>work five days a week
>do daily chores
>too tired to play vidya
>weekend comes
>get too anxious about having to go back to work soon to truly get immersed in vidya anymore
>cycle continues over and over
How are you guys managing?
>work five days a week
>do daily chores
>too tired to play vidya
>weekend comes
>get too anxious about having to go back to work soon to truly get immersed in vidya anymore
>cycle continues over and over
How are you guys managing?
>work five days a week
Couldn't be me.
what work? i work in a warehouse 8 hours daily. usually get 6:30 hours of sleep which fucking sucks but i have enough energy to play games 3-6 hours for the rest of the day. i also can't get thoughts of work out of my head easily but that's usually till i get into a game.
i think it's all in your head. maybe you lack motivation. try sleeping after work or play before work idk?
work 10-12 hour shifts and get 3-4 days off. Those 3-4 hours you have left after work on weekdays can go into having an actual day off.
im unemployed and living with mommy :)
I get into work at 9:30 AM and don't leave till 7:30 PM.
I also have to work six days a week some times.
I have to schedule people to cover my days off due to my position.
Shit sucks.
felt the same way, I couldn't even enjoy my free time because I would randomly think about work and start counting the hours I have left. To the point I'd feel sick and nauseous.
It's unironically over for me, I can't see myself doing this for 50 years.
>waaah i’m a low testosterone having faggot waah
k. no one cares dude.
I'm a NEET so can't relate but I ran out of good games to play
Unironically get more sleep, then start meditating or doing breathing exercises for 10 minutes in the morning, then start walking for 30 minutes in the afternoon, then start eating better.
If you aren't clinically depressed or working 10 hour days you can get your energy back user
yo finna based me too going on 30 soon and never had a job in my life, didn't even finish school
autism is powerful
My day would start at 5am however, and would work 6 days a week. That's was the toughest part by far.
Ignore chores and play games... simple problems call for simple solutions.
>couldn't enojy full-time employment, not enough time
>can't enjoy NEETlife, too much time so I end up wasting it
Trying to get a part time job now
Quit your job and find something that's easier or more enjoyable
I don't -like- to work 8 hours a day, but you can at least try to make it a thing you don't hate with a passion, like you do right now.
Grow up and stop playing video games
They are supposed to be for children
Grow up and leave this mongolian basket weavings forum
It is supposed to be for manchildren
For me, it's adderall.
Same. Tried going to college several times. Got close to getting IT and networking certs, stopped. Now I'm a 30 something year old man who hasn't accomplished anything. Shit, the only reason I have a house and car is because I lucked on on some injuries. The future is scary. I hope you figure something out user.
>getting weekends off
imagine complaining about 5 days work week when there people still working 6 days a week
This. It takes time, effort, and risk, but if you have to spend such a large percentage of your life working, invest the energy into finding a job that doesn't paralyze you with anxiety and dread. I found retail more exhausting than warehouse work, but warehouse work so cripplingly boring that I'd sneak a podcast in and get fired. Finally found a place repairing laptops that's shitty, but I get to sit down, shoot the shit with my coworkers (who are all vidya playing degenerates too), fuck with laptops all day, and make way more money to boot. Even found a bro there to go to the gym and get swole with.
Work can actually be somewhat enjoyable and enriching, but you have to be really persistent and lucky until you find the right job. Life gets so much better once you do.
God I wish I could be a neet.
>tfw work a shitty warehouse job but get fri, sat and sun off.
I wish I had a job, wanna trade?
I would in a heartbeat.
Zoomers don't understand what work actually is.
>[depressed sighing here]
Find a different job. If you get anxiety about your job, it's NOT a good one, no matter the pay. I moved from a well paying job with extreme hours to a shit tier job with low pay and small hours and i'm much happier.
Just stop working
It worked for me
i'm not. and all my NEET friends around me are leaving me behind
i work, work out/am fit, keep up with normalfag fashions and keep up a extroverted facade at work
but all my loser interests i share are with my introverted NEET friends and they're moving on past me because i have no free time to keep up
so now all i do is lay in bed and read manga during my free time, alone
>but all my loser interests i share are with my introverted NEET friends and they're moving on past me because i have no free time to keep up
This makes zero sense
I'm in the same situation really. I can't keep up with them. Plus they sleep all day so even when I'm off I'm only awake for a few hours when they are. Can't fuck my sleep schedule up too badly because I have work again
He's out of the loop, he's basically an outsider now.
That's cool. What's your video card though? What iphone model do you have?
The only solace is the money. Have about 1k Eurobucks a month left after everything's paid for.
Then again, I am never going to do anything with the money because houses cost like 300k even in bumfuck nowhere. I hate it.
>Work warehouse-tier labour in a thrift store, sorting merchandise and bringing it to the floor as fast as possible. Have to regularly move 1,000 pound carts. For the first 3 years, had to do it alone because we were understaffed.
>Get paid minimum wage because when the minimum went up, no wage adjustment+covid froze wages.
