Yea Forums will defend this

Yea Forums will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

>post yfw you didn't fall for scam citizen

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Star Citizen is going to be the best game when it comes out. Cope and seethe, Yea Forums. Cope and seethe.

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>blatant samefagging
no one wants to talk about this right now OP, try again later

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will star citizen be out this decade or will they continue adding stuff to justify the billion dollar budget they got


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>players are saying other things
well how about you stop sending them millions of dollars?

it won't come out

I will defend it because a tech team is different than the content teams and they've done a good job delivering content. All this autistic T E C H N O L O G Y results in a ton of immersion.

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Star Citizen's pre-alpha is already much better than Elite Dangerous seven and a half years "after releasing" so who gives a fuck about the version number? We're getting significant updates every 3 months.

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This is the definition of overengineering.

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By updates you mean new ship packs so that they can get additional thousands?
Or retarded mechanics that make no sense?

The game looks and plays like a first person immersive sim. What's wrong with high fidelity visuals? Looks like a next generation Deus Ex

Good, I'll pirate it day 1

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never given a single penny to any crowdfunding bullshit either

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Neither. Stay seething cuckold.

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Do you realize that emulating an RGB system is fundamentally absurd when the RGB system is not only already implemented but is part of the material reality of the platform on which the software is running?

Is a waste of resources.

I wonder how many Star Citizen backers have died, never to see the game they paid for materialize.

>pirating an MMO
good luck user I fully support your efforts to create an emulator

they're not shy about bragging about those numbers, are they?

Do you even know what an immersive sim is?

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>If it comes out
Fixed that for you, user.

>playthrough of the same mission using diplomacy, stealth and assault playstyles
>using a gravity gun to stack boxes on top of each other to reach air vents and throwing bottles to distract in stealth
That's shit straight out of a Warren Spector game. How is that not an immersive sim?
Nope and they shouldn't be. You can earn ships worth hundreds of dollars in the first 3-5 hours of playing.

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This reminds me of the time I got seduced by Todd Howard after some wines:

>See those bedsheets?
>You can deform them

It's not emulating shit. It's just overlaying a layered image of rgb detail

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Still better than EVE: Online.

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What's wrong is that the game is like 5 years behind schedule, they keep wasting their money on useless "muh immersion" shit while the game release date is nowhere near in sight.

Cool, now show me someone doing all this in the actual playable version of the game right now instead of a heavily scripted demo.

I'm confused what game are we talking about

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>How much unnecessary garbage can we add to our already bloated unfinished crowdfunded project to keep milking the community.

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>muh schedule
It's live ad running like a service game with major updates every 3 months. Why do you care what their tech teams do for muh immersion's sake if they're putting content out every 3 months in a live state and clearly funding faster than they can spend it on development?
Literally 3.17 at 80-120FPS at 1440p. 4.0 this year with the Vulkan renderer which will increase performance even more significantly than 3.17 did.
Go watch a stream

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>another marketing trailer
There are playable builds of the game right now. Show me one single video of an actual player, not a marketer or CIG employee, doing immersive sim shit ingame.

Why are you in such a rush to get it "released"? They're funding faster than they can spend it on development. The game is live, extremely stable and playable as of 3.17 and they're putting out significant content updates every three months.

Elite Dangerous "released" and it fucking sucks. 7 years of updates and two expansions later and it's still worse than Star Citizen's alpha.
Go watch a stream motherfucker. I told you. The trailers are for your convenience because they showcase the stuff in game.

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>source: trust me dude
okay shill

There isnt any immersive sim shit ingame. That gameplay demo is from the Pyro star system that as far as we know it could be years away

How the fuck do you know?

It's amazing to see scope-creep of this scale in action. Star Citizen will be remembered for decades to come as the ultimate example of a project dying from an over-abundance of funding and zeal.

>You can earn ships worth hundreds of dollars in the first 3-5 hours of playing.

>Why are you in such a rush to get it "released"?
Every year that passes is one year closer to the deaths of everyone on the Dev team. Or their retirement from game development.
Instead of focusing on minor shit like this, they need to actually build their fucking game so that it's a cohesive experience, then after full launch, they can continue to do minor baby shit like this.

>meanwhile in an actual game
All shaders btw.

>they need to actually build their fucking game so that it's a cohesive experience, then after full launch, they can continue to do minor baby shit like this.
but if they actually put the game out, they can't continue to milk the crowdfundiing cultists.

Didn't like the look of it when crowdfunding hadn't been gamed to shit by hustlers, and I like it even less now.

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>same shillpost with the same retarded youtube video insinuating the same retarded premise about his dead pre-pre-alpha husk being a genre it clearly isn't
kill yourself you worthless subhuman

You are posting anime pictures on Yea Forums. You never had the money to donate to this shit. Good work not falling for it.

I wasted $300 on it 5 years ago.

Still doesn't have server population caps over 100 players. And the economy is dead because they can't figure out how to do the AI to make the economy work. Also there's one solar system and no clear path to ever expand it beyond that basically making 90% of the ships useless


>there's exactly one(1) mindbroken cultist left posting his clearly identifiable shill drivel
fucking lmao, the recruiting effort seems to have worked splendidly over the last decade

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Wow 3D movie maker source was released, that's unexpected.

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