Party Yea Forumsan

It's Sunday! Grab your deck and jack it to some Dystopia!
no password on Sundays

Get the game for free here:

>I'm interested in hosting a server.
See this paste:

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sauce bump

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idk what this game is, but sure i'll bite

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No screw this I want to play more TF2

don't pick punks go corpos faggots i want a free slot in punks all the time

Bear shall chase away death from claiming this threddu

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>turrets still shoot you if invisible

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Something to do with body heat?
I haven't played this game, but I noticed there's heat detection as well

You should be able to sprint past them when using the lighter classes.

dystopia sucks

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Finally, a good game

>game crashes and had to restart my pc from that fucking game mode

cool game so far

>...He/Him. I love gay dogs and muscular alcoholic elderly men

I've been wanting to play this game again for a long time.

this is big dawg... I'm in the mainframe


holy shit havent seen or heard of this game is a good minute. zombie panic source next time?!!

FBI over, this is anonymous, i'm in

This game seems kinda neat but I have no idea what I'm doing

Some turrets have thermal vision but not all of them.

>friendly fire


you bitchs never showed up for the tf2 this afternoon



I can see the appeal of this game but it's not for me. Just slow in general and map layout seems very confusing.

To be fair it seems a lot of people did not even know it would be up. Last night's OP said it would be but most people don't even read the OP unless it's to see what the Sunday game is. Someone should've made a separate post from the OP mentioning this and the server probably would've been at least half active.

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I checked around 1:30 EST and didn't see a thread up.

was there a thread for it?

Now that the dust has settled, when are we playing Half-Life Deathmatch Source?

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Yea Forums bros how are we going to cope

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*pees on ur post*

The heck is wrong with people?

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>People are willing to try your dead fucking game with an open mind
>Shit all over them so you can keep staring at an empty serverlist
Why are they like this?

Only like 2 people showed up on TF2 if I can recall correctly

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we must do everything we can to fight the chuds wherever we find them, even if we have to shit up an ancient sourcemod

Didn't make a thread earlier because there was already enough team fortress 2 threads up in a Sunday as is. Most regulars stopped reading the OP and fav'd the server to just play. We *can* put the thread up earlier (12:00 PM EST) but I'd have to talk to the admin about it first.

ya know i was wondering why the server was up too

>Most regulars stopped reading the OP
fuck forgot to mention IT WAS IN THE OP for Friday and Saturday explaining it but like I said people didn't read that or the MOTD, we'll make that more clear this upcoming week.

The next cyber punk game they are working on is player vs bots instead of player vs player
so gay

why are people so mentally ill
people are playing your dead game, be happy


remember when the van got banned from renegade X's server list for naming the server puffy vulva? pepperidge farm remembers



Keep getting missing map for some reason

this map is fucking awesome

I don't know what's up with the server but the map download doesn't seem to be working

leaving spawn is very easy

get the fuck in

Dystopia is a cool game but the devs need to fix servers crashing if they go over 32 players and also need to stop being big cry babies about people playing their decade dead source game. Its like they want the server list to remain empty forever.

lol there aren't any devs left.

Picking corpo as a undercover punk, going heavy, got my minigun revved up in spawn, implanted wired reflexes and leg boosters....
*cracks open a team kill in the spawn pads*
yeah its gaming team......

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They'll keep crying because the audience they "get" isn't the one they want.

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is the server still up?

Good, Fuck TF2.

still up, still populated

meant to reply to

I like this game the more and more I play it

I can't see shit. Dystopia just launches into a windowed black screen for me.

how many players?

I wish my shift wouldn't start like right now.

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Almost the same. It's my bedtime and I have to work tomorrow.

Good night buddy! Maybe one day we'll get another chance with dystopia two or something.