Ffxiv isn't bas-

>ffxiv isn't bas-

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Inb4 poor people defend rich bankers

Call that system capitalism though, and Yea Forums will defend it to the death.

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They already are considering they're refusing to name the "bankers".

FFXIV used to be based, then it went full kino isekai. It's not bad but it's just not as interesting...

I like WAR but all its Axe suck

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Its not based till we get a lalafell genocide arc


I uninstalled this game. The gearing system is trash. The items feel completely pointless. There is no meat to the equipment system at all. There is no meat to the class system either, they all feel very samey. I have leveled about 11 90s now and I am telling you the classes all feel the same with different animations that is it. It didn't used to be this way in 2013.

Everyone is well aware the banks are the problem left right and center. It's when you start to notice who the CEOs are when people start calling you an antisemite

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Based Chaos hating mega Chad

Anyone got Minfillia's thoughts on borders?

Happy Mother's day, anons

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>ffxiv isnt a tranny ga-

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she's not wrong. This is what globohomo does not udnerstand

Pixy's gonna freak when he sees this.

how did they get away with this?

>It didn't used to be this way in 2013.
The gear has always been soulless. Even back in ARR, Yoshi-P dodged questions about the gear just being stat sticks by saying, "Well we might implement 1.0/XI style gear once the game is on surer footing."

And the only individual job expression you ever got was cross-class skills. And everyone took the same ones anyway. You might only switch around one or two for a specific fight but for the most part it was always the same ones.

The game isn't really that fundamentally different than it was in 2013. Just more streamlined. It was always a MoP clone without gear effects.

>classes get more boring
>dungeons get easier
>raiding is fun but means dealing with logniggers
>community slowly going downhill, especially in regards to constantly sucking off above logniggers seriously these fucks won't believe 2+2=4 unless someone on the holy Balance discord said so
>try out WoW
>classes are actually fun
>faster combat
>dungeons are infinitely more interesting
>community sucks for a while, but gets way better when you do something harder than dungeon finder/LFR
I'm both impressed and depressed that XIV managed to slowly turn into such awful trash that it actually drove me to WoW

because globohomo is firmly nested in WoW, their prying eyes don't give a shit about other MMOs

They understand, but they dont care. Globohomo knows its mission is a lie but they press forward. They are not misguided, just a faction filled with malice and hatred toward the common man. There is a reason they call us "Goyim"

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The Right has always been enslaved to and protectors of the banks.

who's they??

explain the ban of usury

You realized bankers have existed far longer than capitalism has, right?

it's weird because by any measure FFXIV (western) playerbase is much, much more pozz'd. Maybe FFXIV is protected by the Japanese devs pay attention to the Japanese players first and foremost.

The Masters of the Right are B list twitter celebrities and 70 year olds who you worship and want to have sex with.

>They are not misguided, just a faction filled with malice and hatred toward the common man
but why though?

>try out WoW
>classes are actually fun
>faster combat
>dungeons are infinitely more interesting
>community sucks for a while, but gets way better when you do something harder than dungeon finder/LFR
This is bait, right ?

That's just the english translation made by americans.

The NA raiding scene is absolutely awful. If you are an autist that can't form a static you are much better off in JP or EU.

ok so you can't explain the ban on usury by traditionalists for most european's history.

>The NA raiding scene is absolutely awful. If you are an autist that can't form a static you are much better off in JP or EU.
PF sucks no matter where you are. JP is alright but EU's clear rates are no better than NA despite them trying to ape JP's approach.

>raiding is fun but means dealing with logniggers
yeah dude i'm sure there won't be a lognigger in rfk posting meters. it's a fucking plague in that game. there's a reason people are being so vocal about it in ffxiv since they know it's cancer and the wowfugees will inevitably bring it with them.
the community is fucking terrible and is never good at any point. you're baiting.
i do miss how smooth combat feels in comparison and basic shit like fucking speech bubbles. it's insane you have to mod basic things in.

