Master duel

(you) will play p.u.n.k tomorrow

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is this a boy or a girl?

a girl you tranny

I think I'll build swordsoul actually, hopefully they're cheap

>master duel threads will finally have elfsex posting
I'm so excited bros

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That's a girl(female), ze amin is the boy

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Will Swordsouls be meta, rogue or just a fun deck?


>Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
A Nogaku dancer, dancing while wearing a dazzling mask
>Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune
>Noh-P.U.N.K. Dia Note
Ze Amin's new style?!

Ze Amin captivates young people with her dance and utai recitation, accompanied by a holographic mask with emotional transformations.

The transformations during her performances are so complete that some people wonder if it was in fact the work of an entire group of performers.

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I'm considering building a PUNK deck solely because the cards look awesome, but I dunno how good they are. I know they're part of the 60 piles stuff but I dunno if I wanna play that

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You will fap to it anyways

I want to play libromancer tho

Well shit, tier 1 it is then.

what time is the fucking maintenance?

Play Brick Mirror.

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Drytronsisters.... the end... is...nigh

>Dragonmaid SD


7 hours from now

I want to sleep on his muscles :3

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They're just a sneedlefiber engine sadly, their best move is searching ghost ogre

Why is this season so much more boring and frustrating than past seasons?


Granted, you may dust your cards.

I spent 20k and never got my least i hope it has the spheres in it

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Oh fuck, I hope they don't start banning shit from my OTHER deck.

You are forced to play people in your same rank, and it also makes dueling the same people more often

Why are they called twins if they're not even of the same race?

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Swordsouls are going to be even better in Master Duel because every other top deck has a bunch of consistency hits that differ from the OCG because they don't want to hit real problem cards like VFD, Floodgates and Eva.

I love the aesthetic of Dream Mirrors. Are they any good?

Yea I'm excited to build them, unfortunately only have 3k gems so I hope I get lucky on the URs.

Please reply

Are you aware that Eva was never banned/Limited in the OCG. Same with benten

Would it even be worth dismantling the cards and then buying the sd. I’m trying to think if spending 14k and another 1500 on them and dismantling would be worth it

Thats what he's saying, unlike in the OCG MD hit the consistency of Dryton by limiting benten.

Why is he dressed like a belly dancer?

Because it was just released in the tcg, if you're lucky it'll be in MD in 3 months since we're getting grand creators tomorrow and it was released at the end of january


Sorry, I'm playing a superior deck

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Thank you

>sky striker makes up less than 4% of the player base
>but this board screeches like they encounter them every game
Why do magical mecha musume girls trigger you?

You subterror trannies have been hiding some prime pussy among your monsters.
Subterror Fiendess
Subterror Nemesis Archer

Explain yourselves.

is punk even good without the field spell

They don't want to share


>have to see even more scaly maids
They trigger my anti furry autism

its a boy
noh performers are all male. we're finally getting a shota archetype :3

Dusting everything except my Diamond meta deck, and I'll make Swordsoul+punk for the season.

what the actual fuck did I just play against

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go back to your dusty old ancient gear shit

Oh that's Yugi Motos deck.

It's not autism, you are just normal.
Dragonmaids utterly disgust me as well.

Yeah I have sky strikers as well and while they're great definitely tier 2 the deck is just so fragile in MD with Kagari at 1. But when it all goes well Sky Strikers can feel shitty to lose too. When their opening hand is like 4 hand traps engage and raye you're gonna have a bad time.


>Ice Barrier Structure Deck
Holy kino

>and card destruction
>with normal monsters
>but no white elephant gift
>also the gods are there for some reason
Someone waiting for the hight that pulling off whatever he's trying will induce

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That just means you are both autists

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Soon I'll have my daughterwife on field.
Did the Laundry artist have a reaction to her being leaked

Only once Dia Note, Therions and Dinomorphia are added to the game

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You're a tranny

Died of happiness

Can traptix negate traps? Be honest. I wanna evenly this tranoid.


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you still cant get knocked out of your bracket right? i'm thinking of getting to D5 for the border and then just chillin

Need Therions' for my ABC chads...

They have monsters that are immune to traps

They mostly have monster negates just go for it.

Rafflesia makes them immune to traps.

You cannot

Evenly forces a player to send things to face down banish so things aren't immune to it. Very weird Konami ruling to make the card work as intended.

Just did. The nigga lost everything except rafflesia.

Shut up don't give them ideas

I found out about cyberdark dogmatika decks and i saw this and they play vs shit like tri-brigade, drytron and swordsoul, they did fuck uo where they out a few monsters under spells in the description tho
There's a decklist in the description
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted x1
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous x1
Cyberdark Chimera x2
Cyberdark Keel x1
Cyberdark Horn x1
Cyberdark Edge x1
Cyberdark Cannon x3
Attachment Cybern x1
Cyberdark Claw x3
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3
Cyber Dragon Core x3
Cyber Dragon Herz x1
Nadir Servant x3
Overload Fusion x1
Power Bond x1
Cyber Emergency x3
Cybernetic Horizon x3
Cyber Eternal x1
Cyberdark Realm x3
Infinite Impermanence x3
Dogmatika Punishment x2
Cyberdark Invasion x1
Cyberdark End Dragon x2
Cyber End Dragon x1
Cyberdarkness Dragon x2
Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon x1
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon x1
Cyberdark Dragon x1
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon x1
Elder Entity N'tss x2
Wind Pegasus @Ignister x1
Cyber Dragon Sieger x1
Predaplant Verte Anaconda x1
Salamangreat Almiraj x1
What do you think guys, worth building? Looks pretty nice and i already have dogmatika and i jsut need to get a couple structure decks and acraft a few cards

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>Stuck in Plat 2
>Probably won't make it until tomorrow as work will get in the way
>I'll have to suffer DPE and Swordsoul
I'll never make it to Diamond bros ....


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>all shit
Will they ever top the ugly NTR goblin face?

>all the typos
Im a brainlet and it's late night here and i spent hours looking up decks i can build tomorrow and i also took a day off to play MD with mew stuff
these's so much shit they haven't even released yet

I really regret making salamangreat right now

>uploading your duel when it's against BEWD
>uploading your deck when it's against DM
>or against the pass not
>or when it's a first turn scoop
>or a bot scoop
Some people are easily pleased

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Newish player trying to prepare my asshole for DPE. What other generic methods are there of stopping your opponent from getting DPE on the field if you're going second?
You can Ash the Verte (I think?), you can Veiler it, you can imperm it, or maybe Ghost Reaper before Verte/DPE get on the field to banish one of them pre-emptively?
Anything else?

floonwandereeze seems pretty good, do they get mixed with monach or harpies?
