Man... what the hell happened to Aloy?
Man... what the hell happened to Aloy?
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is that Bam in a wig?
Ralph getting his ass kicked will never not be funny to me. Such a despicable retard.
He got the vaccine
Portugal is a third world country it seems
I started up the game for the first time and played as loli Aloy, she was so cute bros, she was even barefoot, surely there's a mod to play as her permanently
how come no one made the dung eater ethan ralph edit
He won by not playing.
>Humiliated himself once a month for like 2 years straight
He played, lost, and rage quit user
>get punched so hard one of your eyes is knocked off center permanently
Never stops being funny
Metokur just made a public formal apology to him Sargon won the long game
>Metokur just made a public formal apology
Was he giggling while making it?
Biggest lolcow of the year along with Jack Murphy
Godrick told them to kneel and they didn't
Literally fucking who
Jack was 2021 (tail end, but still).
Guy who doxed a few people back during gamergate. Turned him into some kind of fat king who is shouting out orders that none follows.
He's desperate cause he knows he could get cancelled any day now.
>Ralph getting his ass kicked will never not be funny to me.
the gunt
the feminists and the trannies got to her. women aren't allowed to be hot/beautiful anymore, it triggers the fuglies and the fatties.
>had a falling out with Andy "Race" Warski
>says he's gonna go to Portugal
>implies it's to see Andy's sister, alludes to rape
>Andy's family lives in Azores
>Ralph goes to Lisbon
>gets drunk as shit
>tries to buy a hooker (speculation is that she was underage)
>argues with her pimp
>gets his ass beaten by 4 Portugese men
>his orbital socket is fucked
>they also steal his manpurse
>all so he could try to "own" Warski
Ralph is dumber than pig shit and I hope he keeps self-immolating. Feel bad for his newest demon-spawn; at least Xander won't be anywhere near him.
>Killed a whole political party by joining
Did this ever happen before?
god I love Jim
Am I getting too old for this shithole?
Jim seems to be the only one smart enough to not have any dirt on him
Everyone else grasps at straws like trying to hold the fact he fingered his wife on stream against him, it’s hilarious
what did he mean by this
It's unnerving to think that someone, a long time ago, drew this picture without a hint of irony.
>Ralph tried to say Jim groomed his wife
>that he raped her on stream
Ralph is absolutely desperate for a win against anyone. The man ate shit out of a woman's ass and leaked it intentionally to score a win against a meth-addicted teenager from California
fucking what? lolcow was used here frequently about ten years ago, you must be new
No it was suprisingly genuine. Look at how quick they change their opinion when Jim apologizes.
Beta mentality
youtu be/j_Zl2DH1H7M
lolcow has existed as a word since before Chris Chan was discovered newfag
>Do i Look 5'1 to you bitch? *pig snort*
Man I thought Metokur died of terminal something like a year ago.
Why did Horizon fail so bad? Didn't the first one sold like a 10 million copies or something? Why has Sony being so radio silent about this game?
Nah, he's still alive, but he does have canceraids
He also eats crap
>game has avant garde cut scenes
Once again though, metokur takes something that is funny and fixates on it until you don’t find it funny to the point you wish that the retards you were laughing at would just find him and physically beat him savagely in minecraft.
Of course, the real problem is his fanbase. They may not actually be children, but they sure act like them. Regurgitating every unfunny forced meme he spews and changing their opinions to fit whoever he’s going after. I wonder how many of these faggots fucking LOVED gunt when he was being targeted by the sperg who rapes protestant church girls and films dvd aisles at walmart.
I don't know what the fuck you nerds are talking about but it sure as shit isn't video games.
>Don't improve yourself
>gyms are gay
>having sex is also gay
>I'm saving the white race btw
How anyone takes this manlet faggot seriously is beyond me.
Turbo grifter
What the fuck is a "groyper?" Fuck kinda retarded name is that?
Same copy pasted open world structure from the witcher 3 and ubishit stitched to a story with mediocre plot and characters, released on the same month as Elden ring. You do the math.
