
Why has there been so many deltarune threads lately?

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Our choices don't matter is why

>people like game
>people make threads about game
The real question is why the shitpost brigade has been so quiet in the Deltarune threads of late.

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I think its mainly because there's somewhat of a vidya drought for Yea Forums until sunbreak(?) drops, which leads them to offtopic threads that have politics or coombait.
Plus the fandom for these games really settled down over the years, not as many eyes are on this game compared to Undertale

I don't know, but I just found out something interesting about pic related.

All the code, sprites, and music that relate to the character that guides you through the vessel creation introduction have a different naming convention than other files. For example, whereas functions/sequences/whatever in the game have the "obj_" prefix, the one referring to the introduction uses "DEVICE_" and is in all uppercase ("DEVICE_GONERMAKER"), similarly, whereas regular music uses "mus_" the track Another Him uses "AUDIO_." Last but not least, sprites - which normally use "spr_" - use "IMAGE_," something that pic related, the "Spamton" face found in Queen's basement ALSO uses.

What could it possibly mean?

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They're too busy shitting up Elden Ring threads

There's some other entity that's fucking with the game, to make it simpler we can call it Gaster.
Like I imagine that (you) aren't supposed to be in Deltarune since we're ported into it

Paid shills

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this seems to be a very interesting theory

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Yeah I forgot to include that my post assumes that the Introduction character IS Gaster. The next status update can't come soon enough.

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Nutcracker headass

For a free game?

Who is kris going to fuck in the end?

Not sure but it has reinvigorated my love for Susie.

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i wonder if the dark fountains are going to be similar to drawn to life 2, with the 'badness' of the fountains being the only reason the world is stable and able to still exist

I 100% don't believe that sealing the fountains is an umambiguously good act.

definitely. the game being free so far means it's more likely to have shills. but it's less likely typical paid shills than just the people who work at Fangamer making threads and being sure to lead the discussion to merch sometimes

The amount of headcanon you people spout is insane.
Keep thinking Gaster will be the final boss or there will be 20 different routes or whatever you're missing the point of the game.

I dont care, post Ralsei

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Tranny game

what did he meant by this?

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lmao literally every developer who isn't making a barebones story these days is now SPECIFICALLY shoving loads of """lore""" into their games, it makes huge talking points on reddit/YT/etc
because like everything else, consoomers want SOME media to obsess over and spend hours reading wikis and TVtropes because they're that obsessed with just learning the information
how this information is presented, when it is, how it's resolved, etc etc - all tend to be fucking garbage these days since they know blind fanboys will spend hours of their lives focused on nothing but their product
even if the loose ends are tied up eventually, the way the """lore"""" is revealed and piles up in Undertale/Deltarune is absolutely trash design but nonono, it's just lore :^)

literally no one mentions merch in these threads

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>you need to mention merch to be a paid shill

merch is literally the only thing someone could be shilling with regards to deltarune, and shilling merch was something the alleged shills were specifically described as doing

This game is not fun. Why do people keep posting about it. Are you still riding the undertale wave? Also you're all retards if you like this.

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>still no news on ch3
bros... I am running out of gas over here

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You don't have to say 'literally' for every sentance.
I guess zoomers make these threads

wait until september

Ralsei Mating Pressing me

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I've becoming so much like Noelle it's scary

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Deltarune is the Halloween Hack to Undertale's Earthbound.

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It's all so tiring.

>You can only go forward. No choice
Just got to keep proceeding.

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so not only is ralsei a faggot, he's also a cuck?


I tried playing ut twice but quit at the joker which was too hard

>After failing to beat an optional boss
You're the real joker here

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the joker? who the fuck is the joker?

These two are precious

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Spamton was never going to make it

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Because the wait is killing me

Probably nothing.

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Scalie pussy

Chaffs like hell


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Because the /vg/ threads are full of troons who erp rule 34 the characters to death. On Yea Forums we actually talk about the damn game.

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Is this some underage&b attempting to be witty or what

because theyre fun

Why are big dicked femboy tso hot?

Fuck off Susie.

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To be fair Toby, made that in 2008 when he was like 16
Undertale and Deltarune obviously approach the issue in more constructive and interesting ways ("Do you have a responsibility to make the right choice?" and "Isn't there value in choosing even if you can't change the ending?")

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Because Toby makes every single thread; each OP posted with just the right amount of delicate love.
He's doing this because he loves us. And also because the next release is in 4 months.



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seriously how complicated is it

worth it though

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Source: it was revealed to me in a fever dream

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