

Sure, but unlike 3DPD they are pretty to look at and don't waste your money (unless you are a braindead gacha addict).

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The difference is 3D women will try to convince you otherwise.

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I love Shadow so much! I want to care for him and be his loving spouse.
Nuh uh.

Attached: shadow_0009.jpg (1256x1027, 99.89K)

Yes, with my wife Iroha!

Attached: iroha_greeting.webm (940x600, 2.51M)


Attached: acute.webm (960x540, 2.33M)

But Ashley was equipped with big ballistics and Wii Fit trainer bends over a lot and she is always wearing the yoga pants. STOP LAUGHING AT ME!

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yes, I love Laetitia!

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I love 98.6

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Hope all of you did something nice for your mother today!

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thats pretty hot. i never knew KND would give me a gamer stick

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All three of the main girls are perfect.

Been a while since I've seen one of those threads, where does the time go?

i dont get it

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What did you say, laddie?


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I wonder who Perfect Cell's waifu is?


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I love Sanae!

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Attached: raffs.png (768x576, 598.55K)

Shadowfag actually lives in London?


Attached: DMF.png (610x300, 144.29K)

what, is he gay?

Attached: 1638850558601.jpg (750x721, 228.57K)

Found the thread

Attached: Angel Shitpost.jpg (692x692, 75.96K)


>you will never absorb your waifu, bonding you together forever, and increasing your power level in the process

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lmao dumb virgin

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