Post gaming funnies

Post gaming funnies.

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Am I doing it right?

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these are great

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cute pokemons


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why did someone go out of their way to make unfun versions of a funny comic series

So no matter what, if you enjoy the game you deserve death? Damn, that's crazy.

I don't get it.

>______ strategywiki
there, no more youtubers

Some people are autistic and watch everything with subtitles even if it's in the same language they speak.

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>bug humor
Do they really?

Guides on Steam too

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While I don't turn on subs for english shows, I unironically play with subs on in all video games. Half the time, you can't hear what is being said over explosions or actual gameplay, and the other half of the time, I can read 4x faster than these people can speak, so subtitles lets me just skip the metric tons of dialogue in a game rather than waste time listening through it all. Unless it's really well voice acted, then again it's just to make sure I hear clearly by reading as well.

Or I might just be autistic.

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Subs for games are fine but subs for shows (especially comedies) ruins them and spoils the timing and delivery. It's also an unneeded eyesore.

netflix shows have the music too loud compared to the dialogue


you replied to the wrong post. You are not only autistic but also stupid

He was right. You can't half press a button. Either you press it or you don't.

Post the one where the blonde eats the bluenettes ass. I like that one

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Dialogue isn’t nearly succinct enough for autistbro
You have failed at humor

It's been 6 years and you're still fucking retarded

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Where are you finding these? These are great

shit it hits too close to home


The originals are much better. These are just cheap ripoffs.

Aww, she's so sweet.


Its like discord raid material

But what do you define as a 'press'?

what a mess. didn't read a single word

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Once the button is pressed down it's pressed down. The entire "but I'm already holding the button" thing is just semantic bullshit.

The superior version

Ok then where are the originals

_ _____ ____ ____ _____

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t. reddit

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Yea Forums tism

>Finally gets a GF
>Makes a comic about how he'll still make comics even though he now has a GF
>It been almost a year since last comic

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It's the same user retard.

these suck

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Yeah if you lack pattern recognition.

What is one supposed to do in their childhood that makes playing video games seem like a huge waste of time

Literally me

in my hard drive
catbox (dot) moe/c/32c3rv

bruh, every fucking mario game has the "half press mechanic", even if it does not jump, holding the button makes mario fall slower

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Wait hold on… there were actual puzzles in Darksiders?

i don't get these jokes


Train social skills

She broke up with him like 2 months after they started. He has been in a Ronnie tier depression since.

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It is, but that was the entire point of the argument. If the title had been 'Beating mario in 7 button presses', nobody would have batted an eye. It's only because it was 'beaten in 7.5 button presses' that people sperged.
>autist who talks about parallel universes in order to beat a mario game autistically insists on a definition for a button press
>nobody contests that the game was beaten in only a few button presses and instead rages about the autist's definition of a 'press'
>argument rages to this day
Everyone involved is retarded in one way or another. People should've either gone 'nah that's a stupid definition, releasing the button is a free action so you beat the game in 8 presses, not 7 presses' or said 'I see what you mean, you wanted to count releasing the button as its own action since you ended the game holding the button but never releasing it so, whatever, 7.5 presses then'. Autists gonna autist.

You'll get a gf some day user

>average wii u owner

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And what's the nsfw one, user?

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Obviously I can't post such a thing, as this is a SFW board.

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be careful posting whomp
it's all fun and games until you start relating to literally every single thing ronnie does and says

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