Find a cool picture in the web

>find a cool picture in the web
>make a thread with vidya related topic
>it's stays up

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This girl is 6 you sick fuck

>reddit family
go back

Does this show have any reddeming quality or is it just another;
>haha, le funny loli with funny eyes
fandom filled to the brim with ironic weebs and normalfags?

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>Reddit X Family
Go back.

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Why does she make the face

watch first episode

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Mid x Family

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>SXF is popular now
It's not fucking fair Axeman bros...

>mediocre animation
>spy parts are boring, slice of life parts are boring
And yes I read the manga and it's the same shit there too. Yor was even sidelined, this series is trash. Becky was cute tho

This show is so boring

shes 4

fotm garbage

it's haha le funny loli with funny eyes

>relatively obscure manga
>enjoyed it with anons
>it gets popular
>everyone suddenly hates it and call it reddit

Every time ;_;

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Literaly reddit the anime.

>Yor was even sidelined
That's the worst.

Any Manga that was never talked about on Yea Forums that gets an anime and suddenly gets posted on Yea Forums will be treated as FOTM garbage. No exceptions.

Pretty much just a comfy romcom. The action is there but it's not too exciting, just cool. It's great for the type of person wanting to see a happy family like me who wants one.

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>redditors that browse reddit and pay attention to what redditors are saying (because they are redditors) being contrarian to their fellow redditors again
The cycle continues

doesn't matter. smug cunts get dicked down.

>popular thing is le bad

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Chainsaw man anime is going to be an apocalypse

That was a lie you fool, she read his mind and lied about being older because she wanted to be adopted. She's no more than 5 years old.

Yea Forums is now mostly Redditors who are incredibly self-conscious and so vehemently deny any connection to Reddit (that only they know exists because they go to Reddit).

>bad thing is bad

This exactly, not much of an oldfag myself but in the 10 years I’ve been here this is the main behavior that gives it away. That pathetic, weak, crowd-pleasing mentality and dishonesty.

i hope isekai ojisan and the one room hero anime are good

I would honestly call it exemplary. Well animated, funny, great action scenes, and with a heartwarming found family core tying it all together.

And yes, the little girl does make silly faces.

>redditors pretending not to be redditors who pretend not to be redditors
fuck off reddit

Anime adaptations always make online discussions of something to go to shit these days, no exceptions. Whenever an adaptation happens the manga community is suddenly opened up to the anime community, which consists of teenagers and Twitter faggots, and suddenly there's Yea Forums threads because all our resident Twitter crossposter tourists want to talk about it. Normalfags, the lot of them.

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Sure, not because it's genuinely unfunny with reaction meme faces being its only source of "humor". The fact that Yor is sidelined. The fact that none of the spy or assassin parts have zero tension and no good villains. The fact that the tsundere boy and little brother play out exactly like every other generic romcom. Spy x Family is just not that great, regardless of its popularity.

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>well animated
latest episode proves you wrong. Action scenes were pitiful, none of the swings had any weight or impact. It can't even qualify as Sakuga, it looked like some Toei shit.

Name one legit funny scene. And yes I read the manga so I will call you out on your bullshit.

You nigger say this about every FoTM anime. Oh, Marin-chan so wholesome! Dragonmaid so wholesome! Every anime is wholesome so that's not special or a selling point. Even Demon Slayer mogs Spy x Family in being wholesome and that's the most generic reddit shit of all time.

No, it's bad. But that's not the point. Now Yea Forums has to deal with shit eating Anime-only retard normalfags crossposting this shit. sums it up.
Happens with all FOTM. Nobody cares about mangafags because they stay on Yea Forums.

keep up the good work

>Marin-chan so wholesome! Dragonmaid so wholesome!
This but unironically

If it weren't popular you wouldn't care regardless
People read stuff for dumb shit all the time

This, once the floodgates to the anime community are opened there's no reason to stay.

But I read the manga and everything in that post is true. Yor does get sidelined. The comedy is as generic and milquetoast as can be. The characters never develop. Anya just makes weird faces and people pretend that's funny somehow. You're claiming people only think it's bad because it's popular when there are valid reasons.

I hate normalfags and ironicweebs so much holy shit

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I was saying the same shit during the manga threads. I don't know why you braindead consoomers think any critique is immediately just hate due to popularity.

it's nice to see a FOTM comedy/romance series that doesn't revolve around a high school setting desu

>no impact to anything
>no visual flair or any kind because the director is garbage
>bland camerawork
>produced by fucking STUDIO WIT
>very short scene even though it's literally just Yor punching and kicking for 12 seconds including slow mo

Jesus Christ is that supposed to be impressive?

You're trying too hard user, already destroyed both your first and second point in one gif. And to say Demon Slayer is "more wholesome" than SxF is just silly.

Yah there's valid reasons. But I don't care. I just hate FOTM niggers

You wouldn't even know what good animation is even if fucking tezuka showed it to yourself

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So this is the type of person that led Youtube to remove the star rating system.


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You said it like people who do hate it because of popularity doesn't exist
If you have a good reason then fine, but you wouldn't spam about muh reddit otherwise

>Toei shit
Dragon Quest: Dai is unironically the only anime worth watching right now.

Damn I want Yor to punch me so bad

Some people hate it because of popularity but that doesn't negate the fact it has valid flaws. Comedy is painfully unfunny with everyone just citing Anya's faces and not any actual joke beyond those. I'm caught up to the manga and yeah I can confirm the whole series is mediocre and bland. I thought maybe it would get better but no. So no, people just don't hate it because it's popular. In fact you're the one blindly praising it because you can't tell me a single genuinely scene that isn't Anya making a face and not a single sakuga scene because of the animation.

Spy x Family doesn't have good animation. What's even more embarassing is it's Studio WIT doing it, I mean what the fuck.

>Caring what other people watch
>Caring what people post on this anonymous trading card board
>Complaining about lack of animation, yet gets assblasted by webm's with good and polished animation
>Thinking his favorite manga, LN or series is gonna get somehow worse when its introduce to a wider audience, when its already reached a broad audience.
You can't make this shit up, no wonder reddit invaded this site. Yea Forums and Yea Forums are such children ran boards.
Pathetic, my final post for today. Goodbye.

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>no impact to anything
Well Yor is a woman after all

I can smell the neckbeard through my monitor

>Caring what other people say to the point you type this wall of text
lol butthurt neckbeard

I don’t give a single fuck about your petty and meaningless discussions, you bunch of niggers.
Is it true that Yor gets sidelined? That’s crazy. But from what I’ve seen/read so far it seems like a real possibility,m.

>Loid's gloves getting torn apart the more he blocks because of Yor's retard strength

That's a cool detail.

>He's not complaining about letting normalfags invade the obscure stuff he enjoys
Congrats on letting them enter the gate you fucking nigger

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>I don't give a fuck
That's why you're reading the posts in this thread and still posting in it. Asshurt faggot. And it's ironic that animeonly ledditors like you are the ones praising this shit when I've actually read the manga and can confirm it's shit. Also no one ITT can name a single legit funny scene. Shit sucks as a spy show AND as a comedy show.