It’s still funny and Ralph embarrasses himself in new ways every week so there’s no running out of material
Of course it is vidya user
cat fuhrer.... i dont think the third reich is going to go well
Ralph you keep getting your ass kicked I wouldn't be fighting any time soon.
what circles do you have to hang out in to hear about this shit constantly? I only know about this from Jim's streams once a month
Did he have a mental breakdown or something? Those Kanye roleplay streams were so embarrassing
Kino Casino broke him
Its not funny because it’s the same material. It’s a rerun from the last seven feuds he’s had online. He picks some low hanging fruit and spends MONTHS doing extremely pathetic personal attacks. Like all he did was screech at that mexican faggot “UR GAY! UR GAY!” for hours. It’s tiresome at this point. All he did was screech about mundane matt going after ralph and how that was the worst thing since hitler. All he did was screech about how failure and tonka were gay together.
Go back to your catboy you manlet faggot
Oh look, it’s the faggy fan base. You’re the problem. I’ve seen this countless times. Any time anyone goes against your god, you instantly identify them as whoever he’s currently throwing an autistic fit over. Destiny, Kraut, Sargon, Matt, Ralph, Fuentes, the list goes on.
You guys really need to get a life, this is embarrassing
He keeps using these insults because they work, they’re simple but get under people’s skin like nothing else
Ralph dies a little inside every time someone mentions his shit fetish he will never be able to escape it(and that’s funny)
It's unfunny to me because it's popular and I need to a contrarian, otherwise I don't exist.
holyfuck its actually the ragepig himself lmao
No. It’s really not. You zoomers probably never watched MASH, but this very idea if constantly kicking your designated loser when he’s down gets old. That’s why they replaced Major Burns in MASH. There’s nothing entertaining about attacking someone who can’t fight back.
Like clockwork
*pill bottle rattling*
elden ring raped it to the ground
>this is really what metokur looks like
Oh no! Hahahaha!
I don’t even understand that beyond metokur insisting on doing it because it’s “le epic funni memay”
Damn, between reading his own kiwifarms thread and getting piss drunk, Ralph himself graces us with his piggy presence.
user this might be hard for you to understand but people like to make fun of retards. Jim is just a slightly smarter retards and keeps his shit hidden outside of canceraids, which people do make fun off.
No, it really is
>muh zoomer
>pls show mercy stop being mean to the lolcows
Is he jewish?
Hi Null. Still fapping to shota catboys?
Because Ralph gets seriously mad over it. Because he was popping pills and streaming and was incoherent. Ralph is bitchmade and cannot take being made fun of. He's got paper skin
Anyone with a brain can tell it’s making fun of Ralph’s drug addiction
What a handsome young man, I hope he doesn't get diagnosed with a terminal disease or something.
oy vey someone's been leaving corn on my lawn
Imagine defending the gunt unironically
Do you have any self respect?
I know literally nothing about Ethan Ralph other than that he's a fat retard who apparently literally eats shit. I just hate Null more.
Amazing what terminal illness can do to you.
How long does he have left?
>youtu be/j_Zl2DH1H7M
all he said was that s'rgin was a retarded pseud but he never tried to report his own people to the feds
What does Null have to do with anything? Everyone shits on Ralph except for cum hunter Fuentes
5-10 years
I don't think it "flopped" in any real sense, but it failed to be a mega hit, which Sony was assuredly hoping for. The same thing happened with TLoU2, which sold a lot of copies but failed to have any legs beyond the first few weeks of release.
Simply put, I think the Sony formula is played out, and normies aren't reflexively buying their games anymore. That's a problem when they spend 4+ years and hundreds of millions of dollars producing them. It's even more of a problem when supply chain/semiconductor issues make it such that they're deep into year 2 of their new console and still can't keep it in stock. The PS5 is selling slowly and the games aren't connecting with players.
this is it, the most embarassing thread I've seen on this site in ages. Not only is it e-celeb shit, it's not even gaming e-celebs, just fucking DEBATE e-celebs, the lowest of the low.
it's an utterly generic AAA 'game' that got launched against something people were actually hyped and interested for which means if it failed it did so purely because of sony's own arrogance and misreading of their audience
you know how i can tell you're underage?
Yogurt On The Carpet?
the idea of "lolcows" is lost on these retards lol
the problem is that jim ryan's whole strategy is reliant on having mega hits. they gutted their internal studios to focus purely on blockbusters with multi media potential. this means a horizon or uncharted just doing 'okay' becomes a real fucking problem because they don't have the infrastructure to pad out their library with other releases