I'm a simple man, no gat no buy.
I'm a simple man, no gat no buy
>Hides thread
Even the addition of Gat couldn't salvage this Zoomers Row garbage
Saints row isn't saints row without a badass Asian dude
>Zoomers Row
It's a game made by millennials for millennials, calling wokestuff zoomershit is pure cope from unselfaware millennials
Eh I can see them stapling Gat in as a bonus homie down the line but I don't see him doing a major role.
The inclusion of Gat doesn't make a shit game any better.
Im a simple man, I see the company that shits on Idolninja's(the guy who was working on a SR2 patch while dying from cancer) work, I review bomb their tranny reboot on every corner of the internet
Never played this but his scenes were probably the peak of the game if it's like 4. gat out of hell would have been the peak of the series for me if they stuck with the musical thing instead of making one musical number for their glorified 20 dollar mini game collection
>excited to play this online
>multiplayer is only co op again
I just want a GTA Online without the stupid MMORPG elements and snappier controls
Did they really do that?
No gat no bat
day 1 pirate
>7 years in development
What the fuck is everyone's problem with this game?
This looks like one of those games that are fun for the first couple of hours and immediately get boring when you realize you’ve done everything. That’s basically my experience with saints row games after two. They are all flash and jazz and no substance.
It's become 100% pozzed
retarded ass bitch
A disturbing lack of Johnny Gat. Also guaranteed wokie troon shit.
>troon shit.
can't you surgically change your gender in all the games?
No Johnathan gat
Well, no SR2 patch on the sight yet. Only a cold twitter response that they still are ""working"" on it. My guess is that when the new saints bombs, only then they might release it to save face. They may not release it at all for all I know. The thing is that they dont give a fuck about this guy's work and their old saints row fandom
You can tell all teh effort went into the wrong areas of development.
>only then they might release it to save face.
I don't think you understand how volition works.
Basically SR2 was the last good game Volition made and it turned out to be a fluke anyway. iirc it was due to a confluence of multiple factors being just right, and they haven't been able to replicate that because they don't understand what made SR2 good (despite claiming to).
Now, as others have pointed out, they're too woke to remake the old games without fucking them up in some way and losing the charm that those games had.
Volition have not made anything even remotely playable since 2009 and I'm convinced their few good games were total accidents and they never had any clue what they were doing. See how they sank Red Faction twice, for the the exact same reasons both times
>I don't think you understand how volition works.
I think they have been out of touch since saints row 3 and never looked back to acknowledge their mistakes
Sure, you could fuck about with your main char however you wanted, and that's fine. It's not the same as forced diversity, which this game will likely go for.
Yes, people are just upset because corporations realized advertising it is easy Twittercred
These are not arguments. They might produce a character even better than Johnny Gat. You don't know yet.
The sun may not rise tomorrow, we can't know yet but the last 30 million years does set a precedent.
>They might produce a character even better than Johnny Gat
user, we both know that ain't gonna happen. Not in this day and age.
My biggest issue is when it was being described as returning to the series roots and it isn’t anything like that
>They might produce a character even better than Johnny Gat. You don't know yet.
Johnny: I'm gonna skull fuck that bitch
Playa: Hope you like hepitius
woke shit and the characters look like fags
Probably because the sun has 30 million years of history and is largely grounded in scientific fact compared to Volition's 26 years of alternating employees including its founders. id software wasn't manned by Carmack or Romero and they still managed to make two decent Doom games.
You never know.
I hate niggers and women.
Also those fucking haircuts.
That may have been funny when you were 12 and edgy.
Who is the game made for?
It's funny because the playa is silent the whole game and at the end of the vice kings story line you hear him talk for the first time
- Mr. Gat, you've been convicted of over three hundred murders, do you really expect this appeal to work?
- I figure with the statute of limitations, it really should be closer to two-fifty.
- There's no statute of limitations for murder!
- Why the fuck not?
- Watch yourself, Mr. Gat.