>Wages still not frozen, 10 years of work and they keep making excuses to pay us minimum.
>Meeting comes.
>Boss calls us lazy and spoiled, instead of working 7:30 to 4 mon-friday, we're getting rotating shifts like cashiers.
>Wind up working several weeks with only one day off in between 5 day stretches.
>Body is in constant pain, mind constantly drained, depressed to hell.
If any fucking other place I applied to would hire me I would take them in an instant. I'm so desperate to get the fuck out.
>Be over 30
>Work 40+ hours a week
>Do daily chores
>Spend 6+ hours a day playing videogames
>Weekend comes
>Play videogames for 16 hours straight
>Repeat with the mixed in 4+ hours of mountain biking here and there.
Feels good man
>goes on Yea Forums to spend hours away instead of playing vidya
dang, almost as if
>How are you guys managing?
I'm not.
I've read more scholarly journals as a neet than I ever did in college. It's interesting how much time you can waste when managing time becomes irrelevant. Not implying this is a good this, because it isn't.
I work full time and usually manage to play 20 hours a week at least. It's just time management.
Thanks, sorry to hear that you got injured but that does make it a lot easier to collect. World is gonna get a whole lot scarier and hopefully we can hold onto our families.
Life just wasn't meant to be lived like this
faggots itt:
>you dont need days off I work 7 days 12 hours a day and am happy a jew owns my life
>you kids deserve minimum wage
>i am okay with being a parasite just live off a government that doesnt care about you
You dont. That what life with job is when you are not lucky 1%
fuck user you are just like me
i hope one day i will get the courage to finally fucking kill myself
I know that feel bro. And the worst thing is that what free time I do have just goes by in an instant and then it's BACK TO FUCKING WORK AGAIN
>I lucked on on some injuries
It's so weird that we live in a world where this phrase makes sense.
You don't. If the pandemic lockdown taught 90% of people everywhere anything, it's that becoming NEET is just as bad as having a terrible job.
wait till you get to the part where you also want to learn a new skill you have NO talent in like drawing and every second of your free time not spent on it makes you feel like shit
How the fuck do you even keep going with a job like that? Seriously I work 5 days and feel miserable already.
Not really, you can go out and do whatever you want as a NEET. You don't have to stay at home all day you know
>Get cancer in my leg.
>Shortened work hours while getting radiation therapy.
>Get the tumor surgically removed.
>Barely any loss in function in my leg.
That two month period where I was recovering and off work was the happiest I've ever been since I got a full time job.
They keep doing this shit because people like you keep accepting it. Get a better job faggot, you're keeping the minimum wage that low for everyone.
Nooo I need to be a slave for Mr. Sheckelstein to give my life meaning!!!
Would be pretty nice if I could find a job offering more than minimum. My options are limited. I am powerless.
I have two STEM degrees, one in Computer Science and another in Neuroscience. I paid professionals to polish my resume also since I had a one year internship in Data Science. I have a github and more. I haven't been able to land a real job in data science in months even though the demand seems high.
you grind the fuck out of it until you can retire early
>be school teacher
>do whatever the fuck I want
Sucks to be you bitch niggah
>b-but the kids are retarded & muh nigger kids
Beta males & women have no place in teachering
yes that's right just work yourself to death lmao you can finally enjoy life when you're no longer useful and decomposing.
This might be hard to believe, but most people become depressed when they don't have responsibilities to keep them preoccupied. When you have nothing to do, it makes it that much easier to avoid doing anything at all.
It's ironic, but it's how most people function. No job of any sort leads to becoming lazy, which leads to becoming depressed, which leads to premature death or suicide.
i run cable, so I just get the jobs done then fap and play vidya and do it again until it's the weekend. field work is much better than being stuck in an office except for the winter.
ok well your other option is to take it easy and enjoy the downtime you do get and retire in your 80s
retards like this think they are in a position to teach anyone anything
Do you live in a major metro? With degrees that impressive I'm sure there are some wonderful opportunities available. If not there then maybe a few states over. Also, you have real world experience user! That is a boon!
they gonna be teachering you how to suck on mommy's dick when you get busted sniffing undies
>work 5 days a week
>hire a nice polish lady to clean my apartment once a week
>subscribed to meal prep kits to make cooking easy
>plenty of energy for vidya every day
This is why I loved covid and lockdowns. Best 2 years of my life since uni finished. I actually had time and energy to do things i wanted to do again.
And now return to office is slowly taking it all away again.
I live near Atlanta area. I can't move due to several reasons.
nigga who gives a shit about other people, it's their problem if they want to waste 6 days / week wageslaving
>smoke weed
>quit job
>play different game
>force yourself to start
or get used to it and take a break
I got an email from my work yesterday that I have to return to the office now for a job I have been doing remotely without issue for a year. I will be putting my two weeks in, I will never go back to work in person
>be unemployed
>constantly think about how shitty your friends have been to you and backstabbed and steal from you
i wonder how i can stop this