Have you ever attended a gaming event? How did it go?
Have you ever attended a gaming event? How did it go?
I went to an expo alone once. I waited in 90 minute queues to play 15 minutes of the new Assassins Creed and Tomb Raider games. It was a new low for me. Probably tolerable if you have friends or children but otherwise a waste of a day.
Went to a local fighting game event. Didn't practice so went 0-2. It was whatever. People were pretty friendly but I was just to shy.
what is the lore behind this webm?
Eh, not as bad as the chair sniff guy.
Still pretty bad though.
I don't make fun of autistic retards like webmrel, because I'm one of them. I thankfully have the self-awareness to keep my socializing to a bare minimum.
I went to a nintendo switch expo in Hollywood that came before the switch released. Was pretty fun (though the complimentary switch logo cookies tasted awful)
>Eh, not as bad as the chair sniff guy.
This has been debunked.
Fuck you talking about user?
>This has been debunked.
>t. chairsniffer
There's a zoomed out version of that webm where can clearly see that the guy isn't sniffing the chair but just reaching below his chair to grab a bottle or something.
He stuck his head on the seat.
The bottle was his cover (and a fairly bad one at that).
I know how autists think.
Found the sniffer
an experienced chairsniffer knows how to do a stealth sniff in public. but that dude wasn't stealthy at all.
I went to a con once, say some guys playing Smash on stage, then saw people talking about Mew2King in Smash at the tournament the day at the con then I spotted myself in the background. Didn't save it though.
The gaming society at my college held an event to try and get people to join.
It was a bunch of dudes playing an anime game on a bunch consoles.
I am not against Anime games but I can't even identify what this was, it was either a very niche Japanese game or some indie.
But after watching them play for a while it seemed like it was a porn game with nipples and genitals covered.
Place stank too.
Bunch of black guys who hog the common room tv and play games on consoles, it seemed like a lot fun.
Sadly they brought in friends who did not go the college and a bunch of people had their shit robbed.
From then on carrying the college id was mandatory.
This was in Ireland and those dudes were from Africa.
Many such cases
Around blacks never relax.
what the fuck is this shit
Absolutely not. Imagine the smell.
authentic chinese food
sea cucumbers im assuming
i love how GDQ has increasingly tried to minimise any exposure the outside world might have to the spergs who turn up at this thing, even when that's 90% of the entertainment.
i love how they tried to make "dancing dad" a meme while he was obviously mentall unwell and made everyone feel completely uncomfortable
garloids, if you fry them they taste like fishy bacon
>fat black nerd and fat white nerd shaking hands and probably introducing themselves?
>nothing really wrong with...
What is the reason behind this abundance of trans people at these events?
Does the switch come with a toothpick to use that tiny d-pad?
The dude in the back looks like James Holden (from the Expanse) and Sam Hyde had a baby.
Why are Asian "people" such subhumans? Not even mutts are this disgusting and barbaric
No, but I went to my first anime con at, I don't remember 17 or 18 (it was the weekend of Toonami's final broadcast). AWA specifically, as someone who always felt a bit distant in high school I thought I'd finally be in a place full of people like me that I'd get along with
I was wrong. Very wrong. I never went back. I'm autistic but fuck, I'm not -that- autistic. I was hoping to find people with an appreciation for animation and cool japanese shit and that is not what I got
Maybe I'm the one who's just super autistic and can't get along with regular autists, I don't know
>really want to put your arm around her
>you can feel her attention and interest drifting elsewhere
>your desire only increases from this
>you come up with the perfect plan
>just put your arm around her casually
>but what if she doesn't like that?
>better to make a joke about putting your arm around her, to look cool while being able to gauge her reaction noncommittally
>she doesn't even notice you anymore at this point
>"is she ignoring me", you wonder
>you realize what a pathetic kissless hugless handholdless permavirgin you are, and hope that no one noticed
such is life in a society
Being a big white guy is literally a slam dunk with black girls/mulattas. The only way this could any easier would be if he had a beard.
