People actually struggle with motion inputs in fighting games?

People actually struggle with motion inputs in fighting games?

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yes, to be honest I am not very interested in fightans but if I was this would put me off.
I kind of like kof for the spritework and character quirks though.

I know this is bait but Deadly Rave is only hard because of memorization. Once you get every other important combo down it's just like learning a new one but it's overwhelming if you are trying to learn it at the same time as everything else.

Usually no but Deadly Rave does filter me. No idea how anyone does it in a real match.

yes. there are people out there who just cannot brain a quarter circle motion even if you can train a dog to do it

These long inputs aren't hard. The hardest shit is timing intensive inputs like links, FRC, JF, and some super-fast inputs, like Kazuya d/f2~ewgf or Johnny 6h~SDTH

if you guys want fighting games to be more popular you might have to accept that something should be done about motion inputs

I can do the motions in isolation but I can't do any combos that use them in the middle of something. I especially don't know how the fuck you combo with a charge character.

Just ask the Ash Crimson players

>mfw people still don't realize the easiest part of fighting games are the combos and the hardest part is the neutral and the defense/offense to open people up

Are there any games where it's the other way around?

It just doesn't seem worth learning to me.

>the hardest part is the neutral and the defense/offense to open people up
That part is super easy to me, but the controls are what stop me from playing fighting games anymore. I can barely use a controller anymore, I wish they'd just fix the archaic controls so I can play on a keyboard

Its opposite for a while
When you're still struggling with combos you're either fighting other people like you who are all neutral (even if, like you, they're not good at it, there's no neutral god that can't combo at all, it kind of caps out, but there's layers) or you fight lab monsters with room temp IQ who can't into the simplest of baits & conditioning

>I can barely use a controller anymore, I wish they'd just fix the archaic controls so I can play on a keyboard
There's quite literally nothing wrong with keyboard, and in fact many people are switching from fightsticks to hitboxes/mixboxes which are basically glorified keyboards.

games that intend to be good for players on console/any platform that doesn’t use a fight stick natively should remove all motion inputs that aren’t QCF/Bs if they want any popularity. Z inputs turned me off from SFV but I grew to really enjoy DBFZ and to this day it’s the only fighting game i’ve ever put any serious effort or time into. i wish it had better support and rollback

SNK isn't fair, they literally design it wrong as a joke.

I literally play on keyboard
How do you even know neutral is the easiest part, is this some sort of "I know exactly what I should do everytime but I can't do it" kind of thing?

links are harder, motions dont take long to master they just look harder visually when represented like that

Doing 99% of individual moves is trivial after minimal practice, not even half an hour in practice mode. The difficult thing is actually executing a whole combo mid match and those 1% of obnoxious moves like an unbuffered 720.

It isnt the motion inputs but the leniency of the input and the required rhythm that some games have
> you want to chain the moves and also dash cancel?
> sorry not quite my tempo, try again dipshit

Fighting games will drop motion inputs after zoomers actually use capitalisation in their sentences.

Yea Forums struggles with playing video games period.

True, but combos are the initial hurdle.

Post your mains, boys.

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Fighting games used to be cool but fighterfags are such immense faggots that they ruined the entire genre. Anything made after Mortal Kombat 3 is a piece of dogshit.

You really enjoy the cocky american dressed in red i can tell

females and grapplers


Not true.
One of them is English.

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+r aba
bbcf bullet
strive nago
sfv Laura
mbaacc F ries

Anything other than down forward or back forward is fucking stupid

The only motion input struggle I ever had was one of Ivy's moves in Soul Calibur 2, and if you played that game you know exactly which one I'm talking about.

The only problem with motion inputs is that conveying them using individual directions in combo lists is dumb as fuck and makes them seem a million times more complicated than they actually are. Like that raging storm input looks fucking hideous until you realize that it's just fucking picrel.

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I always press inputs to fast to properly register, if I put in any effort to go slower I start faffing around.

Not really, because there's a point at which being better at combos wont help you. When you're at the top level and all your opponents are effectively optimal and execution mistakes have a negligible effect on winrate, the only way to win more is to hit your opponent more than they hit you. Even in absurd games like HNK where 80% of rounds end in a basketball infinite, the guy that wins neutral more and gets to do his infinite more often will win more matches.

Hold on
Was terry a bong all this time?

I have never really played fighting games but I had always assumed this was the case, because it would take literally like 10 seconds to input all that if you had to return the stick to the neutral position between every input.

No but Edward Falcon is.

fightan inputs should be natural and simple motions, not some convoluted endless chain of up down sideways diagonal sideways left north south west N hadoken ababab autism where oops your game is already sub 100 players by the time I finished typing out the combo chain.

What irritates me is when you have two characters with combos that look more or less the same on paper, but one has to make rapid inputs with precise timing while the other gets to do slow lazy inputs while their combo drags on forever.

I wonder if there would ever be a fighting game where part of the combo tutorial would have someone showing you physically how to move your arcade stick or joystick to do the move. Like in a video in the corner of the screen or something

Literally Simon's says.

Never played a fightan besides Tatsunoko v Capcom. Is there any reason to ever use Raging Storm? The inputs are identical and I'm assuming that Thunder Break is better since it's a Hidden Super move.

imagine if every time you had to shoot your gun in an FPS you had to do a sequence of complicated button presses with strict timing
this is why fighting games will die

Raging Storm is Geese's premier anti-air in the games it's in, and it only costs 1 bar to utilize it.
Thunder Breaker while it's more powerful, it can only be done with 3 bars and Geese has to be at a 1/3 or less of his health less to use it.

