Why is April's nose so damn big?
Why is April's nose so damn big?
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You just want people to post about Jews.
It is unironically not my fault if your mind went there I was being unironic
>Jews from Ireland
It's the cartoony style I believe.
Lazy turtle recolor
because the air is free?
It's just the artist made it. Probably so it stands out better at 1:1 resolution
kikes have been conditioning us over the years to find large noses attractive (they're not)
it's not big, it's anime face profile
i am so excited about this remaster compilation, i am going to purchase it with united states dollars to add to my shelf
that's her cheek. her nose is a couple of pixels inside that shape.
>Profile view
>Somehow that's her "cheek"
Are you blind?
Her nose isn't big,It's an anime style thing like said. Mega Man does this a lot too.
>Still no Casey Jones
Don't care.
She has a bigger nose than all of these characters
that's not a profile view dipshit. the head isn't remotely shaped like that in profile, unless she's supposed to have a malformed neck and no chin. get your mongoloid eyes checked before you start whining.
>still no actual release date
i sleep
>Leonardo looking at her from side view
>She's looking directly at him
Your eyes are broken, you absolute retard.
game looks nice so far, only thing i'd complain about from what i've seen so far is that the sound design is a bit too... subtle? aside from the music, which is phenomenal, the sound effects all lack a bit of OOMPH that the older games had. should've leaned more into old kung fu movie style sound effects if you ask me.
>Big nose
>Runs the media
What did TMNT mean by this
Mutagen is a hell of a drug
Just post the April lewds already and get it over with.
It's not, her hair is just covering the read of her head.
Fucking retard.
It's just an unfortunate pixel art job, the anime thing is definitely what the artist was going for
But the miracle never happen
Do we ever learn of April's Irish Ancestry?
He doesn't run it though, the fat blonde guy runs it.
These are the hard-hitting plotlines TMNT needs to revitalize itself. The Ireland arc
That yellow outfit did things to me as a kid
Still does
When you jerk off to the Pornstar April O'Neil cosplaying as April O'Neil
You say that like there isn't an obvious problem with this board that seriously needs a dialogue yet will never be done because people either don't care or are part of the problem.
But we're on a blue board, user.
Did I fucking stutter?
Where the FUCK is Shredders Revenge?
it looks fine to me actually. i don't know what anyone in this thread's problem is.
For those who read the IDW TMNT comics. The mentally ill tranny in charge of head writing does it again.
So the tranny who cut off his own penis and put on a wig to pretend to be a woman? He brought back Venus and how does he do it? Venus in IDW TMNT is a human who got mutated into a frog, captured by a crazy scientist who is using surgery to make said frog look like a turtle so stuff like her turtle shell? It's fake.
Why bring back Venus if it's done in such a messy sloppy terrible way? All they need to do was use mutagen again but no it had to be an operation which feels like an allegory for tranny stuff which of course the writer doing this is a tranny. Look IDW TMNT is overrated trash, it's never been that great and I think the sooner is gets canceled the better and same to those SHITTY IDW Sonic comics you hear me?
Which Turtle does April fuck the most? Or does she fuck Splinter?
Everyone at Channel 6 news is Jewish
Her boss Mr. Thompson is the greedy big nose fat jew, her cameraman Vernon is the cowardly big nose jew, the secretary Irma is the mousey nerdy jew and April is what we call PEAK JEWISH WOMAN and they come once every 1000 years
They all control the media
Whoever has the most drugs.
Mikeychads, we win again.
lfmao is this real?
>see the word “nose”
>immediately think of jews
That's just her hair covering her face
I thought Akabur dropped April?
There was an anime version of the 80s turtles?
It's fake subs over a real OVA.
There were two OVAs made to advertise two toy lines. They're pretty bad, really only worth a watch as a novelty if you're a hardcore TMNT fan.
The modern comic industry's new hiring policy is hire people who are willing to "work for comps". What that means is they will work for free and their 'payment" is 10 copies of whatever they worked on. You work on IDW TMNT as a writer for issue #3? We send you 10 copies of that issue (and any reprints or variant covers) as payment. It costs the company nothing in terms of printing it, they don't have to pay the writer, the ads cover the printing costs and they squeek out a small profit in a dying industry on a terrible comic
The mentally ill writers who all work for free get to do whatever they want with those 10 books (sometimes more due to again, variants or trades), most of the time, just giving them to friends and family to feel like they are a professional, while still living at home or sharing a small apartment with 5 other people while still working at Starbucks
This is the modern comic industry, and it's full of people who are lowering the bar of quality and entry
As the writer of Ms. Marvel or New Mutants how much they get paid. They won't be able to answer that.
it's coming "this Summer," but June is already rapidly approaching. wouldn't be surprised if this gets delayed into the Fall.
lots of people have big noses and aren't Jewish, dummy. just look at the Meds and the French.
Gonna play a demo of it by the end of the month, but I don't know beat em ups. What should I check?
I mean she does work in media so...
See .
>Irish chapter of the Foot Clan
Would you read it?
>The TMNT fight and them team up with a team of irish republican mutants, who introduce each other to pizza and beer
What if Splinter was a girl?
Jews and Jannies have a lot in common
What nose? All I see is her opposite cheek, she has no nose
TMNT87 technically is anime if you consider Toei animating the first three seasons