- Or what, you'll hold me in contempt of court? You're already planning on giving me the chair, you think I give a shit about you not liking me? Fuck off...
Listen to me
What if...WHAT IF the game has good gameplay, good music, good characters, a good story and good graphics? Are you still gonna call it shit if it has purple haired characters in it? I mean, wasn't one of the key selling points of Saints Row the customization of everything even to the point of it looking gaudy and cringe inducing? This game is just keeping in tone with its early predecessors
Who is this meant to appeal to?
>they still managed to make two decent Doom games
Yeah, the first two. Back when Carmack and Romero still worked on them.
Saints Row has always been diverse, please find a better argument.
nice damage control shill
>good characters
thats what everyone wants from a saints row game, and it doesnt look like volition is going to deliver that to us
heres your gat nigga...
I chuckled.
All you have to do is look at the announce trailer. It's very clear this was made by zoomers who want to shove their "Look how quirky we are" design mentality into the game. The crew reeked of forced diversity, none of them looked like any sort of gang member but more like teenagers treating it like a joke or some kind of protest rally, half the gang was literally wearing hipster glasses, and everything about their design mimics common woke-modeled character designs.
As someone else put it: "This looks like a new season of Fortnite"
>Saints row isn't saints row without a badass Asian dude
Uh-oh, looks like SOMEBODY forgot about Kevin, who’s so fr*cken badass he doesn’t even wear a shirt! #datidolzlyfe
Hey does anyone remember an interview where the main guy says something like "We’re going back to our roots" and then not even two minutes later starts babbling about "bringing back that Saints’ Row The Third magic" or something like that? I remember that being particularly infuriating
Do you even remember Matt, Kensington, Eddie, Phillipe, asha, or zimos? The characters have been shit since 2
A yes, back in the good old days of Saints Row 1 and 2 when you fought laser gun robots
>epic store exclusive
>fortnite graphics
>nonbinary characters
Dead on arrival.
I like zoomer shit including Fortnite but Agents of Mayhem was really terrible. I have zero faith in Volition.
>Johnny Gat wishes for a world reboot
>show Johnny Gat as the main character in the rebooted world
>game based on the rebooted world comes out
>Johnny Gat is DLC
What the fuck were they thinking?
None of those characters are from 2 though
Agents of mayhem is a prime example of
>am I out of touch?
>no, it is the children who are wrong
Looks like they’ve learned nothing since SR2
I like shitting on this dogshit Saints Row trash as much as the next guy, but not acknowledging 2016 and Eternal as good games makes everything you say invalid, sorry user
disgusting zoomer mutt
>the old crew appear through a rip in spacetime
>kill all the new faggots
I forgot all the characters added in 2
Welp, you just fixed at least 90% of the complaints about the reboot. You should apply for a position in Volition, you know.
Didn't gat wish for the earth to come back without the saints and when they made a game to follow up that ending it was so shit they had to retroactively make it a parallel universe
if it’s epic exclusive then they already got paid
i’d buy it
>You should apply for a position in Volition, you know.
nah, i'm too straight, too white and too male
They're going to brag that it's the highest grossing saints row game like the hitman guys did
Well, that sucks. Could you maybe take one for the team and pretend to be a non-binary otherkin fairy or something? If anyone disagrees you can just claim oppression and emotional rape.
i'd probably mess it up, stub my toe and call the desk a nigger or something
Holy Kek literally the guy shitting on your plate
>call something a nigger
>claim you've got Tourette's
>gain extra favor with the wokies for adding another disability to your list
>go around calling them all faggots all day long while everyone cheers you on for your bravery
Has no one else realize how retarded Julius betrayal is? In the first game the playa is just a silent bitch that does what he's told and Julius directly tells you at the end before the post game missions everything you did was saving lives but then in 2 he says you guys weren't saving shit. I personally think it's horse crap that the playa wouldn't have followed in Julius' footsteps and dispanded the saints, the only reason he got the courage to talk about became a sociopath in the first place was because Julius blew him up and gave him brain damage