Be fucking honest

Be fucking honest.

Attached: tekken 7 vs sfv.jpg (1280x720, 239.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

both are shit

Both are good but tekken is way more fun

Fighting games are terrible nowadays and these two are no exception. There's literally no reason to play since Covid killed the already lifesupport-tier local scene

SFV, Tekken 7 has been bad since late S2

>the best fighting games right now are shit
Wait until you play GGST and KoFXV.

SFV rewards scrubs similar to MK 11.
Its not good to invest time into it.
Tekken 7, while somewhat casualized still rewards good play

I aways liked tekken more. High level matches look dumb though

I thought KOFxv was good tho

Bronze tier take, it's Tekken the game who got clowned on by random Pakistani players not SFV

Sfv is easily the best fighter rn

While I do still enjoy some TK7 sometimes it's not a secret that it's been in a poor state for a while

Capcom designed SFV from the ground to be like this. A game where newcomers could hold against seasoned players. They should expect people to get good instead of holding their hands.


It's better than both SF5 and T7, but because it's a "dead" game and the Twitch streamers/EVOfags have moved back to what they are familiar with, it's bad.

a game were 15 year SF pros quit, because of the scrub mechanics? hhahahaah

And SFV is dominated by the same people who have been winning for years like Daigo, Infiltration, Bonchan, Momochi and company, meanwhile in Tekken the Koreans with decades of head start got mashed out by random Pakistani abusing the lack of movement and juggle autism
SFV is more accessible, Tekken is straight up dumbed down

SFV is a literal nigger game

The only time Tekken 7 was genuinely good was when it first launched on consoles and its flaws weren't so glaring, it has only gotten worse since then because of the bad management from Harada and them milking the game (e.g. refusing to properly nerf DLC characters). Street Fighter just kept improving and improving and it's at the best it's ever been right now.
t. have 1000 hours on both games

objectively speaking, its way easier for a random to take wins off against pros in SFV. This isnt even debatable.

It is. It's my first KoF and I love it. Matchmaking is still absolutely fucked though.

Tekken 7, is still deeper and 100x as rewarding as SFV.

Street Fighter has better girls.
Tekken has better gameplay.

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You don't play the games if you unironically think so, in SFV you'd have to get several hits in to get a round, in Tekken the average combos does 60% + wall carry which gives you a free mixup at the wall, you could teach a noob to mash df2 with Paul and a basic combos and he'd be able to get some rounds eventually just by getting a lucky hit and then the pro getting wrong at the wall

SFV is alright now and I play it weekly with friends. Tekken as a series and 7 has always looked cool. I've never given it a proper shot since I don't know anyone that plays and I've been atrocious when trying 3D fighters.

There's nothing deep or rewarding about mashing with Leroy. Thank Harada for that.

Tekken on top of being shit it has a fuckload of cheating spergs

honestly, they both suck
i enjoy play tekken 7, though. but tekken 8 will blown them out of the water for sure

You have to have a screw loose to voluntarily play Tekken 7 in 2019+3. The players who don't profit off of playing this game have been on the Tekken 8 waiting room ever since it was announced Lidia was the last content the game would receive.

Right so i'll play SF instead and run into another noob using Abigail or R. Mika who wins by touching me 3 times. It's always two sides to the coin.

those characters are like mid tier and aren't gonna kill you in 3 hits anyway

>abigail mika
2017 wants you back. if you lose to mika in the current year you just got outsmarted

There is no way a bronze player will win against a gold player in SFV
In Tekken you see all the time green ranks winning against red or purple ranks

Its fucking hilarious how disconnected Tekken fags are with reality, hell even ecelebs who don't know the roster sometimes get rounds while mashing against experienced people LMAO, this dude doesn't even know who Paul is, imagine if this happened in SFV, experienced players have consistent 100% win ratio at 3 rank gaps apart, there is no way a silver player will take a single round EVER from a diamond player

This guy is literally mashing and winning against blue ranks, and he is participating in an online tournament where an actual tekken pro player is playing, the absolute state of Tekken (see 3:51 and 1:15, this dude doesn't even know paul death fist)

You're right

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tekken 8 is like 2 years off

the games are both an interesting study on what the new patch culture can do to games, good and bad
Sfv started absolutely barebones and shitty and importantly was a home release before an arcade one. over time they added to it and polished it, I think the game has been pretty fun since season 3.5 or so, and genuinely good since V-Shift. perception on it went from all negative to mostly neutral to now besides SFV hard-core diehards theres a decent chunk of the fgc that respects V as an entry and theres some (dampened because of shitty presentation) hype for SF6.
Tekken 7 on the other hand started as an arcade darling, it was more of what people expected from tekken, safe and generally pretty good. then as time went on and they started making changes and additions, things started getting wacky. the 2d characters were beginning to outperform a lot of the cast, eventually Pakistan came out of the woodwork to start domming the scene, and then everything kind of hit critical mass and folded when they added Leroy. that brief window of Leroy just buttfucking everyone free was hilarious but also the first of two shots that sank it, fakurmam was the killing blow, and all that compounded by covid destroying offline scenes temporarily, Tekken 7 is kind of in the gutter, due to the above + shitty online experience.
I think they both have merits but id argue tekken has actually suffered a more embarrassing run this gen by merit of ending on a brown note.

