Update soon bros, you excited?
Master Duel
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What if we can filter Drytron decks?
Alright ABC user what the fuck did you play that i couldn't use my traps, i wanted to use eldlich and pic related together, hopefully with yuki and force you to chose 1 to banish and destroy your dragon with one of the other two but i couldn't activate my set spell and traps at all
Why did it have to end at fucking midnight. I always tell myself to sleep early for early morning update gameplay but I end up staying up late before I know it
I'll be excited when Sunny comes, hopefully in next month's pack.
I didn't play anything. I was actually confused why you weren't playing them.
Also for some reason I tried to go first but it didn't work. I think the match was bugged.
So is the in-game maintenance notification actually JST?
first you learn what are the strong cards by playing meta decks and then try building your own.the problem with searching for deck recipes is that if they aren't popular you will see only old ones you need to try searching for tier 1s and 2s if you want to have an easier time
now create a new steam account and start building this ygoprodeck.com
here are the combos too youtu.be
Well yeah.
Until I realize that I don't know shit about swordsoul. I need sometime to get used to it.
and also it wouldnt let me activate maxx "C" in response to you attempting to summon Gasha. Dunno what that was all about.
I actually set my response timing to on instead of auto even and i couldn't use my set cards at all, i thought you shut down my backrow somehow
Yes, resets are on JST time, so we should be getting the new cards in two hours, iirc?
They're adjusted for your local time right
Weird. Konami's got some bugs to fix I guess.
It was definitely bugged, i had weird stuttering at times and i only could activate that one quick play spell from my hand so i was forced to just use my monsters as a shield
I should mention that first two traps i set worked, but after i searched and set eldixirs it all became unresponsive
>you excited
While it's not the set of cards I wanted, getting more cards to shake up the meta is cool nonetheless.
I might try getting some of the Swordsouls for a Tenyi deck.
So I still don't get the Adventurer set, from what I read in these threads, you can add them in pretty much any deck, right?
Who wins between Sunny and Verre in a smug off?
When da new cards and shite?
>craft Shaman of Tenyi because of Swordsoul Tenyi discussion on the last thread
>Got picrel from the free 1 pull
I will become a cultivator just to flex this card
That smug grandma has experiences only sunny can imagine.
Also she's not afraid to pimp out her witches.
Any deck that doesn't need a normal summon.
Aleister for a new generation.
Fusion event incoming? DPE festival incoming?
Weird. I got the same card Royal yesterday in a random pack
Yes, it's essentially Aleister but more splashable
do you all know what's happening tomorrow?
>You can banish
man doesnt even NEGATE
Rusian COPE parade?
Is Artifact Sanctum worth pulling on the artifact secret pack for, or is crafting one Dagda and one Scythe basically all you need?
Yes, I got work tomorrow. I hate being alive.
So for example, how would it work with Traptrix? Or maybe Madolche.
I don't care
F serpentservants
New cards, new solo mode, new cosmetics, can't wait for the update desu.
Still decent, his main purpose is as going second OTK machine anyway.
That's a going first card for bo3, just dagda + dpe
Room ID if anyone wants a quick game
Not using meta, not using Maxx C
You can use IDC
top or bottom?
If your normal summon monster doesn't activate an effect you can use it
AFAIK Traptrix and Madolche use normal summon effects and Traptrix doesn't really need it.
Invoke shaddoll c...?
Both shit.
You normal summoned Magileine or Anjelly on that turn and used their effect?
You can't use the spell that generates an Adventurer token, so the rest of the engine is useless to you.
Normal summoning a monster is fine if you immediately use it as material, but you can't use the effect of a normal summoned monster on the same turn.
If you normal summoned a Traptrix monster, didn't use its effect and immediately linked it into Sera, then you can use the Adventurer spell.
