>tfw right
Tfw right
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Left sounds like a retard
meme captions aside that image is pure undistilled cope
What can I do I'm literally all of the right side?
Left is retarded and will fail at whatever he's doing
Right is realistic and knows his limitd
Look up growth mindset.
Pretty sure that’s what this is from.
Seems like you have depression.
This is actually a pretty accurate depiction of the two types of mentalities towards vidya and it's why I stopped watching/listening to journos completely
left is stupid and will never get out of elo hell no matter how hard he tries
Broken baby brain lmao
Lmao better pull your pants up baby
Both attitudes are gay and naive. Video games are not that deep.
FUCK this. What, I say "I can do it" when I don't believe it and somehow that makes me believe it? That's worse than expecting I'll just get better if I keep trying. No, I'll keep making the same mistakes over and over.
I spent over a decade drawing and I didn't even learn the basics. It was symbol drawing the whole way. Learned more from 1 book than 10 years of practice, then hit another brick wall after that. Thanks for nothing, art teachers.
>What, I say "I can do it" when I don't believe it and somehow that makes me believe it?
No you retard. Your attitude is still the same. It's not something you can actively change. You were born a whiny loser and you will die one.
I mostly have a growth mindset but I do need to work on not getting jealous of other's successes. It's hard when you go on linkedin or social media and see people saying you need to be a millionaire by an age younger than you or that your peers are working at big name companies while you're still trying to get them to view your application
You are literally the game journo.
I only have left when it comes to vidya.
who gives a shit. Being a Game Journalist is just a job for most people. They don't care about the crap they write. The company that hires them just wants the clicks.
I'm the bizarro gamer
>"wow, this level is tough!"
>finally beat the level
>realise I completely forgot about the game's main gimmick
>made it harder than it had to be
>tfw i am neither nor
>It's hard when you go on linkedin or social media and see
Don't go on social media then?
>this tryhard
>What, I say "I can do it" when I don't believe it and somehow that makes me believe it?
No, the trick is to say and completely think and believe "I can't do it" and then you do it anyways
I'm all left but only in games. In real life I'm right. Am I damaged?
I want to coooooooooom!
Nah just raised poorly.
Vidya is designed to make you feel like a greenhead all the time.
Real life is actually difficult and without someone caring and experienced to guide you, you'll develop all manner of unproductive insecurities and coping mechanisms.
I used to be right side. Now I'm left side.
>not scared of failing so I try new things
>learned to play piano
>can finish games now
Become a game journalist
I did that before and now my networking game is weak.
Left is healthy coping bringing you closter to your potential
Right is mental illness (depression, addiction, narcissism, etc) and inceldom
Im already mentally challenged
>when I fail, I'm no good
nah, game journo would be like
>When I fail, it's the fault of the game
Why do they both have coneheads?
Except most people who cope with the left mindset are rarely every successful people. If you thought that, you wouldn't need books and gurus to tell you to think this way. Life is about luck, not effort.
The only point where this is wrong is the last one.
>my effort and attitude determine everything
>my abilities determine everything
You need to believe both.
If you only value effort, you can't situationally evaluate your abilities, and if you only value your abilities, you can't value the effort required to improve them.
t. unsuccessful loser
It’s literally part of the learning process to lose all confidence and believe for a little bit you can’t do it, and then you either find the willingness to keep pushing boundaries, or give up.
It’s true, look it up. Every single time you gave up was because your brain convinced you it was too much because exertion is effort and you’d rather be a lazy faggot.
Except most people who cope with the right mindset are rarely every successful people. If you thought that, you wouldn't need books and gurus to tell you to think this way. Life is about effort, not luck.
It was made by jews. They think their oversized occipital lobe is important and emphasize it wherever possible.
I've honestly not met a single successful person who thinks like right, only a crazy bitch who married into money. You are probably right though, people with the mindset on the right can only be successful through sheer luck.
People who are successful always, without exception, overestimate the role their abilities play in their position in life. Success is granted, not earned.
all of you need this important lesson
ok fag
Isn't that very deterministic thinking itself?
working on the "If you succeed, I feel threatened". Gotta work hard to not be such an insecure faggot
i thought we were done with this gamergate shit
i mean you'll probably never remove all jealousy in your life
the difference is having the tact to suck it up and congratulate people when they deserve it
The universe is deterministic though, so it makes sense. People who have a "I can do anything I want to do" are determined to think that way as well, and are thus led to believe they can do anything. Very few of these people, however, manage to actually do whatever they put their mind to. They find something that they like and stick with it like everyone else.
Yeah, but I also gotta learn to genuinely congratulate people, instead of being a two-face.
I'm generally the left except I'm in my 30s and have given up the idea of ever improving at something tona significant degree. Sure I can learn shit and overcome it, you kind of have to in games like elden ring but im always going to be a poor shot in shooters and I'm never going to complete an ultimate in FFXIV
going into any kind of thread discussing competitive/semi-competitive games will IMMEDIATELY alert you to the fact that 99% of Yea Forums have the Games Journalist mindset
I actually really like fighting games, but think i'd be slipping into legit addiction with the competitive social aspect
You can decide to change how you behave.
I'm not saying you will, because I wouldn't know even if that's what's written in the fabric of the universe, but it's possible. Does knowing this possibility change anything for you? Will you reading this lead to an inevitable change in your behavior that was always meant to be?
Fate is a paradox, user. You can use it to justify everything and accept the status quo, or you can "defy" it and set out on a journey to explore new possibilities. In either case, you still end up exactly where you should be.
Realize it's okay to fail and try to learn from your experiences. Take smaller steps, don't be afraid to ask for help. See others who are better than you at your selected field as mentors, not direct competition, and learn from their success and failures.
finally someone with a brain on this board
how about getting a job ?
Unlearning the red mindset is the key to happiness
It's possible to change what you currently believe, that is true. I don't believe anyone is locked into one fixed thing. However, whether or not your mind changes on something really isn't up to you. There has to be the right contextual things in your life, the brain chemistry has to be there. A lot of things have to line up. Some people have minds capable of changing more often, but I don't think that's any less deterministic than someone who is slow to change. They both cannot control the speed at which they adapt.
>Fate is a paradox, user. You can use it to justify everything and accept the status quo, or you can "defy" it and set out on a journey to explore new possibilities.
I don't believe that one "defies" fate. Because if you make a decision to defy fate, that itself was fated. If you think "I'm not going to end up a total fucking loser, I'm going to do something about it" that is itself determined. The universe can only turn out one way, but we don't know where that is.
>In either case, you still end up exactly where you should be.
I agree that everyone and everything is exactly where it should be now. It is where it necessary needs to be based on prior circumstances, and wherever it is in the future will be based on its present circumstances.
Left is cringe but right is accurate so I'm torn
A symptom of either a hypercompetitive culture o envy, which usually stems from needless wants and attention.
You can be competitive and be the best whilst respecting the ones you defeat, and feel gratitude on the lessons of your losses. But when all you hear is talk about how being the top is everything, failure is unacceptable, defeat and crush the opponent, never yield, never compromise, then you have a problem that gets you to feel threatened when someone bests you.