Jezz... No wonder why devs love Gamepass
Jezz... No wonder why devs love Gamepass
sony bros...
this only works for shitty no name indie games that sell like ass
Which is the future for most games from now on.
Either shitty indies made by two guys on a garage that would throw a party if they can get some profits or GAAS cancer designed to milk the players
This man looks like a fucking wojak
game pass has run its course. all the big namea are dropping out and its just becoming indie central. like netflix and e3.
I can't stand these precise cut beards or whatever its called. Makes men look like Poodles
Amazon Prime and Microsoft Gamepass and Epic Games Exclusivity are great for Indies. It's not like your RPGMaker game was going to make many sales, so just getting a big (relatively speaking) lump sum of cash to 'give it away' bundled together with a pile of other indie rubbish is a better deal. It's the Humble Bundle phenomenon.
theres a reason the soijak meme blew up. because they all actually look exactly like it
As a rule I skip games that are on Gamepass.
Those devs are happy enough with Microsofts money so its clear they dont need mine
>snoys have an absolute meltdown over this
Kek, and people claim they aren't objectively the worst
Gamepass is great now because it's cannibalizing on old ass AAA games that don't sell anymore so they get a huge boost to DLC sales and overall attention to those franchises. The moment they become old/already played by the normie population you'll start to see that it's only viable to pay small indie devs and not AAA or even AA games day one
We all saw it you didn't need to trace the image
I was interested in Trek to Yomi but I guess I'll skip out on it.
>this only works for shitty no name indie games that sell like ass
I mean...yes? Definitionally, if a game is not a huge AAA marketed foundation game by a major publisher with huge resources to plaster it up on ads and spaces all over the internet, then obviously it will benefit from a system like Gamepass getting it in front of eyeballs and also allowing people to download it and play it with no need to buy anything, thus increasing the chance they'll take the time to try it.
How is this anything other than literally so obvious it doesn't need to be stated?
why are xbots always making shit up ?
lmao why dis nigga doin a wojak cosplay doe?
There's nothing wrong with Gamepass. If anything, it gives more people the chance to play a game they probably wouldn't have. AND if the game is bad, you saved money from paying full price for it.
Because it's convenient to lie for a grand total of 10 rubles
tbf most indie games sell like shit on PS so that isn't saying much.
>make stuff up without any research
He truly is a wojak
And yet Microsoft is focused on having all their big exclusives on it
Of course they have nothing much to show right now but once they get all the Activision-Bethesda games in motion is going to be huge
And yet its clear they are burning money on it, and the only way to make that money back is by turning every big game into a microtransaction nightmare
imagine if Undertale or Stardew valley had released on gamepass, I don't think they'd be as much of an indie hit as they were
same reason devs put their games on epic
they make money even if the game doesnt sell
>no name indie games that sell like ass
So most indie games? For real though I'd love to have access to alot of indie games for a couple dollars instead of paying that same price per-game and regretting it.
You're so incredibly easily influenced by the pettiest things
So he made it up and he's complaining that people are calling him stupid for this?
Microsoft loves wasting money on shit. Remember Mixer? Literally paying ecelebs millions to switch and then shutting down a year later. LOL biggest fail ever giving away million for free.
yeah, and locked his twitter tranny thread instead of deleting it for spewing bullshit
still better than paying $15-$70 on a constant basis for something you might not like.
>getting the game into the hands of many
and taking it away if you don't pay the subscription
Is this that Kurosawa samurai side scroller that was announced after Ghost of Tsushima and no one cared?
That's ableist
And I can guarantee you I wouldn't even have bothered to pirate this game if it wasn't on Game Pass one click away from playing.
Good for them that it doesn't come at the expense of the devs making a profit.
Gaming journalism everyone.
Who would've thought people don't want to play shit games? What a revelation.
Which side is real???
guys, dont be mean to the söy-devs, they bruise easily.
>complains about people jumping to calling people idiots and morons
>while also himself is calling people idiots and morons as a first response
Trek to Yomi isn't a good game so no wonder they're happy.
Pretty much scammed Microsoft.
Every journalist should be thrown in a wood chipper feet first
And that's what's fucking worrying about the whole thing. Games up until now have not been designed with game pass in mind. Once they start thinking "hey remember that we're not getting $60 bucks per people who play it" then the design philosophies and overall content will absolutely change
That and the fact that normies consume gamepass like netflix. Play a game for a bit and then forget about it because some other game is coming out or worth playing
Ghost of Tsushima on PC fucking when reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I don't give a fuck about Uncharted 4 and TLL
nigger i bought magicka key for 0.68 cents
how is paying a monthly fee better than that?
>I'm not mad, I'm laughing actually
You bought it several years after it released and the sequel was out I'd imagine. How does your situation relate to this which was playable day one on a $15 subscription service?
got the sequel for $1.38 wish i had to pay a monthly fee and lost it when i stopped
No its not, you corporate cock sucker.
The ONLY people I see playing ps5 are people complaining about warzone/apex bugs
There are literally 0 games on the console, especially since they charged 70$ for shovelware like Returnal
Calm down the hyperbole user
Returnal is great and it would be a universal 10/10 if it released on PC. Stop proving the memes right because it is planned for PC.
>more on epic or stadia than on playstation
damn what a catastrophe
playstation userbase seems to only attach themselves to games that are guaranteed popular and nothing else
That's at best three big games within the next five years.
20 amerishekels is the most I usually spend on big budget games.
>rightly "paid," as it were
wow, can't see how this could ever go south for developers. definitely nothing ominous here.
seriously, Microsoft is hemoraging money in a way that only "disrupting" companies do.
Uber is allowed to never turn a profit because destroying the taxi industry is their goal. Who do you think Microsoft is seeking to destroy right now? Hint: it's not Sony.
So you're telling me right now if I sub to game pass I can destroy gaming?
Obsidian's Grounded
Elder Scrolls 6
Call of Duty which contrary to belief is very good when Infinity Ward puts out their games. Some of the best gunplay in the genre.
Rare's new game i don't remember what it's called
Indiana Jones
Wolfenstein 3
Arkane's Prey sequel and that vampire game
Forza Horizons 6
probably a revival of True Crime to capitalize on a GTA clone and Sleeping Dogs' success
Steam obviously.
Already fucked up by the second item on the list.
isn't this game like 5 hours long? Who would buy such a short game? Gamepass makes sense for this.
half of those won't be exclusive tho
>inventing games that aren't even in development