ITT: Perfect vidya shotguns.
ITT: Perfect vidya shotguns
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this shotgun sucks no idea why people slurp it so much
l4d 1 and 2 had really good shotguns
they felt realistic but also balanced and fun
>that kick animation
dated asf
The Chaperone
>filtered by FEAE
Haahahah retard
a few things have changed since this guide was written, and the mod is a bit more polished now, but this mod has the best shotguns I've ever used in any game ever.
looks like a kid is playing war with a super soaker
also that kick animation is slow as hell, lacks punch and too much smoke everywhere looks like whole place is crumbling with asbestos.
>Zoomers getting filtered by FEAR
>incapable of saying anything other than filtered
You're the zoomer retard
Definitely not this piece of shit
The one from Gunman Chronicles for sure. . .
>its 2022 and there STILL is no other vidya with a cuztomizable shotgun choke pattern
One thing I've always enjoyed about this game is just how much of a fucking mess even small shootouts leave.
Take any of the office areas before and after and its amazing. I wish more games did that, I wish more games were fun.
MW2 spas-12 blew people away
is "filtered", "cope" and "seethe" the only things zoomies can say?
Fear has better attention to detail than 99% of games today.
it's not "customizable" but there are diverters, and 3 different chokes in this
Truth. Still feels great and the aftermath of gunfights (like user said ) are just excellent
What the fuck is wrong with you all
Only issues with FEAR are the low enemy variety (which is partially made up for by having some of the best AI I've ever seen in an FPS) and repetitive level aesthetics.
> a challenger appears
Who did the slowmo better, fear or superhot?
why did he do it
High IQ
wanted to get it up to 42%
FEAR obviously
> anime posters
> a faggot scarf
guess why
I recently played through SoF1 for the first time. The game isn't as good as what people make it out to be, but the shotgun really is exactly as good as what everyone claims.
It's pretty damn good.
I had two issues with the game. Firstly, is way too easy for the most part, and secondly the audio is a bit broken at times, omitting effects when too many are playing, like it doesn't support enough sound channels. It probably makes the guns feel less impactful than they are.
Still better than SoF2 though. That game jumped on the misguided realism bandwagon.
>Still better than SoF2 though.
That's a low bar to surpass.
Check the colors on the bandana
Don’t know why but that didn’t effect me, the mother walking in and screaming did it for me.
SoF2 does have some cool technology though. Like being able to mix different types of one-handed guns in akimbo, and there's the OICW with fully simulated programmable 20mm grenade launcher. Though I don't remember if that's even available in singleplayer.
seethe harder
Loved this game
>Pump action
Is the spread gun in Contra a shotgun? If so, then is the wookiee bowcaster in DF2 a shotgun as well since it can shoot a spread of 5 bolts?
Why did videogames stop using shotguns as "gun that can kill multiple enemies at once" and made them into "melee but it uses ammo"?
Pump action SPAS is the most soulful SPAS.
Doom 2 super shotgun is a given, for me it's the riot gun in RE4. The striker's huge magazine is great along with it's small size in the attache case, but actually using the riot gun is much more enjoyable
>misses the second shot in slow motion
>"filtered xdd"
New Vegas has good shotguns
between all the different shells you can use it is very versatile and the perks just make it flat out fun
1887s akimbo in MW2 is the most shotFUN I've ever had
This weapon single handedly turned E.Y.E. from 7/10 to 9/10
>Check the colors on the bandana
Looks like 2 tones of blue...
2 tones of green... aaand red?
Now what.
>FOV 40
Pre-patch Models were peak vidya.
1887 2.0 was just as bullshit and fun, the days before this thing was nerfed reminded me of MW2
TCSG12 in Rainbow 6 Siege (pre-nerf when it did 70 damage with silencer on and 84 with it off).
Slug shotguns are the best.
what mods?
Remember when even the devs admitted it was OP?
This and the crysis shotgun when on non-spread mode.
Not that guy but looks like STALKER Anomaly with Boomsticks and Sharpsticks submod, or any of the other myriad of weapons mods.
He was a faggot
Old ass game with good lighting
2, yeah.
these FEAR webms always are posted, and they are so damned boring. Do FEAR some justice and actually have spectacle with the shotty gd.
Give them a break man they had to work with the fucking ps3 cell processor.
sent nude photos to some guy who then used them as blackmail; guy demanded ~$1,000 or else he would send the photos to his family. Kid went to /r9k/, started streaming, rest follows.
Are the Killzone games any good?
What the FUCK went wrong?
I remember the NS2000 with slugs being stupidly good in Bad Company 2, had lots of fun with it.
Bad Company 3 when?