What are game series that were unironically ruined by lack of gatekeeping?

What are game series that were unironically ruined by lack of gatekeeping?

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Most of them

Your favorite games


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All the multiplayer games.

its playerbase is now a swamp full of trannies

Everything in existence.


my cock
stop sucking it please it hurts so much

World of Warcraft. Disagreements to this fact are retarded and inferior.

Pretty much everything by western devs that attracts any sort of popularity. Eastern games tend to do slightly better due to most devs not opening the gates beyond anyone's ability to keep them. That ship has sailed in the west, as devs cater to literally everyone except the actual fanbase that allowed them to grow, and in many cases have nothing but spite for those fans.

call of duty

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GTA - consolefags ate up Online because it's the first time they had a taste of what a GTA MMO would be like, too bad it's a soulless pay-to-win annyoancefest

All of them

yep, this is the primary reason single player dlc was ignored for..... wait for it....

wait for it....

dr dre dlc for online

i mean there was no way pc players could gatekeep it because the pc port took 2 years to come out


Monster Hunter.

Poor creative choices ruin series.
Gatekeeping is a really dumb meme that blew up in the last few years to try and explain the surge or normies into niche hobbies.
Gatekeeping hobbies is a meme, it is functionally impossible.
Ruining a franchise requires being the one making it, and newfags dont make the game.
No amount of gatekeeping can stop dev's making poor choices and publishers wringing out every last penny.

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Fire Emblem

World of Warcraft got popular for being the first, big casual MMO. I guess you could argue that MMO's got ruined because of WoW turning them into a popular genre and changing how devs approached it.

If a game can't gatekeep itself (Dorf Fort Fort, God Hand, DeS pre-remake) then you can not rely on the fanbase to do their job.

No, that's not what i'm fucking talking about. I'm talking about flamboyant ass faggots that got into blizzard, took advantage of the real sexual harassment to perform a mutiny on what remained of the old crew, to placate the massive audience of troons now in wow. being a casual mmo as it was designed, is just fucking fine. being a disgrace against humanity, bridging your fantasy world to reality, making black blood elves, replacing white skinned npcs with black skin, removing any attractive female art from walls in inns, adding male concubines to karazhan, is not.

Sorry you misread the situation WoW is in.

PC got MTA, VC-MP, SA-MP, CitizenIV and FiveM - the last one got the developer (NTAuthority) into legal trouble because it was competition for GTAO

>Gatekeeping hobbies is a meme, it is functionally impossible
Not really, it was very possible before social media blew up and every game designer/developer became a huge cuck-slave to wokeism and political correctness. Shit like MtG used to be extremely gatekept, because WotC stuck to making cards and shutting the fuck up for the most part, and gaming centered around local stores, where the communities tended to be exclusionary or even hostile towards faggots, women, and obvious tourists. Now it's all troons and the devs cater to them with literal faggot-centric print runs.

MP games like Natural Selection 2 or Mordhau, where the veterans are so far up their own ass they'd rather kill their game than play with new players.

Gatekeeping is impossible unless the devs themselves help do it

Monster Hunter

Modern MonHun players are a fucking embarrassment
I was mediocre in the older games and I'd be a demigod compared to the trash playing now

Objectively right

Im a retard I didnt see the
>lack of
durr hurr
I agree with MH though

Monster Hunter

uh-oh, sounds like somebody's mad that he isn't being catered to ;_;
How's the GAME PLAY, fucknuts? Nobody but adult babies care about the amount of gay black people that are or aren't in it, and that includes YOU.

>game series
The whole hobby was ruined due the lack of gatekeeping.


>"wtf why dont you like my game about gay black fat trannies, i thought if you just made a good game it would be fine! something must be wrong with YOU and not me!"


Peak gaming. Only went down from here.

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Psycho cunt.

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>nerds in a local game store
>hostile towards women
If only.

In other news, you born after 2000, so you're the problem.