I think they're talking about the guy wearing a British Fucking Flag on his jacket..

People started learning shit like "you can block this thing here by holding this" or "you can punish this in this situation" that actively ruins the genre.

>imagine if in fighting games, you pressed a button to do a jab

its zoomers that capitalize because they all write on phones which all auto-capitalize you dumb fuck

congrats you did 1 damage

I wanna see the hand movement on camera for these.

user, people struggle with almost anything in video games. People play video games that give you a "press this button before getting hit to completely ignore damage" option and they constantly die. People play shooters, struggle to shoot stationary targets, and then start gyrating uncontrollably. People play platformers for 10 hours straight and still fall in holes that you avoid with the same jump you've been using since the start of the game.

Knowing this, people would struggle with inputs even if they were all just a single button press that has to be pressed with rhythmic precision.

You say that like motion inputs are a problem when they're not.

CvS2: Eagle, Terry, Rock Howard
Garou: Tizoc
Hisoutensoku: Remillia
MvC1: Jin/Strider
MvC2: Shuma Gorath, Bulleta, Jin
MvC3: Shuma Gorath, Amaterasu, Dante
Guilty Gear ACR/Xrd: Venom
Guilty Gear Strive: Happy Chaos
Melee: Yoshi
PM: Lucario/Ness
Jojo: Shadow Dio
Vampire Savior: Jon Talbain

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Wait, so you don't capitalise even though you have the means to because it makes you look cool or something? Are you 15?

>shoot guy once in the body with a pistol
Nice, only 10 more to go!

they're a problem for the popularity of the genre.

Are you really saying fighting games would be improved if you held down the right trigger and did nothing else?
People who get paid money to play games at the highest level have trouble getting past even the most basic level of entry in Street Fighter 5 of all games

Combos are the reason I don't play fighting games. Not because they're difficult to learn, but because they're not fun to execute and they're not fun to be the recipient of. Neutrals and mixups are lots of fun, prediction and spacing is fun, being pinned under someone's combo and losing half my life and 20 seconds of my time is not fun, and same goes for the reverse.

yeah bro i just dont even care man dude just chill

Fighting games are as popular as ever
What happened is video games got fuckhueg and now anything that sells less than call of duty is considered dead and underperforming. People talk about FG being dead because there are 10k dedicated people on steam playing, but it’s always been that way. Just fuck off to whatever free battle royale released last. It has a lot of players and you don’t have to think to play it

No they're not. If it's not motion inputs it's something else. Essentially if you want the genre to be as big as fortnite you have to make it not a fighting game because by the time all the "issues" are addressed it's completely different with none of the appeal.


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So for the people who can't do fighting game inputs, how often do you need to look at your controller to find where a button is?

>JoJo's Bizarre Adventuree
>Doesn't even specify which one
Chart made for posers and Smash players

I still think motion inputs hinder the popularity of fighting games. they're a barrier to entry whether you like it or not

I am too old for this stupid shit. I don't remember Soul Calibur 3 having this sort of idiotic over the top controls, and it was a fine fighting game.
You kids get dumber and tryharder with every passing year.

>I think aiming hinders the popularity of FPS. It’s a barrier to entry whether you like it or not
Woman logic

obviously it is since they give controllers insane aim assist bordering on aimbot in every mainstream fps now

And is that a solution? You would seriously suggest that all inputs are automated in FG so the player doesn’t have these “barriers”? Nobody likes aim assist

Explain why it shouldn't be this, ever, for every situation.

Or why there would even be a need for 'A,B,C,D' instead of just displaying the proper button for each respective console/arcade. Literally would take 5 minutes to program, there's no actual excuse, why go through an extra layer of interpretation for such simple fucking controls?

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I don't like fighting games because I'd be playing against people who like fighting games, and those guys seem like uber nerds.

Because people that use fight sticks and hit boxes don’t have big ABXY buttons they have 1234 buttons. Fucking replace the icons yourself if you’re gonna sperg out about it

>yfw I learned neutral, spacing, how to open, offense/defense from basically every other pvp game
all I lack is the combos/input and they filter me.

I do great in games that doesn't require this shit though.

nigger lover

>People actually struggle with motion inputs in fighting games?
I've seen people who are good at video games struggle with motion inputs. As a form of user interface, these things do not come naturally to many.

How are you so sure about that, I mean you could get easily to certain ranks in certain games by having "very good neutral"

Isn't it funny how Deadly Rave has a smell check on it.
Anyone who doesn't reek of five months of shit and sweat LITERALLY cannot use it.
Isn't that just fascinating?

>Third Strike
Chun and Ibuki
>Guilty Gear +R
Baiken and Ky
Baiken and Anji
Ice Climbers

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>good at video games
Evidently not if you can’t rotate a stick with any form of consistency.

It's not about controls, its about the 1v1 nature and how quick matches are resolved with no reruns with comeback possible, the skill gap from the 1v1 nature makes these games interesting but it also makes them unapproachable for a lot of people

You can see the same thing happening on RTS or RTT with 1v1, old turn based board games (like chess or go), high level sport games, racing games, etc