Do you still love Genshin?
Do you still love Genshin?
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I like it
dead game
The exploration is great, but the story sucks
This wouldn't be a problem if the game had a skip button
I stopped playing until Sumeru so I actually have content (that they didn't remove because lol limited time event that has story very player friendly business practice)
I still love and download a bunch of art though
I still love my wife Mona.
Took a 4 months break and now the game is fun again and got some new stuff to do.
She should be in less clothes, wearing jeans in bed is very uncomfortable
Yeah, although the wait for Sumeru is going to drag on even longer with this delay. Here's hoping there's a Teri expy at the end of the tunnel.
>2 years later
>still no yaoyao
the most anoying thing about genshin, besides the gacha, is the incoherent mess that the game's lore and story is. characters you never see are referenced as if they are important and real. theres exposition all over the place that goes no where and can not be meaningfully utilized by the player. its your typical chinese bullshit: good ideas taken from other sources and then just piled together with a thick layer of polish. No matter if it doesnt mesh together properly, you wont remember anyways because the next hour of story time is 2 months away. Hope you log in for the time sensitive event or you might miss out on a clue :^)
Is right now a good time to start? If not, will there be a better time to start it in a few months?
Start now while the delay is happening
It's never better to wait on starting. You should start an account right now, as tomorrow we might receive compensation for an update delay.
Just play at your own pace if you start, enjoy the exploration and stuff the first time you do it. Endgame is not worth getting to.
Okay, thank you.
I will keep this in mind, thank you.
As long as I have Eula, yes.
After 1 or 2 years maybe. Right now it's a very stingy gacha and not all characters are 100% obtainable through banners.
I want to marry a licensing agreement.
I quit right after inazuma came out, is abyss still the only "endgame" content?
Chasm is the current endgame content.
>event fucker mentions another village in Liyue, that's close to the Fontaine border
Mihoyo will make it so we get through Liyue before we get to a new country every fucking time huh?
>enkanomiya event reskin that is unlocked before you even reach Inazuma
>endgame content
Yeah lol. They mentioned another town that's in the north-east of Liyue too, in the Chasm quest. Kinda weird since I assume they'll add it in later?
Would like to add that this is not P2W, you can complete the hardest difficulty the game throws at you with careful planning and free characters. The point most people play is to roll/wish on characters they like, so don't worry about thinking you NEED to spend money. As long as you're good with your finances and aren't easily pressured into paying for things you normally wouldn't pay for then you'll be fine
Qiaoying Village might be up here. It wasn't just Liben who mentions it, they're clearly foreshadowing it. Even Zhongli mentioned it.
I hope it looks cool.
According to the pre-release map, Fonatine and Liyue are the center of Teyvat so at least you'll travel to Natlan and Snezhnaya from Fontaine instead of Liyue
>Do you still love Genshin?
Yes but should i pull for ayaka now that her banner is permanent?
With the sakoku degree gone, you can take the boat anywhere.
It depends, do you have a good enough hydro user to help apply freeze? Do you have a good blizzard strayer set and a cryo support for her to use so you can skimp out on a lot of crit rate? What weapons do you have that she can use? Ayaka is one of, if not the best DPS in the game right now but only if you set her up correctly with the right artifacts, weapons and supports. She's still not something to laugh at without all those, but with them she's absolutely amazing in a freeze team
I already tried this and found some of those little wooden chests floating on the sea out in liyue, it's a shame you can't get close to mondstadt because the bridge in liyue that you would normally go under has collapsed
Stop saying this. It may be technically true but it is very slow taking down 90+ world bosses with just Xiangling/Barbara/Amber. And it will take you months farming artifacts to get there. You're just fucking people over and creating unsatisfied players saying 'you can beat everything f2p'
Just be honest and tell people the truth. Welkin is good enough for most people, DO NOT pay too much for power directly because you'll make the game too boring.
you can beat everything free to play retard, millions do it. xiangling is the best pyro dps in the fucking game and you get her for free, do you think paying money will get the artifacts you need quicker? the fucking thing is rng, it doesn't matter how much money you throw at the game. you could get what you need tomorrow or in 8 months, it's not reliant on money. it's a free GACHA game, not a triple a title. you don't play this shit as if it's your entire life like some retarded youtubers and streamers do, you play it for 20 minutes or so a day then fuck off to go play something else till resin refills and then every month or so you get new content FOR FREE
All the inland waters are too shallow.
>elkin is good enough for most people, DO NOT pay too much for power directly because you'll make the game too boring.
I'd buy at most 2 BPs for one Nigger sword and one Serpent Spine but that's it
It didn't give me Mona so I quit
I love this artist's Lumine
The artist has drawn many Lumines.
If you're paying to kill world bosses like 10 seconds faster you're paying to be a loser, dude.
I still love hebes.
Everyone already finished Inazuma so it's the current endgame content, retard.
thats not what endgame means you chink cocksucker and you know it
>at the end of the game
>not endgame
You are mentally ill, we get it.
Mona gave me a reason to keep playing
You are in denial, its painfully obvious
Genshin doesn't have an end game and that's okay. It's not a JRPG where there's content past the finale of the story and it's not an MMO that requires you to grind to stay relevant. It has some optional grinding but you can do it starting at like AR30/45 but the purpose of the game is just to do or roll on the new stuff the devs add via updates.
If you're fighting 90+ bosses, you should have a 5 star or two and maybe even a weapon. Where's this idea coming from where f2p means using the bare minimum?
What is the end game content of Morrowind? I give you 5 minutes to answer.
not him but modding ya brainlet
Soon I will love it even more
not playing it
do YOU still love genshin?
Nuff said. Brainlet tried to argue about things he knows nothing about.
The final area/boss I guess?
>and it's not an MMO that requires you to grind to stay relevant
Have you actually played genshin? Thats precisely what it is, unless by "relevant" you mean some sort of pvp mode
Goddamn user, you are straight up obsessed
Genshin sex mods when?
It's nothing like an MMO, you can'te ven complete new dungeons in MMOs without grinding excessively. Genshin's artifact grind is completely optional and you lose almost nothing ignoring it.
try Koikatsu
>complains about """endgame""" in every thread
>n-noo y-you are obsessed!
Can't make this shit up.
>Goddamn user, you are straight up obsessed
How fucking ironic. You're here all salty making the same argument and getting demolished in the same way.
Its a bit late for you to save face user. Do they pay you?
Where do you keep your boat?
>grinding to stay relevant
>in a single player game where the difficulty doesn't change
I think you're talking about FOMO. And that's primarily a 'you' problem.
I'll never be this bored
>Do they pay you?
Said the schizo who just got btfo again.