>too scared of black people to play a card game
Imagine thinking you're the tough guy in this situation

>Shutting the fuck up
See that right there is the issue. WotC has negative reason to gatekeep due to profit motive.
They want more people to but the cards. They dont care about who is buying them or why.
The fans can be as pissed as they like. As soon as the corporation decides they can make more money being woke, they will do so.
Corporations dont want to gatekeep therefore it doesn't happen.
Gatekeeping is a meme and a dream.
New fans dont ruin franchises, the creators (or more so the investors) ruin them.
You dont have power or ownership over the media you enjoy. It fucking sucks but its true.
When corpo slugs change the things you liked about a game to appeal to newer dumber people; dont be angry the good days are over. Be happy they ever happened.

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>too scared of black people to not include them
sorry, had to fix your dumb psychosis. next bitch?

black and gays in games are completely fine, but when it comes off as being a very clear esg cash grab then piracy becomes acceptable, because if you're getting esg money then they're covering the cost for the players.

>If only
You'd have a few sad virgins creeping them out, but the core crowd tended to see them for what they were, usually. Attention whores who didn't really give a shit about the hobby. At my local store I saw several dozens women come and go, and only two ever stuck around as regular, involved players. They were the only ones to ever be treated with respect.
>you born after 2000
lmao, if only, maybe then I could stomach this shit easier

Discourse around something is an important part of engaging with any hobby and more people just ends up diluting any sort of meaningful discussion you can have around it. You can say "just ignore the fanbase" (and I'd agree), but it would be silly to deny there isn't a feeling of getting pushed away and ultimately detaching yourself from the "community" as the increasingly louder and pervasive voices start dominating and eroding at meaningful discussion in favour of blind fervour.

Even disregarding video games, small communities are generally more fulfilling and engaging to participate in.

Fighting games. These weirdo trannys on twitter who are dogshit at the games took over and now everything is offensive and people need to bend to their will. smelly ass anime watching faggots and trannies.

corporate greed wins over gatekeeping every time
i wish it wasn't this way, but it is

Niggers, troons, and fags ruin everything they touch. You'd unironically have to be mentally ill to not only welcome, but even encourage their presence

when i was in elementary school, i was caught by a teacher playing alone at recess. she asked me why and i said because this group of kids wouldn't let me play with them. she then proceeded to force them to let me play. i see the immediate distinction on their faces, and after she walks away, so do they.

if you don't agree that this is human nature, unproductive, and taking away from others, you need to be fucking euthanized.

>More accessible
If only the community knew just how bad those words really were.

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The gameplay of MTG has literally been the worst its ever been in the past few years. I'm sure the pandering and hiring of woke retards who don't know what they are doing isn't the reason though, right tranny?

Would never have happened if it wasn't a originally game made to be popular with women, children and parents. Just sayin

how about you don't expose your kid to the universe of online strangers where they erp having big futa cocks, case fucking closed.

Zero Escape, especially Zero Time Dilemma developers who somehow thought it would be a good idea trying to appeal to newcomers and western fans who have never read visual novels.

When They Cry while Gou/Sotsu was airing and the Yea Forums normalfag invasion of /jp/ threads. 07th never recovered from all the posers who don't even know about Higanbana or RGD.

Metal Gear, or to be more specific Metal Gear Rising. Nothing wrong with meme-spouting retards as it always has been a tradition, the problem comes from newfags and posers who didn't play the game parroting memes erroneously (textbook example is the "standing here I realize" abomination, if you know you know.)
Maybe MGSV can be blamed, falling for the open world meme and being a lackluster game story-wise as a result. I will never not be mad.

Monster Hunter World, even though the root issues were actually already existing in Frontier and Generations. But the graphical jump and the sheer amount of "QoL" additions caught the full attention of normalfags trying to berate you for loving what made MH, MH. The worst thing is how shitposters always made it sound like it was about consolewar faggotry between tendies and snoys, seriously fuck you niggers.