>Send those Mhiggers back to their shithole homeland to mine salt for us
Godbert is based

>Jewish traps = capitalism

>One big business lala is like "fuck these brown people"

>Meanwhile the other big business lala wants to use them for his own agenda

Too real FFXIV, Too real.

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The "Young" Right of Today have brain fucked themselves into holding the same beliefs of dying and dead 70 to 80 year olds, who were themselves undesirable in their own day.

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XIV job design is utter shit, especially tanks and healers
combat is undeniably faster
I'd give my left nut to have something like M+ in XIV, spamming my 1-2 aoe combo for 25 minutes at a time is boring as fuck
I talk to people in M+ just as much as I ever did in duty roulettes, and people are generally just as chill about mistakes/wipes

Do you think YoshiP is happy about Nomura saying his new space gods visited Eorzea?

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I'm still annoyed New York took down a statue of Jefferson because he owned slaves.
I just want to take someone aside and go
>Hey guess what?
>I get you probably fucking failed history but

>I talk to people in M+ just as much as I ever did in duty roulettes, and people are generally just as chill about mistakes/wipes
Now you're just straight-up fucking lying or only playing low keys with shitters. M+ is probably the most toxic content there is in WoW.

Yoshi-P's glad he's satisfied with that and doesn't want to come back to make another garbage raid. Eden was dogshit.

>m+ for the challenge
>m+ is chill on wipes
Pick one you lying bastard, the only time people are chill in m+ are keys below 5 which is easier than sastasha.

>I'd give my left nut to have something like M+ in XIV, spamming my 1-2 aoe combo for 25 minutes at a time is boring as fuck
good news friend Criterion is coming

>accept honoraburu hard working Not-Asian refugees in Mor Dhona.
>sandniggers hear how you took them in and come begging for help too
>”nah fuck you”
Not very subtle Yoshi.

>see this posted for years
>play ffxiv
>this cap is but a fraction of the stuff she was actually saying and posted out of context by /pol/fags

>Eden was dogshit.
There was one or two ok fights and I appreciate all the Gaia/Ryne "art" that came about because of it

>its another WHM stands 100 miles away from the crystal making people unkillable and dashing in and out of fights for heals so you cant commit to killing without giving up crystal

I love PVP but this just gets me so upset everytime

Es ist Zeit für das Reich!
Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!

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>he thinks the game has to shower you with it's ideology to make a point

the best boss attack in the game

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>bring it with them
user people post normal raid clears on FFLogs
NORMAL clears
there's no "bring it with them"
the cancer is already here
plus let's not forget needing to re-learn multiple fights because the Trannylance Discord came up with a slightly better strat and Timmy Tumblefuck is going to have an aneurysm if he has to clip his GCD by 0.01 seconds

There were a few alright fights. But overall pretty disappointing.

The one thing I really liked about Shadowbringers was Bozja. The overworld was bad but the raids were comfy and I could always find people in my FC to do optimized runs with.

Eden had some good highlights like E8S, E9S PvP and E12S.

"A brand-new type of content was revealed during the Live Letter as well: Criterion Dungeons. These are said to be new dungeons featuring varying difficulty levels for one (1) to four (4) players — difficulty will scale for party size. Patch 6.2 brings on the first Criterion Dungeon and more will be added in subsequent patches. More information on what exactly these dungeons are will be detailed in later Live Letters."

Lolorito just doesn't believe in blind charity. He wants mutually beneficial arrangements.

Supposedly "hard" solo to 4 man dungeon related content.

We don't know anything about it yet other than it's supposed to be dungeon-style content for 1-4 players with scalable difficulty. The first one is planned for release in 6.2 and two more are supposed to come out with 6.3. Since it's coming out on the same patches that we get relic content, there's a decent possibility that it's going to be connected to the relic.

You just KNOW that that is the plot
>poors blow up/destroy rich guy shit
>rich guys get cornered
>"b-but I h-have le wife and c-child!!"
>poors go home, ready to be exploited further

>it's weird because by any measure FFXIV (western) playerbase is much, much more pozz'd

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Goddamnit Yoshi, where the fuck is my island?