God autists really don't deserve to breed.
i had a similar experience when esports just started taking off and they had a starcraft 2 showmatch with some minor western pro near me at a gaming bar.
a room full of autists is one thing, but a room full of autists who are tanked on alchohol is something else. it's like a head on collision between having absolutely zero social awareness/skills while also having no boundaries. i know *autistic screeching* is just a phrase, but it literally was a whole evening of actual autistic screeching.
i thought it'd be cool to have some nerd bros who i could hang out with and play games or whatever, but i was completely wrong.
Gaming attracts social outcasts because it's a solitary activity that is intentionally designed as a surrogate activity to fill fulfillment and achievement needs without leaving your home or interacting with other people.
Gaming cons have normalized cosplay and crossplay so many trans people view it as a safe place to congregate as it involves personal hobbies many share as well as being full of other misfits so they feel less anxious and judged.
its the start button
poor guy
i would be his friend
That's actually a very reasonable explanation with some decent logic behind it, thanks
He obviously dropped the pen beforehand so he could have some plausible deniability in case he got caught. It's the oldest trick in the book.
my fucking sides
His head doesn't even get close to the chair.
post the chair sniffing guy already
>Being a big white guy is literally a slam dunk with black girls/mulattas. The only way this could any easier would be if he had a beard.
Very true.
Wait, do chinks eat garloids? Eating them is a crime around here, just like cats and dogs.
The man is not guilty. I kneel.
Do they really not realize how fucking disgusting and ridiculous they look like?
you can tell by the way he walks off that he's completely intoxicated by the aroma.
Give me ONE (1) fucking reason why we shouldn't be allowed to kill these people.
nah he 100% sniffed that chair
Yea Forums is so far gone that fags like see a fetish in everything
Wow, butchering a sea cucumber. So barbaric... So subhuman... The meat you eat probably doesn't look much prettier when its being butchered user.
it's much simpler than that. speedrunning attracts people with autism by its very nature and gaming provides escapism, and studies show that a vastly disproportianate number of trans people have autism and when you combine that with the escapist nature of gaming, tranny central is the result.
>I've only now realized the point of the webm are the background trannies
I've been transfixed by the conversation the black dude and white dude were having.
I wonder what they were talking about.
Seems like a really comfy convo.
>it was the weekend of Toonami's final broadcast
I like how you add this bit of info like its relevant to anything lmao
There's little things more satisfactory than the firmness of that handshake.
Lmfao how retarded can you possibly be?
Only a permavirgin would concoct such a plan. Chads go to events with girls they know instead of preying on the ones sitting near them.
its probably an unfeeling bundle of basic synapses, grow up, they're not torturing a cat
user, that thing is alive until the moment it's in seven separate pieces. At least the cows and such get either suffocated painlessly with CO2 baths or killed immediately with bolts to the brain
(no, muslims who drain their blood alive are even more subhuman than asians)
Why did you spend all that time describing what everyone already saw?
Requesting the webm of that one guy sniffing the chair
He's a fat white guy, not a big white guy. He's probably under 6 ft
>That fucking dab at the end
Not legal yet.
reddit-spacing is a dead giveaway that it was gonna include blogposting like anyone gives a fuck
Answer the goddamn question
>frying your garloid
what a waste of free milk
Autistic/socially awkward types can be weirdly compelling if they've learned how to cope. It's like some bizarre min maxing strategy in a game. I know a few aspies aren't exactly charismatic, but are super compelling conversationalists in part because they're often very direct about talking about what interests them.
>watch American gaming convention stream
>it looks like it's filmed in some guy's basement, old smelly couches, sickly lighting and everything
>everyone obese, pallid complexions, unkempt and wearing dirty sweatpants, many also MtF trans
>watch European gaming convention stream
>looks normal, like someone rented out a small conference room
>people are mostly skinny, everyone showered and some even dressed up a little bit
>men are heterosexuals and some even have gfs with them giving them support
I have never felt more ashamed of my country
you're supposed to go with friends
I wish I had a cute gaming/anime GF, Yea Forums.
This. I've tried to explain it basically like what you said before, but I'm not as eloquent, but yeah pretty much
The part is after the event the big tiddy girl was all cool with it
>I told you not in public!
If they all weren't so fucking fat maybe there would be something to work with there
I remember the girl tweeted out in defense of him saying he didn't do that intentionally or something
>muslims who drain their blood alive are even more subhuman than asians
I thought muslims slaughter animals by cutting their throat, which makes them blackout quickly and not feel the pain?