Like who?

What are you smoking son? LTG is diamond on multiple accounts and he gets scrubbed out by silvers/golds with V triggers when he's smurfing new characters that released.

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Tekken obviouly. I can't stand the dated side-scrooler fighting anymore.

Lmao is this bait

If you still support Tk7 (and 8 if harada doesn't prove his head isn't in his ass anymore) you are a cuckold

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>I got proved wrong? Just say it's bait.

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Even after that trashfire launch SFV ended up being the best fighting game of the gen, this just shows how pathetic the rest of the fgc is

>tekkenfags use LTG as their measurement of the game consistency
actually braindead, do you realize LTG sells ragequit and salty content, when he plays seriously its an entire another character and playstyle

both are unplayable online, so i don't care

ok. I have over 1000 hours in Tekken 7 and over 500 hours in SFV and they are both entirely different kinds of fighting games and i enjoy both for different reasons. For context i spent most of my life playing 3D fighters like Tekken and Soul Calibur and not really "getting" 2D fighters but ever since SFV Champion edition update i learned to pick up 2D fighters properly. I now play far more SFV than i do T7 but this kind of makes sense seeing as T7 had a strong start compared to SFV but now SFV is having a stronger second half than T7 is.
Something else i can say is this: playing Tekken didn't make me better at Street Fighter but learning to play Street Fighter has made me better at Tekken. Take from that what you will.

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Only a few SFIV pro players quitted the scene

Daigo still plays and competes..

>Shit Fighter

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Tekken 7 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high, it may please casual gamers for a day or two but the stagnant ongoing series is definitely in the second tier of fighters way below Capcom or NetherRealm Studios games, and it's seriously getting old and tired. The lack of depth and subtlety and the emphasis on the offensive, rather than the defensive, puts this squarely two notches below the best in the genre, the "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious fighting game player. Like the prequels, Tekken 7 is geared towards casual gamers and anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, DoA and MK games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher- friendly," Tekken might be your cup of tea... Keyword: might.

Daigo hated SFIV though. He called it a fighting game for people who aren't actually good at playing fighting games in general.

>Only a few SFIV pro players quitted the scene
And the ones who did were frauds in the first place like SnakeEyez, the ones who were actually good were able to adjust and keep winning, SFV just filtered out the people who abused the option selects, Ultra comebacks and FADC like Pepeday etc

Tekken is shit but it's also the best shit we got

Tekken 7 was extremely kino with this theme song and all that shit about Heihachi
I'm not a fightanfag though

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You dumbass furfag, that series hasn't been relevant since the PS2 days and for good reason.

>he hasn't taken the fightcade 2 pill yet

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DoA7 may be dead but maybe we can still get Soul Calibur 7?

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Tekken is for literal fucking braindead monkeys

This. 09'ers didn't drop SF because they suddenly hated money and fame. They dropped it because they had no choice.

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bottom left is who she really was.

there are several games better than tekken 7 you can play right now, you just refuse to because of your sunken cost and 3D snobbiness

Gameplay: Tekken 7
Characters: Tekken 7
Matchmaking: Tekken 7 (SFV's ft3 ranked system is cringe and it takes longer to find matches in it)
Netcode: Not sure, i've had more laggy matches in SFV so probably Tekken 7 but neither is great.
Graphics: SFV
Stages: SFV
Costumes: SFV
Music: SFV (the jukebox feature for Tekken on PS4 is based though)
Additional content: Not sure yet, Tekken 7's suck but i haven't delved into SFV outside of multiplayer

Most based thing about SFV: being able to unlock DLC chars with ingame currency (Tekken 7 chars on PC can be cracked easily though which is nice)

Overall as someone who put way more time into Tekken than Street Fighter, i'd say Tekken is more fun to play but Street Fighter has much better presentation and feels like a better complete package.

i've never read post more retarded. have you ever passed green ranks?

>i refuse to name those games though
>i shouldn't have to explain! You should know!