Fake-ass "gamers" without an 18 year old steam account.
Fake-ass "gamers" without an 18 year old steam account
Your account is older than 80% of the posters on this board
>admiting you are american
I can't be american, I'm white
holy based
based retard
>thread already derailed
How do you even come to that conclusion?
I have a 14 year old account. Am I still an oldfag?
what exactly was the direction you think it was going
>steam accounts are old enough to post on Yea Forums
i made an account for orangebox and sold it when i finished hl2
same bro... i guess we're not gonna make it
I just looked at the badge on my steam and it feels weird to see that 2014 was 8 years ago
>got my original account VAC banned for cheating in CSS after getting bored
>stuck as a 14 yearlet
hah. i don't even have an 18yo gf
Turning 18 this christmas
>americans... LE BAD.
You will never be human Mutt, I wish all Americans could be exterminated, then world peace can be achieved
>Satania... LE GOOD
>Fake-ass "gamers" buying an 18 year old steam account.
You're subhuman Mutt, I hate you
how someone got a gaming Pc in 2005 ?
I've been building gaming PCs since before you were born
Orange Box bros...
>then world peace can be achieved
The rest of the world would fall instantly to China and Russia if America were gone
So I hope you enjoy heavy doses of authoritarian communist dystopia
I don't actually play video games, I'm just here to shit post
>You will never be human Mutt, I wish all Americans could be exterminated, then world peace can be achieved
China and Russia control america, so idk what you're on about
Orange box was 5 years later user, your account would only be 13 years old
same but television and film and Yea Forums
Go to a physical IRL store, buy computer parts, take them home and assemble into a computer.
crysis came out in 2007
remember everyone ITT with 17/18 year badges are the reason we have no big boxes anymore.
Stay mad, collectranny
I don't care about collecting I care about owning my games
Damn... that sin would weigh heavy on my shoulders...
If you play any pre-Steam game via Steam, you're a zoomer.
But I have my 17 year badge because of buying the Half Life Platinum collection box.
Actually, it was the hordes of people (like you) who came in after us who were more than willing to buy digital if it meant consistently lower prices. Originally, steam was just another way to get the games you bought physically, then HL2 came out and they made everyone use steam for some reason.
I always thought steam was the gayest thing and my mind only changed when the epic game store released, now it's only the second gayest thing. Fuck steam, fuck drm and not owning your games.
wow you had $100 once ans bought a hijacked dead account so you'd have a low number in csgo. So cool
fuck you
this poor steam account age thread... it could have turned into a background and avatar thread, now we'll never know.. why didn't jannies do anything to save it?
Mines 17, 18 old accounts are edgy, and im not edgy.
you meet the most random people in zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam
>at least I own my gam-
I'm pretty close
While I do enjoy having an old ass Steam account it is a reminder of the green interface days. I had only got it because I was into Counter Strike and the latest version required Steam, which to me was this pointless bullshit I had to install so I could get back to out sniping awpers with the scout. Really takes me back. Thanks for spending time with Grandpa.
>he got a steam account as early as possible, not when you were forced to
>not pirating games
what a gaymer you are indeed
>noooo it wasnt us it was only optional when we supported it!!!
you sound like the gamepass faggots
For me, it was CompUSA.
Damn, user I actually have normal discussion Yea Forums
My account was made in like 2013 but I played on WON. I had a cringy username and I didn't want it anymore.
if it makes you feel better i at least don't make shitty off-topic threads
Impressive! Your steam account is as old as me.
I lost my old account with the Half Life Anthology cd-key registered to it
Then stopped caring about steam in general since I got hooked to WoW and made a new account for TF2
Forever cursed with only a 15yo account
I didn't own a pc until 2007 and before that 1999
I made an account when steam came out but my (two year old) computer could barely run steam and a game at the same time so I gave up on it til I had money for a new computer. I have no idea what my account name was.
This never worked and if anything ruined disks worse. Shit came out so scratched with micro scratches it looked like frosted glass
No wonder you're a faggot.