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Whew it only took four people to actually answer the question

So long as you keep attacking WotC on drawing women on their cards rather than the gameplay itself, they will never ever listen to you. Make sure you point out what actually matters.

two of these distinctly stand out to me as having fucking nothing to do with the games themselves
WTC and MGRR will always be good no matter how fans act about it.

Definitely monster hunter. World brought in the worst kind of people.

>the last good souls game
>the first bad souls game

ds2 is an enigma

Filling your Greek mythology, or gothic horror, or Norse mythology setting with niggers matters, because it compromises artistic coherence and vision on the altar of tokenism and wokeness. It shows where their priorities lie - not in creating an interesting, coherent world, narrative, or design, but in shoving [current year] identity politics down your throat to nobody's gain.

>hasbro literally doubled their revenue
Go woke get rich. Gee I wonder why it keeps happening.

>b-but I don't like it
You're irrelevant.

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if it takes four people, maybe you're the insufferable abnormal cunt.

answer the people talking to you instead of picking and choosing like a little weiner scared of confrontation.

most gatekeeping is autistic shit flaming and if your favorite game series "got worse" in its sequels its not because of a lack of gatekeeping.

convincing argument.

money does seem to be the most important thing to you guys, not justice. thanks for admitting.

It's definitely not my fault that me not being afraid of melanin makes you want to suck my dick so bad it makes you look even more stupid

I get that, but then you could just as well say that the very essence of fantasy is creators creating whatever they want. I never really cared much for the lore of MtG so at this point I might be wrong but I don't think any single part of it is actually set on Earth, why follow Earth history convention then?
And even then, it's a game. Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all else. Every single card could feature interracial gay couples making out for all I care, if the game's still mechanically interesting then I'm still going to play it.

>to you
Yeah because I own Hasbro, right? Are you legally retarded?

>Go woke get rich

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yeah can you do it again but type in english, i don't understand what "being afraid of melanin" has to do with everything around you turning to shit because of woke retards like you that adopt black people as pets and don't see how you're the new nazis

Actually I didn't feel like babysitting three adult toddlers today, you'll have to change your own diapies.
Just know that there's no possible response you could write to this that doesn't make you look fucking raging mad over black people that don't even exist, and even if I don't reply to your ragepost, they still make me laugh.

oh, now you want to distance yourself from the woke ideology? welcome to the right wing.

Fuck off, I remember you niggers right after the release of this game. You faggots were literally begging people on Yea Forums to play your shitty trash.

There's barely any, and most zoomers are concerned with garbage that doesn't affect the gameplay like adding women in a shitty game centered around the world wars instead of any real dumbing down of the gameplay to appeal to a wider audience (mostly because those games are already dumbed down, and they are posting on Yea Forums about it, which is in itself considered to be not enough gatekeeping people out of Yea Forums). Instead of saying "damn, we didn't do enough gatekeeping" you should say "fuck, all these casuals got in here and shit's worse overall", because THAT applies to a lot more things; it applies to how corporations release shitty AAA games with eye candy that get bought over and over, it applies to how discussing videogames online started to suck because the number of casuals is a lot higher, thus their collective voices drown out more niche discussions (if you've been wondering why there's barely any strategy game discussion but a lot more discussion about gacha, Call of Duty and maybe Elden Ring, this is why), videogames have become too accessible and now corporations that have worsened the medium thrive and buy out all sorts of companies only to drag them into their meat grinder while nearly all the smaller companies have no chance to compete with the marketing budget of AAA games, thus their videogames have only a fraction of the sales because they have almost no exposure. I can't really think of any franchise that fucked itself, but I can think of several that have been fucked by publishers: Fable, Dead Space, Command & Conquer, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Prototype...

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somehow i don't think you're sitting here laughing when you're a red faced, thick framed glasses, limp wristed, overweight, trimmed beard, watched every marvel movie cunt

Not him but how old are you?

>now you want to distance yourself from the woke ideology?
All I did was poring that you're retarded. I don't give a shit about American politics and their love for negroes and women.

>that dip and unsustainable rise
I don't envy those guys.