The one why a Pot of Greet HOPT
I don't care
Invoked shaddoll cunny
Sacred Beasts are way more fun to play and watch. Fallen Paradise is just that much of a drug compared to whatever Mound of the Bound Creator does
>game one, get harvester negated with psyframe
>alright fucker, gloves off, summon VFD and anger knuckle
>opponent destroys it but can't do shit, set a monster and pass
>wombo combo into a lot of beaters, face down was a zoodiac
>scoops because Im building lethal
>game two opponent disrupts my searchers the same way
>urgent schedule on his turn, can't OTK
>pieces on GY let me build board and he scoops because all he has are handtraps
>Game three, shadolls
>again with the interruptions, but for some reason uses construct to look for schism instead of taking it slow with it's advantage
>imperm winda on their turn and end with Liebe running over her
>next turn sets another schism and flips the shadoll that destroys a monster
>he forgot about Citadel, scoops
Citadel is so much fun, can't wait for Ruinforce
Can't wait for the Ruinforce FTKs.
Just to let you know other people are also experiencing bugs anons, hopefully it will all work fine after maintenance later
You don't actually need the normal summon effect of Traptrix most of the time anyway so it's possible but I'm not sure it's worth the deck space on a normal trap deck that doesn't run that many starters.
Much prefer mound. Does more for you and if it gets beat up it let's to add a chicken ball to your field.
So for example, with Madolche I'd need to use Petingcessoeur since she can special summon herself and then start the combo, but not Anjelly or Magileine because they need to be normal summoned, right? And with Traptrix I can't use Mantis or Myrmeleo's effects if I normal summon them.
How many of each card do you need? Would they be considered staples?
When's maintenance again? In like 8 hours, right?
what? sunny isn't coming tonight ?
The standard Adventurer engine is:
>3 Rite of Aremesir
>3 Water Enchantress
>1 each of Fateful Adventure, Griffon Rider and Dracoback
>Would they be considered staples?
You can splash the engine in a shitload of decks, not just meta decks. So it's a worth investment.
As many Water Enchantresses (searcher) and Rites of Aramesir (the heart of the engine) as you want, with one Fateful Adventure that's activated from Rite to search your one Dracoback (a bounce) or your one Wandering Gryphon Rider (an omninegate).
Hold the fuck up. Mound is not closed to sacred beats only?
>that nibiru
Holy fuck I felt that
No, if your opponent has a level 10 (like, say, Baronne) they get all the benefits as well
No, the Sunny duo wasn't mentioned in the announcement.
Instead they're in a datamined pack that's going to come out whenever Konami feels like it.
Bros are cyberdarks worth spending 1500 on 3 structure decks, they look cool
Floodwandereeze is gonna be kino
no, so if you have baronne, god slime/other slimes, or even eldlich they're protected
Fuck i missed that part. I was about to try and shove it in a dragonmaid deck
This managed to be more cringe than the reddit ones, yikes
Wow, nine cards is a huge amount when you also have to consider handtraps but I'm reading them carefully now and no wonder why they're so desirable. Reorganizing all of my decks is going to be a pain.
>7 card engine
Nice, can't wait for people to constantly brick when they start shoving this into every deck.
Only if they got Lightning Storm or Impern
>Floodwandereeze is gonna be kino
>winged beast... Again
Kill yourself.
>was about to try and shove it in a dragonmaid deck
You still can. Most people don't pull out level 10s other than Nibiru or Baronne.
Honestly wouldn't hurt to atleast try it as it's only an SR
Fallen Paradise any day and it's not even close
9 cards, but that's why people are playing 60 cards in the TCG, it lets you run a shitload more engines.
>why a Pot of Greet HOPT
hard once per turn?
I won't kill myself no matter how many times you tell me to.
>I won't kill myself no matter how many times you tell me to.
You have to die.
That was fun, but he deserves the loss for going for a desperation Accesscode.
Floodwandereeze nuts
I don't and I won't.
>even japs know asscode is a soulless card
>Pot of Greed every turn with protection
>Infinite health with added protection
>Spell/Trap negation
>Souless OTK like every other outdated archetype tries to pull to stay relevant
The choice is obvious
A card that says "you can only use the effect of [card name] once per turn."