Mfw I’m a virgin with no friends but I “owned” a libtard at school

>mfw I’m a virgin with no friends but I “owned” a libtard at school

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I look like that and say this

The name's Higgers. Nate Higgers.

I haven't spoken to another human in almost 7 years.

Gets (you)s every time.

mass grave of dead niggers

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You will never be a real Yehudi. You have no patrilineal Judaism, you have no descent from Moses, you have no Matzo balls. You are a degenerate "speedrunner" twisted by Discord and estrogen into a crude mockery of G-d's perfection.

All the “donations” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your dilators people mock you. Your single mother is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “followers” laugh at your any% glitched streams behind closed doors.

Men of faith are utterly repulsed by you. Six thousand years of intelligent design have allowed gamers to sniff out edited runs with incredible efficiency. Even runners who "place" look like goyim to a Jew. Your lack of a hand cam is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk gentile to watch your idolatry, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your chair.

You will never do a mitzvah. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed from the Lord's flat and stationary earth, ready to crush you under Joan Donovan's unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your sacrificial chicken, and make a peaceful offering for Azazel at the Seder. Your Tavistock case manager will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of knowing a video game speedrunner. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with a Blue Checkmark, and every Rabbi putting a rock on your grave for the rest of eternity will know a member of the LGBTQP+ community is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably big-boned.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Here's a peruta to give to charity!

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I'm a mentally ill loser that spends months on end locked in his room doing nothing

actual autism

>mfw I'm a special snowflake

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not real


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I say this but don’t look like this

He must have owned you quite hard, for you to make this thread every day.
That's kinda sad, absolutely mind broken

Why did he do it?

To own the libs

>Video Games

He got owned by chud at school, duh

Why are nigs so inflammable?

Based, libs seething.

bot thread still gets replies

>denying the historical existence of thutmoses


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>Why yes, I’m a virgin with no friends, how did you know?

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That's an indian

That's an Indian. They're flammable because they're made out of dead bugs.

There is something wrong with a culture that can only express itself through disdain towards others.

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I want him to impregnate my sister

>>Why yes, I’m a virgin with no friends, how did you know?

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All leftists look like this

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>Yea Forums video games
>posts wojaks
Its all so tiresome

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Still a nigger.

I remember in high school literally 15 years ago I asked my math teacher why we sent so much food to Africa when they could just eat each other. She told me I wasn't allowed to eat in her class anymore. I still haven't had sex for 32 years but I look more like pic related than your pic

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you post wojaks

10/10 would beat up

Kek, what happened to this guy? Wasn't he demodded?


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Was it at high school, middle school or elementary school?

Conservatives really be like that though.

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You owned the libtard, epic style

Mindbroken since October 29th 2020

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I won debates on Arab spring against libtards in our international law club when I was studying in the law school ten+ years ago.

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>mfw I’m a virgin with no friends and a rightoid owned me at school

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>white ally and white accomplice
So it's self aggrandizing AND self flagellation, all at the same time? Do they cancel each other out, maybe?


This guy actually fought in a war though

>This guy actually fought in a war though

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High school never ends.

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>MFW I grew out of my /pol/ phase and ascended to normiehood in college

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Oh yes it does

>normiehood in college
Neo-marxist brigade, then?

I'm sorry for your loss


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did he died

prove it

Lmao cry lil nigga.

I make 6 figures and have a cute GF. Stay mad losers, I'm sure the happening is coming any day now.

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