Was the PS3 weaker than the 360?

Was the PS3 weaker than the 360?

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more like incel

Ps3 was harder to optimize for.

More like shemale

Yes it was. Trying to play shit like red dead redemption was a fucking nightmare because of how bad the performance is

no but it was hard to develop for so third party games didnt really invest the time/effort

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Its GPU was weaker, the 360 basically got free MSAA 2x thanks to its EDRAM, and having 256MB RAM+256MB VRAM instead of 512MB shared RAM greatly limited it.
The PS3's SPUs were powerful, but there's no real good/simple application for them for most games, so they were very underutilized. It got to the point were Sony made a FXAA like post processing AA that ran on a SPU core as games pretty much always had at least one completely unused.

It had a weaker GPU, the CPU was a 3.0GHz PowerPC core which is what most games used as opposed to 360's triple-core Xenon, the Cell had 6 SPU cores but most devs didn't utilize them cause they couldn't be arsed


It's GPU was weaker than the 360 which is what really fucking mattered during the 7th gen.
We have only recently come back into CPU bottlenecks in the last 6 years or so.

Was the long held statement about PS3 true or false that the system was very difficult in comparison to the 360 for developers?

>he 360 basically got free MSAA 2x thanks to its EDRAM
Fun fact, in Gears of War on PC with DX10, the anti-aliasing switch (off/on) turned MSAA 4x on.
Honestly it's kind of surprising to see MSAA in UE3 title.

how come the ps3 and sony consoles in general have such an active emulator scene but there's absolutely nothing for xbox?

>the CPU was a 3.0GHz PowerPC core which is what most games used as opposed to 360's triple-core Xenon
The 360's triple-core Xenon was made up of 3 PPEs lifted straight from the Cell's design.

True. Gaben straight out shat on PS3 and Valve refused to release anything on it until Portal 2 (and that's only because PS3 had better policies than 360, as Microsoft didn't allow for free updates with maps)

Yes the GPU was garbage.

True, you had less RAM, a weaker GPU, and an exotic CPU architecture, in a time when parallelization was just starting to be a thing.

dilate you fucking tranny


Is that to say cell shading is bad? It doesn't work everywhere but can look very nice depending on the art style


Didn't the PS3 only have like 256 MB of RAM?

Even older, open world games all required 2 GB of RAM minimum

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the strength of an emulator scene is in order of autism
nintendo has the largest autistic tranny manchild fanbase so it has the most developers willing to work for free on emulators
sony is somewhat normie but also has an autistic tranny weeb contingent
xbox is owned mostly by complete normies, no trannies in sight so there's nobody willing to develop emulators for it

Now you understand that all things considered, Skyrim was impressive.
But it still couldn't run properly on PS3 lmao

And yet GTA5 ran better on PS3 than the 360
Maybe it was simply that the PS3 was harder to optimize at first, dont you think

maybe they tried hitting it with hammers

That's PC requirements, when you have to take into account all of the useless services and bloatware running in the background on windows, if you fire up the task manager, games from that time hardly use more than 500MB of RAM when they're running

ZoE HD was pretty bad at launch but a company called HexaDrive stepped in to patch the game and offload some of the vector unit calculations onto the SPUs, it's a night-and-day difference

PS4's OS takes 3.5GB of RAM, leaving PS4 games with 4.5GB shared between CPU and GPU.
What's funnier, is that PS4 was originally going to ship with just 4GB of RAM, they doubled it after Microsoft revealed Xbone with 8GB

in practical usage yes

More powerful in the sense that the Atari Jaguar is more powerful. If no one can make use of it then who gives a shit?

>GTA5 ran better on PS3 than the 360



Technically cell has infinite processing power

I never thought about it, but would've PS3 run multiplatform games even better than 360 if the devs actually utilized the power of Cell instead of winging it?

Only if CPU was the bottleneck, which is almost never was.

