It's over

It's over.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it has been over for over a decade and a half
however, our memories will forever remain

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About time, the game has been shit for a decade, if not more. Killing private servers just made things worse.

You can literally launch an instance of Ragnarok Online and play it single player unless of course if you believe that the real Ragnarok Online was the friends you made online.

I've been playing Eternal Love and Origin. I guess Origin is the "real hardcore gamer game" but I think I like Eternal Love better? I think it looks better to. Am I just brainlet?

Pirate niggers deserve the rope

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I don't know, I played the original as a kid and Eternal Love as an adult, game-wise it felt like the same shit just with more cosmetic gacha shit.

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>real hardcore gamer game
Doesn't it have autoplay and P2W?

Looks like its still around, what are you on about OP?

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Im not at "endgame" so I dont know but yes you can set a skill rotation and let it go.

Gravity is suing private servers. Most of them have shut down in the past few days.

oh, good, fuck em and their 300 dollar "donate" to win sets.

This is mostly the reason of why i hate pirate niggers servers

dude, don't ruin the rest of my week reminding me of this

rip Asgard Legend

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Eternal Love feels the same-st up until it introduces 4th jobs. After that it's just a totally different game.

There were plenty of none P2W servers that also got canned, you retard.

No, all pservers are for niggers

Just admit that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Leikabros WW@

See that's what i am talking about all pservers are for niggers

nigger this series has 3 (THREE) mobile games, how did you not think it was dead?
also it just got an NFT mobile game

based. great thing to come for rochads

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It's had 6 mobile games.

And they are just adding NFTs to a previous game, Labyrinth.

So when's Nova going down?
It's a shame if they do I had been waiting for them to add the 4th jobs so I could try them out.

that makes it better then, I love NFTs

Said nobody ever.

None of them were good anyway.

Why are you even in this thread?

If pservers are making that much profit, why don't Gravity just copy their format? No P2W, only cosmetics and VIP, also no shitty 1x/1x/1x rates

Pservers weren't even competing for players, it's a whole different target audience. It's like sabotaging the hot dog stand so you can sell more ice cream.

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Private servers are essentially free advertising for them. Without them the game would have been forgotten a long, long time ago. Shutting down private servers won't get them more paying customers but it will hurt the brand.

Why now? The private scene is so small compared to what it used to be.

The kind of people that donate large amounts of money to these servers do so in order to gain influence over the owners and/or GMs
I don't think that would work or be a great idea on official servers


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Gravity is run by retards.

Origins is closed? No way.

Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

This really wouldn't even be a problem is the official servers weren't so fucking awful.

It really isn't. Some server owners pussied out and closed their servers, but many more are still up. And more will rise to take the place of the fallen.

Gravity doesn't have the time nor the money to sue every private server. Really all we need is ONE guy in a country where nobody cares about lawsuits and then he could have a big server.

>Pservers weren't even competing for players, it's a whole different target audience
The vast majority of Origins players were literal official-refugees.

>run an emulator
>don't use any copyrighted material on your website (images)
>host the client on a 3rd party website like MEGA
>don't have a fat p2w cashshop
It's extremely unlikely that grabbidy can do anything to you if you do this.

i'm still friends with the people i WoE'd with a decade ago

they are obviously shutting down servers because they want to release a new game you brainlets you should be happy

Doubt it, and even if it'll be hyper P2W bullshit.

Because Gravity is an extremely greedy bitch that didn't land a single hit after Ragnarok which was already 20 years ago, so everytime they release a "classic" server they flood it with P2W shit mere months after release if not directly at release to bring cash as fast as possible before leaving it to rot.
If you want an idea of how P2W they make their game, just go to and search their item database, every item that has a long description but isn't dropped by anything is a cash shop item, look at things like the Boltijin or the Booster Spellbook to give you an idea.

I was lucky enough to experience a fraction of it recently. Had to be born in the wrong decade, goddamn

The craziest stuff for me is how they made all those skill scroll items like Adrenaline Rush Scroll, Bless/Agi scrolls even Assumptio scrolls for good measure, and resurrection tokens too, all available in the cash shop.

Koreans were truly both the best and the worst thing to happen to the MMO genre...

Come play ragnarok M eternal love with me.
Yes, I know its mobile shit.
Yes, its P2W grindy shit.
But it does scratch the itch, and the game is alive there.

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Dropped on 2019. There is ninja or TK girls on this game?

>Grinding game with autoplay.

Fuck Gravity. People play on pservers because they don't want to play their shitty pay2win mobage.

>Dating and Marriage play a big role in the new mechanics
>Can't be gay
No thanks.

Ragnarok M sucks.
Lost Memories is actually decent though.
But they're both theme parks that don't function as successors or replacements for the original.

I was just getting back into it after 10 years on RO Travels. FML holy shit

it's about to start.

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I was about to start playing again. Why are you autistic like this gravity, why not back then. Why now.

I agree my fellow friends. ROTravels is an excellent server.

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>piratefags have better game balance and content than most official servers
keep on coping you stupid paypig

I bet this entire shit happened because your trash server full of bots got kicked off RMS and even managed to be banned from reddit out of all places when they love to suck the balls of every server owner no matter how greedy or scummy they are

Is iRO still up even?

give me the quick rundown on this

flyff gets the wow classic treatment. sea servers starting this month with the rest following soon after

Is it really hard to make a worthwhile official server? Every single one fails within months.