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Nobody gives a fuck about normal logs. And changing strats every 2 weeks is again, an NA phenomenon.

that and the only reason anyone is "chill" is because they're being held hostage in higher keys. for people that waste all of their time playing wow, they sure try to value how they spend it. nobody wants to leave a higher key then have to find a new one and deal with vetting people into their precious group all over again. they'll grit and bear it and maybe they'll clear it, but the moment anyone opens their mouth the group is going to fall apart. that's wow's community.

WoW is king. not QUEEN, KING!

never had an argument, even in 20+ keys
you just suck

>final boss
>great song
>epic cutscene attack
>Lymlaen and Nophica will be filler bosses
Ul'dah chads win again

>asshole moves at the last second and tips that scales

i just parsed WoW as a face like ToT I think my brain has finally broken boys

>nobody gives a fuck about normal logs
because they never existed before shadowbringers, you dense fuck
>an NA phenomenon
so half the playerbase

Eden was way better than this new shitty raid series.

do retards really?

I want Nophica and Halone to be the final bosses of the others

>the rich variety of our lives would give way to Sterile orthodoxy
That was written weirdly. Variety in peoples lives would to the opposite

After the FF16 event and housing gets fixed.


If you choose option 2, when?

Alisae: strawpoll.me/46035964/r
Y'shtola: strawpoll.me/46038012/r
Yugiri: strawpoll.me/46040365/r

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>specifically mentions "his physical body"
Zenos bros, we're coming back.

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it's like they added in this mechanic just to tempt people into getting banned

Speak English, mutt.

believe it or not, even casuals like to log and see how they do. some casual guilds i've been in have a handful of tryhards, usually the ones doing the logging, just to see how they stack up for fun. the problem is when it's used for dickwaving which so far i haven't seen in ff and almost constantly see in wow.

ummm you're just going to keep those statues?

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That's nice user, damn.

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*shukuchis to the other side*
nothin personnel


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you shut your whore mouth

Endwalker raids stories are too mystery box heavy so far.

I bet she's fucked a tree before.

Golden Saucer employees a bunch of mhiggers though.

is the game good or not

Can't wait for Matron's Teats attack

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Should have literally been Azem's mother.

What is the most based race for a male character, Yea Forums?

She's been fucked by the elementals three ways to sunday

if they follow the wheel like the first raid it's Menphina and then Oschon.
I'm inclined to believe it because Deryk is obviously Oschon or related to him.

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That's on fflogs for adding normal mode rankings. I have yet to see a single person that judges someone based on a normal log. As for strats, cross-region visit will set you free.

>Should have literally been Azem's mother.
Do we know that she isn't...?

unironically viera

milkies please

Do commies really?

they drag back everyone from the grave to defile the integrity of the story for poggers soi moments like with Emet. It's inevitable.

Fuck that's hot

Elzen male if you can get past the body proportions or lalafell male

Viera or Lala, don't listen to roe and elzen homos.

I don't know if this is a hot take, but I don't give a shit about having interesting gearing (most MMO's have moved in this direction too) or having super unique classes.

All I care about is that the Jobs have their own identity and flavour, so when you're playing a Gunbreaker it feels distinct to playing a Warrior even if they've largely got the same toolbox. And that's something FF14 does typically well and often fantastically, the class identity is usually well represented (there's some weaknesses, like Astro but largely it's there).

Having classes with the same toolkits and abilities means they're less unique, but it also means you don't have shit like "Your Job sucks for this entire expansion", or "We need to stack SAM for this fight, but the next fight needs only ranged" garbage like what I used to put up with in WoW. Every Job can do every single piece of content, that's a world better than having your job sit on the bench for sometimes years at a time.

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>Deryk is obviously Oschon

there's no way the ERP goddess is getting the final slot of raid 2 over halone

Reasoning for Viera?

>in a few months we'll have canonical drawings of halone femdomming nophica

S-She big haha

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