can someone explain his plan and motivations?
Other urls found in this thread:
complex motives but less complex than the other guy
fuck the English language
He grew up in a small village
He wanted to kill everyone who speaks english cuz he didn't like the world being able to communicate with each other or some dumb shit.
Basically his plan is to reignite the Cold War and make nukes accessible to not just the world's super powers but to all nations and peoples. To do this, he puts Sahelanthropus, which by itself is useless as a weapon but great as an advertisment, into the hands of the Soviets so that they could show it off and scare everyone into arming themselves. Then Skullface and his organization XOF come into the picture and start selling nukes and a means to launch them anywhere without the need for ICBM capabilities, the Walker Gears. He's able to do so thanks to the Metallic Archaea which can enrich even the smallest uranium amount but the kicker is that he's able to control the Archaea and if they enrich or not.
Secondly after everyone has nukes, he's going to tear away the Superpowers' control of the world by eliminating their cultural reach, destroying their languages. After English and Russia are rendered effectively unusable, countries will fracture and be forced to adopt new languages and cultures but stop them from ever growing too large in fear of the same thing happening to them, effectively turning the world into smaller tribes.
Now the real beauty is thanks to everyone having access to nukes, none of these smaller tribes will ever attack each other and if they did they're confined to smaller conflicts ensuring the world will never have a global catastrophe because no one tribe will ever gain too much influence in fear of the parasites wiping them out.
Basically Skullface is saying a big fuck you to The Patriots plan of a one world ideology and after the initial deaths of millions would have prevented the war economy of MGS2 and MGS4 and would have actually led to peace. Communities would still be capable to communication through special translators but we would overall have a more varied and diverse world full of different mindsets.
He hated the idea of a global society, so he sought to remove the one thing that allows cooperation between disparate people
He’s infected with the vocal chord parasites. Specifically, the Hungarian strain, which is his native language. The whole plan about spreading them might be because they’re subtly influencing him, just like how the infected Diamond Dogs troops were influenced.
based fuck the patriots
good post
Did any platform ever reach Nuclear Disarmament?
SF was literally Naked Snakes janny during Snake Eater.
i hope he was well paid at least
his motives are COMPLEX
He was pissed off that Big Boss was getting all the attention while he was literally stuck cleaning up his shit.
mgs v is a depressive PTSD multi personality disorder episode of biblical proportions
I fell asleep trying to keep up with the plot so I just started skipping the cutscenes, doing that made the game a lot better.
>El retardo couldn't cope with his country losing to murica so he dies in the climax of the overly complex plan to destroy usa never achieving anything at all
>waited years to explain his ideas and plans to Snake
>it's not actually Snake
lmao get fucked
yes i TOO watched the didyouknowgaming episode today.
Just wants to fight endlessly
Best way to do that? Make sure nobody can understand each other.
Big Medic hasn't a clue what he's on about kek
ps3 did it
that's cool and all but once eli hijacks sally he pretty much admits to doing it all just for revenge
Really? What happened, just the disarmament cutscene?
>"OH NO MY FACE!!!!!"
He was basically just really fucking autistic. Like you and me.
I couldn't suspend my disbelief for the vocal cord parasites
is it really that unsound? sounded almost plausible to me 2bh
outside of them working even if you write your thoughts instead of speaking
Most autistics go over the top to cover for their low level ambitions
better motivation than
>I don't understand how genes work
He's a Tyler Durden esque alternate personality of Venom Snake, representing his unconcious rebellion against the brainwashing process and attempt to become his own man again.
what about this autist? i couldn't tell if he really was bad or if miller was just being paranoid.
forgot pic
This, he's just asshurt he can't speak his mother tongue due to muh VOCAL CHORD PARASITES and wants to wipe out the language he was forced to speak - English
He's just an overly egocentric cunt. Fully convinced that he is in the right no matter what he does, to the point of fucking killing his own wife. Hubris is a bitch of a drug.
I guess you didn't play PW
he got framed by kaz and made everyone think that it was his fault that MSF went down under
Huey legitimately screwed over every group he has ever been in and he's a full blown psychopath. He got what he deserved when Hal fucked his wife.
i remember him being pretty harmless in PW
Yeah but you get to meet Strangelove in PW, and you wouldn't have doubts about him knowing what he did to her in V
That was before Kojimbo went full death lord and turned the series into grim and gruesome "SO DEEP" crap. In Peace Walker, he was basically a Naked Snake version of Otacon.
Skull face was the good guy all along?
I love MGSV don't care what Yea Forums says
unironically one of the best fights in the franchise. pretty much a role reversal of david vs. goliath situation executed perfectly
Hes like the joker and red maks or red face whatever mixed together
Must have known it would be his last MGS, this time for real
Kaz is skullface?
No, Kaz is sunglasses
>mfw all this went over my head cause this game was released in 2015
>in the time since, i stopped being a brainlet and now realize what the game was actually about and that skull face was unironically the good guy
I kneel, Kojima-san
>dominion starts playing
>skull face was unironically the good guy
He wasn't. I bet you think Solidus was right.
linguistic anti-colonialism
Top quality post user.
I didn't have a clue what MGS2 as about until I played it much later.
I too then kneeled to Kojima-san.