That's not how anyone would pick something up. Why would you stand up just to kneel then stand up again when you could've picked the thing up before you stood up in the first place?
Power of the meat indeed
I go to conventions all the time by myself. I kind of like it because there's nobody to judge you if you want to check out lewd stuff.
Went to an event for a beta mvc3 build. Totally thought they were going to put Cody in because they gave out a set of shotglasses with final fight in it. This was before the full cast was known.
EU here, I've recently been to a con (before covid) expecting fat sweaty nerds and no-life "gamers", instead I've gotten upstanding, normal people, I honestly felt like the odd one out. America has ruined the perception of cons for me
It's pretty common for "normal" girls to defend the actions of actual autistic retards out of pity.
I went to an anime convention with my GF at the time who was selling shit to losers and I looked at the whole schedule I couldn't find one thing to do.
>Proto got banned from AGDQ
>Got married to another tranny
>Has like 6 different personalities
I'd hate to be married to that and live with it on a daily basis.
If they weren't so fucking fat maybe they could've got laid in their lifetime and wouldn't be trannies in the first place
he did that on purpose
They think they're hot and they actually get sexual stimulus from dressing like that in public. It's autogynophilia, a known fetish.
I live in brazil and i've went to a event called "brasil game show" in são paulo once, it was fun, there were a lot of waiting lines for everything, but only 10-30 minutes of waiting to play some games before they are released (I played ori and the will of the wisps 1 year before it was released because of that event)
And it's fun, but of course, that was in 2018, 1 year before the world went to shit and the main gaming companies became fully pozzed.
they're unironically called penis fishes
In my experience, anime conventions are more fun if you go with another person, or a group of friends. I went by myself one time and it was alright, tried to make friends with other autistics but it was awkward walking around by myself.
I find it easier to converse and make friends at anime conventions, probably because you can connect with people who have similar interests and possibly the same personality as you.
Thinking about going to the next ESA. How does it work? Does everyone just sit in silence and stare at a screen for hours on end?
>which makes them blackout quickly and not feel the pain
Oh they blackout "quickly", but it's the worst ten seconds of their lives before they die. I'd rather slowly fall asleep over getting my fucking throat cut
>cargo pants in the backround starts tapping his hands when he sees the flock
i went to sakuracon once out of curiosity and went to the gaming room and it smelled terribly
Yes (sometimes, not often) but now we have more painless and humane ways of killing that the rest of the civilized world uses, while those retards still perform their outdated shit just because their retarded religion says so. If Christianity said anything similar, we would've changed it long ago.
t. worked in an abattoir butchering halal goats
COVID kind of ruined the convention scene, I'm hoping it'll come back to life someday. AGDQ hasn't been held in person in like 2-3 years now, it's always online, which isn't nearly as fun as having it in person.
I would think they'd eventually go back to in-person/live convention setting.
because he's a fat fuck and his gut is in his way
I legit passed out once at a convention because the air was so fucking foul. I don't get this near-religious aversion to showers; doesn't the warm water feel good on your body?
I don't fucking get it. If there were some magic potion I could drink and change sexes, sure, I'd love to give it a try and wear some cute shit to see what it's like. But going out in drag like I am now would fulfill absolutely no part of that desire, and that seems plain as fucking day to me. And this shit often happens to people who seemed normal-ish before. Is it peer pressure? Is it a lack of aesthetic taste? Is it clinical insanity? What the hell are they on? It'd be great if people could change into what they want but THE SCIENCE IS NOT FUCKING THERE YET, at least for most people.
Some (not tall) trans are autists raised in normie households where manliness is encouraged. The autist maybe has an online experience of RPing as a girl + doesn't have manly interests, coupled with an abusive parent or extreme bullying that causes deep insecurities, things get twisted and the autist think he's meant to be a she.
>1 year before the world went to shit
Oh you poor dumb little zoomer newfag.
They do, they even have to sharpen the knife before each kill and make sure the animal doesn't see the blade or else it's haram. Meanwhile that /pol/ future school shooter blindly eats factory food.
Do not go to Yea Forums for real information on Islam.