>game has multiple romance options
>one is clearly the canon choice so there's no reason to choose anyone else
What are some other examples of this?
Game has multiple romance options
I thought rise was cannon?
you can tell as soon as shes introduced shes intended to be the cannon love interest. she even talks to you like your dating even if you went with another girl.
Cold Steel, the series treats that crappy Alisa was the main heroine
>On day 1 Chie asks you if you think Yukiko's hot
>Yosuke asks whether Chie or Yukiko is your type
>If you say Chie, he's surprised
>If you say Yukiko, he says he thought so
Yukiko is canon
In original P4, they clearly favoured Rise, but Golden retconned it into Marie no matter how much you froth at the mouth.
yea cannon until you kick her to the curb as soon as rise is introduced
I mean it makes sense, Yukiko was originally the killer. I would surmise that idea was what eventually led to Marie so you can have a way to reconcile with Izanami.
>Yukiko was originally the killer.
Wait really?
yea and you can still kinda tell in some of the writing. the first kill even still happens at the amagi inn.
Rise is a creepy flirt but that by no means means anything more.
I thought originally it was nanako's dad.
>rise acts like she wants your dick in every line of dialog but she doesnt mean it!
nigga what
It went from Yukiko to Dojima to Adachi being created as a seperate character.
Yes and no. Early in development they tossed around ideas for different killers and Yukiko was one. It wasn't "the original plan" so much as "an idea that was tossed around early in development"
It doesn't mean she's canon? Like what the fuck it just means she's a yandere creep and those girls never win.
This is an anime game nigga, the girl who most blatantly wants the D never wins
Watch more animu. Rise is clearly Kanji's.
>Naoto with later OC that nobody gives a shit about
because you never let her. doesnt mean she isnt the cannon pick.
>Rise is clearly Kanji's
Where in the fuck in this game would male you think this?
i cant remember any time rise and kanji even interacted.
>Teasing/bullying relationship
>Kanji canonically begins to model himself after MC after the events of the game
The girl who actively wants the main characters dick rarely (if ever) ends up winning and ultimately has the moment where she realizes the guy she thought was a creepy loser is actually her dream guy. It's generic anime trash, not hard literature.
Dude did you mean Naoto is Kanjis? Rise is for faceless fat executives
Yukiko is getting banged by Jamal-kun
Yosuke/Labrys is endgame
she was nice but naoto is the best
Naoto is destined for robot dick.
when does rise think kanji is a creepy loser? did you even play the game or did you just watch the anime?
Unironically user, PersonaXDetectiveNaoto is about as canon as Trinity Soul. Refer to the videogame spinoffs if you want to know her Canon relationship.
>What are some other examples of this?
>Everyone continues just talking bout Persona
Anyway, I'm not even sure this counts, due to how "completing" the game is basically synonymous with getting her route.
I did not mean to post Hanoko... Completing
Lilly's route is way more canon then her bacon buddy
Based and canon.
Why am I so retarded... Completing Kurisu's route is basically synonymous with completing the game, is what I meant to say.
>Good job getting your girl to max affiliation 1/3 into the game. Now enjoy absolutely zero romance content for the rest of the game.
I cannot understand how anyone can see the scene with Shadow Chie and not think that's a dealbreaker. Other characters had their emotional baggage that they didn't quite understand or know how to deal with, but Chie was a downright terrible person.
How'd she do it, bros?
Isn't the point that their shadow's are a caricature of their insecurities? So even if there's some truth to them, and even if they should be accepted as part of them, they're not what makes up that character completely.
But yeah, Chie is pretty crappy.
hers was understandable though
I'm a Yukiko man but I can't have you talk about Chie like this. First of all, shadows are an exaggeration and Chie's just reflects a very warped version of a very human desire to have others around you that rely on you and to protect them even though you have a low opinion of yourself in order to hoist yourself up which is something she learns to confront about herself in a healthy way and realize that her desire to protect others is very genuine and is what drives her forward during her S.link. She's flawed, sure, but not a terrible person at all.
>Which girl do you like more: the meat-loving tomboy that people don't really go after, or the shy heartbreaker that almost every boy in the school has tried to ask out?
Of course Yosuke isn't surprised if you pick Yukiko. He even stated he tried asking her out and got turned down hard.