>TFW no Xbone emulator so you can play Steel Battalion in 4K

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CELL was a shit processor, having a bunch of weaker cores might be useful for productivity applications, but it's a nightmare for developing games. Also, the 360 had way more RAM and had a better GPU.

>split shaders
>split memory
>slower memory
>no edram
>microcoded accelerators instead of multicore and hardware threads
>bloated os
PS3 was weaker than 360.

This but unironically
If Sony had the same number and the same kind of tranny autists than Nintendo then by now you could already play Bloodborne at 4K 60fps and there'd a half-working PS5 emulator already


>Sony's studio shills Sony's hardware

sony console technical manuals have leaked which accelerate emulation scene. for example psp emulation was dead in water until someone stole technical manual and then ppsspp development skyrocketed. microsoft protects its texts better.

Not to mention the only known development kit for Xbox was destroyed to make a home PC


this, muh cell was just a cope for why every game ran like shit
sony released a $600 disaster that was both weaker than the competition and more expensive and almost bankrupted them

If they used anything on that development kit, it's ground for a lawsuit. Even if it wasn't destroyed, it's as good as useless.

No, it was just much more of a bitch to develop on.

pretty much. I would add some extra things.

> no real good/simple application for them for most games

It felt it was mostly due to the "generic" early game engines not making use of the SPE's out of the box, so it was up to the developers, that weren't really up to the task. Late in life Cryengine and some Unreal engine stuff had some SPE support. (Cryengine mostly)

Sony did release late on the lifetime libraries that made vertex shading grunt work on the SPE's, "boosting" a notable bottleneck on the gpu by doing a whole forward rendering pass with depth culling and some other small things on the SPE. (with the huge caveat that the geometry had to reside both in the vram and ram, aggravating scarcity)

the post processing stuff like motion blur, post processing antialiasing (as you mentioned), color grading and probably others (deferred lighting?) also had common libraries late in life to run them on the SPE's. (with the caveat of extra renderer latency)

an interesting material to read about: slideshare.net/Slide_N/deferred-lighting-and-post-processing-on-playstation3

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-08 at 15-25-52 Deferred Lighting and Post Processing on PLAYSTATION®3.png (642x538, 340.29K)


the ps3 rendered games in 720 while the xbox 320 rendered in 1080
so yes the xbox 360 actually did have better graphics
idk why retarded sony put a blu ray player if games only played in 720

you can easily play every good game from previous system on xbox one and who is such a poorfag who cannot afford xbox one

The vast majority of 360 games did not render at 1080. Unlike the PS3, the 360 could upscale to 1080 with ease however.

>games that released on both xbox and ps3
xbox > Ps3

>games that were console exclusives
Ps3 > Xbox

overall winner
[Spoiler] Wii U [/Spoiler]

Rawr, kitty kat has claws! They touch a nerve or something?

None of that is true at all. PPSSPP happened because the PSP scene was huge and there was tons of documentation from it and another PSP emulator (jPCSP).
There's tons of xbox devs kits out there, you can get one for ~$700. However, that one on reddit was an early alpha kit used to design system libraries, but there have been a dozen or so of them publicly sold (all of which had their HDD wiped/replaced before leaving MS).

And that's all that matters at the end of the day.

Just the bullshit RAM alone was enough that by the closing years of the generation games had to be designed with that limitation in mind. Carmack had a story where he directly blames it for a specific piece of mapping in RAGE, and I'm pretty sure if you went looking you could find similar statements from others.
256MB each separate RAM and VRAM.

PS3 had games worth coming back to (though this is moreso the case with ps2/ps1 and nintendo consoles). Xbox stuff has a few super rare games that are worth coming back to but everything else on those systems is CURRENT SHOOTER and yearly release sports stuff. The Xbox audience has never really been gaming enthusiasts, who are the ones who drive emulation scenes. Legitimately people only got 360 emulation working so they could play Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon.

No but it didn't have unified ram like the xbox 360 so the devs had only 256mb out of the 512 to use for video ram.

I'm 30


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No, but the amount of work to get a game to look good on the PS3 was just not worth it.