Gamedev thread

How's your game coming along, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's it like making your own engine?

How do you manage your time to be able to work in your game, life, work, play vidya and shitpost, bros?!

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you get the basics working, implement a simple game loop prototype, think about what you should be optimizing, and realize you should've just used unity instead.

I keep a schedule and some basic rules around it (schedule is meant to serve you, not the other way around etc..)

>I keep a schedule and some basic rules around it (schedule is meant to serve you, not the other way around etc..)
And what are thoose rules?

I just told you one of them

Game making is a journey, you just gota keep at it as much as you can.

Just started reading this to get a better understanding of games as a whole.
Pretty good so far.

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I'm supposed to be on break but I spent today updating an enemy to the new enemy format.

depends, for me it was trivial because I just took code from games I already made and put them into one document. Each piece was just something I needed along the way, so really if you build an engine like magneto builds pathways (while crossing them) it's no harder than just making a game.

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all my ideas are retarded. my latest one is typing of the dead, but morse code. but the problem with any game featuring morse code is that no one actually knows it so the average player would have to dedicate time training themselves to learn morse code from scratch before they could actually play the game for real.

Post schedule, im curious and want to make my own

also, it's only two, maybe three keys, way easier conceptually once you learn it. Make your own font and bindings, it's fun.

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i gave up

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How are you holding up?

Mind you im a code monkey student so I don't have to spend as much time on studies as someone who might be working from 9 to 5, but you get the idea
I've four passions right now: coding, game dev, drawing and shitposting. Trying to find a balance is hard and this schedule is still a WIP but I'm getting there
"Start the day" involves me chugging coffee and contemplating life while browsing this site for an hour

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Damn, this is neat
Props man if you actually manage to follow this shit

I posted a demo on, if you could give me your thoughts and comments I would greatly appreciate it.

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morse is just one key input with straight key, two if you're using paddles, which is better for beginners since you don't have to worry about rhythm as much.

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worked a bunch to put out the demo for demo day 44

Tell me what you think or your funny moments if you play it.

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thanks user
as a real game designer most of the times I see fake game designers know nothing about irl games

That's a pretty good set up, you'll probably make it.
What kind of game are you working on?

Mapping the keyboard directional keys to the the isometric view was incredibly confusing at first.

Otherwise, felt polished and something that will make loads of money of a mobile store.

Work while you make your game at home, like me.

Well I hate to say it but its a 2D metroidvania. I know, I know. However, I've had this idea brewing for years now, and I can't really visualize the world I'm creating in a 3D space (also I think 3D might just be harder to make)
Progress is slow but I'm getting there. Slow and steady

user... why are you writing crap like this.

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Thank you so much user. Yes it does feel weird on a keyboard at first. When using the touch-screen is different because the finger gesture works diagonally.

I'll be uploading it to the app store soon, thank you for your kind words.

Based. You're well on your way to success in whatever you will branch into with this kind of discipline.

It's coming. Still deciding on how I want to lay out the different landmasses. I feel like filling the whole empty space up with water in UE5 will affect performance massively and would rather use a flat plane but for some reason the water for flat planes is invisible now when it is placed over top a landscape in 5 but I remember it not doing that in 4 so I guess I have no choice.

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Thank you user

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Grinding out a metric ass-ton of sprites and hoping I can staple it all together with scripts in unity.

I'll admit, that and the softbody code are bloat.

>Well I hate to say it but its a 2D metroidvania.
Nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't make it a literal clone of SotN (I've seen indie MVs that added a backwards dash) or any other famous game.
It's also good that you're doing the art yourself. It's very important to have a game with a distinct artstyle that immediately catches people's attention. Lots of indie games with good gameplay fail because they look mediocre.

Nah I'm trying to make something original, but I would be lying if I said I didn't get inspired by other games.
Yeah I want to make nice looking assets for my game, but making decent looking sprites is hard, and animating them is even harder
It's a process, but I just gotta take one step of the time and don't lose sight of my path

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Best of luck to you user

forgot the dang link

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Thank you!

chipping at it, here are invisible tiles that light up next to you and get revealed through marking

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Like this.

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i will now buy your game.

So in the last thread I mentioned that I'm working on the boss sheet for the main villain, and it's a pain because he's very much asymmetrical. It's still an early WIP, but I like what I have so far.

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...deleted my project when I realized that no one is interested in futa games. Just a couple of weirdos trying to gaslight me into putting in their garbage characters.

im making a mobile sports game

untrue, I saw several futa games who sold including trended but they were furry

also here's a link to my twitter so you can keep up with updates on my game if you're interested

Oh no. No onoonononknbonlnlnlnoooooooo!

Yo this looks sick, bro
Good job! Excited to see your game one day

What's his backstory?

I had an idea for a game but I found out someone made something similar already. Not really the same, my idea was a 3d game and didn't involve being a tower defense ironic cringe fest.
Surely I can keep doing my own thing without worrying about being called a copycat right bros?

depends, what's the game you are talking about?

This looks awesome

I'm considering just making an HTML5 game. It's mostly interface and menu driven.

asking this again, is there something to check to fix translucency doing this shit ? (in ue4)

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I wish I knew how to make (good) art.
I want a bright colorful game with tight mechanics and a unique hook.

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Fine, I will bite.

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Basically he used to be a miner that had teamed up with a skilled blacksmith (Said black smith is also the main character's mentor). At some point in the past, he tried to get to an ancient treasure through his own means, despite being told that was he was doing was a bad idea, and the end result was his body getting mangled.

He's kind of a jerk, justifying his ill actions as "I'm just doing what I have to do to make my dreams a reality". Basically, he doesn't see what he's going as bad because he's working for the life he feels he's owed. That said, I have no intention of writing him off as a "oh poor me" sympathetic villain. If anything he's be more likely to embrace it if gets him what he wants.

Also, I guess I should mention that his name is "Hub Gutter" (Short for Hubert, but only his friends get to call him that, and he doesn't have many of those).

>get accused of being a copycat
>cause drama
>more attention brought to your game
>more sales and name recognition
This is a win-win


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never heard about it, so you are probably safe