I remember joining the music club in Persona 4, because I used to play the trumpet at school. Literally one of the hottest girls in my school was in the jazz band, so Ayane was such a disappointment for me.
I like both of the Sun arcana girls.
>Persona 4
>Released a decade earlier than P5
>Still gets threads on Yea Forums
>Persona 5
>No threads on Yea Forums anymore
What made P5 so disappointing?
Unironically less soul, and more style over substance. Which is not to imply that it has no substance at all, but a lot of that substance is bloat.
Persona 5 is just kind of dull, I was never particularly attached to any of the characters. Also helps that I was an actual teenager when Persona 4 came out whereas I was in my mid-20s for 5 and I really don't care for the high school setting as much anymore.
Cringe characters.
Cringe sefret justice club shit.
Cringe cat.
I enjoyed P5 and my time with the characters overall, but I can never see anything interesting to discuss about them. It always just seems to circle back to the same couple points
>one is clearly the canon choice so there's no reason to choose anyone else
Why do faggots obsessed with their girl winning always say this? The only Persona game to ever do this are the first three games. Since most people never played the other two and only P3, Yukari and Aigis were the official pairings for the MC. P4 and P5 doesn't push a canon nod to any girl. The protag has moments with with the first two girls introduced all the time in those two games.
I hate to break it to ya dawg but Naoto just isn't into Kanji. Quit trying to force her into a one-sided relationship. It ain't good for either of 'em.
Forgot to metnion that it's always the same faggots between P4 and P5 doing this two. It's always the Yukikofags doing it for P4, while the Chie fags are generally just being obnoxious about their girl. P5 players always do it with Makoto.. will also being obnoxious about her.
People are nostalgic for Persona 4 because it was the first shin megoomy tensay game they played back in high school and probably unlike anything they've ever played prior. Remember that shit's like 14 years old now.
That's literally it.
Fire Emblem: Seasons of Warfare
P5 plays it safe
And what about P4 isn't playing it safe?
Thank you, Yukikobro.
Yukiko ships Kanji and Rise. I think even some other students mention that they see Kanji and Rise together a lot and think they have a thing for each other.
Because Persona 4 knows it's themes and what it's trying to say and that conviction resonates with people way more than Persona 5 which also constantly contradicts itself and makes poor arguments for the themes it's going for. Persona 4 also breaks down facades and the people you get to know and help come to feel like people which feels all the more gratifying watching them grow and better themselves while Persona 5 just a bunch of hopeless caricatures and mustache twirling bad guys you need to save/stop with handy dandy brainwash powers so it never feels earned. The only good S.link in p5 was the politician because it feels like a bond from P4 complete with the guy solving his own damn problems while you're just the angel on his shoulder giving a push in the right direction or just being someone that lends an ear to their troubles.
**get to know and help and thus come to feel like actual people and relationships
I'm just answering the question "What made P5 so disappointing" I'm not implying at all that P4 isn't guilty of the same thing.
>Loves you unconditionally without you even needing to invest in her social link
Yu is absolutely hitting that blood related ass when she's old enough.
She is, everything past meeting her makes sense if you date her
P4fags are turning into the P3 boomers who shat on P4 for being a shallow shitfest back when it was the hot new game with all the newfags hopping on board.
pic unrelated
Man it's going to be fun once P6 gets announced.
Disgusting game for incels, romance irl isn't anything like it, don't you get embarrassed? My sister and I bing watched the anime to cringe and laugh at everything it gets so wrong, lol
What do we call this phenomenon, the Persona Cycle?
>P3: Life is worth living, despite all the bullshit
>P4: It's better to accept the truth, even if it hurts
>P5: Stand up and don't let people walk all over you
What will the moral of P6 be?
You're a moron if you can't understand the themes of P5. You realize that's a bait by shitposters not something you're supposed to use seriously right?
For example: didn't you know that the concept of a 'TV World' isn't real? How embarrassingly innacurate!
Naoto and Kanji are as blatantly canon as Persona has ever gotten with its main cast shipping outside protagonists.
Chie is for friendzoning
Naoto is built for kanji
Rise is built for hand holding and breeding sex with Yu
Yukiko is built for pleasuring old fat men at her inn
live laugh love
A true man of culture.