Damn, the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight trailer has got me bricked up.
Copping this expansion day one, and that's on god.
Who are you maining this expansion, bros?
Damn, the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight trailer has got me bricked up.
Copping this expansion day one, and that's on god.
Who are you maining this expansion, bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
cool story blizzshill
fuck blizzard
fuck wow
fuck microsoft
fuck activision
and fuck you
Yeah, I'm thinking retail is back.
Ah good a legitimate videogame thread.
I have organized a plot to frustrate my raid lead by having as many people pick anthro dragon as possible. Hopefully he ragequits in heroic and we'll be freed from this utter blight fotm as quickly as possible.
Game is on maintenance mode, cope harder blizzdrone
>new expansion about to drop
>companion mobile game coming
>maintenance mode
Yeah it's pretty funny you're bout to shill another $60 for a game that is on maintenance mode isn't it?
>bricked up
>game in active development
>maintenance mode
xivtroons aren't sending their best
Wowsisters...we won
Fuckin' saved
I thought everyone loved WOTLK
I hate this place so much. It will be the same as always.
>muh ffxiv killer
>first week big numbers
>month later dead as fuck
>proceed to cope and seethe while devs don't work and just add tranny shit
wowtoons deserve to die
We're going home bros...
They did, and the majority of people hated Cataclysm and loved Mists of Pandaria. It's a dumbass post. BFA was universally reviled for all the dumb systems they kept piling on top of one another.
>the majority of people hated Cataclysm and loved Mists of Pandaria.
Furfags are fucking hilarious
What a fucking boring trailer. Holy shit.
>first week big numbers
I don't think that will happen. There's no hype anymore, even from blizzdrones. Yes, even Sneedolands was hyped up a lot, but not this deviant art tier dogshit.
wow cinematics
>genre bending, subtle, slow burn, esoteric, referential, philosophical character studies
xiv cinematics
>loud, surface level, edgy, black and white, good vs evil,nonstop tropes
Dead game
Dont know what you guys are talking about. The dragon race looks good.
>Damn, the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight trailer has got me bricked up.
>Copping this expansion day one, and that's on god.
>Who are you maining this expansion, bros?
this game makes my penis soft
That's just a side effect of your HRT meds, XIVsister
i thought people hated draenor?
>New Class only has 2 specs again
>New Race looks like shit
>Lock the new class to the new race
>"Removed then gated" feature is now the expansion gimmick
The fuck are they doing?
rent free
they dont even know
*develops kino in your path*
Admit you were unfair to hate one the new generation of Blizzard devs.
You guys actually falling for bait?
the majority of wow players don't give blizzard any money
they just use gold to buy wow tokens for bnet balance
of course this does mean something like 40% of the playerbase are completely psychotic whales spending huge amounts of money each week to pay for other people to play the game for them via boosts and other bullshit
I am honestly not sure which group is worse
WoW is probably the most diseased and dysfunctional game I've ever played over 1,000 hours of
and you know what? I'd still be playing it if the devs weren't completely incompetent and literal trannies who can only recycle and ruin EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING, there hasn't been a new model or skill in the game for years that wasn't somehow recycled
and of course the story is pure retcon and dumpster fire retardation, but we all know that too
so it goes
Oh boy another shitting on WoW thread, count me in!
Where do you get your information? Everything you said about the FF cinematics is wrong. But I'm guessing its bait.
>MoP Bad
>WoD and BfA Good
Unironically kill yourself.
Most influential streamers and content creators agree that the Dragonflight cinematic is superior to all XIV cinematics.
Yea Forums will go years without a WoW thread. The second a new expansion comes out its all anyone wants to talk about. What could possible explain such a radical shift?
>every single WoW thread is now just some faggot falseflagging positivity about the game to garner negative replies
don't you ever get tired of posting the same thread over and over
>Yea Forums will go years without a WoW thread
this has never happened ever
Yea Forums has had daily WoW threads for over a decade now, funnily enough most of them just shitting on the game and claiming it's "dead"
game is so bad and awful and dead that Yea Forums literally cannot stop thinking about it
I mean they certainly hated cata, and at least MoP saw a quarterly announcement with an increased amount of subs, if even a small amount.
If not for the 13 month drought with SoO, MoP WOULD have been less damaging for WoW than cata, so.. uh, up yours faggot.
/wowg/ is laughing at us again bros...
Are you meaning to tell us you want to see unironic positive things said about the game?
lol, lmao even
Kek, at least you confirmed my theory.
>it would've been good if it wasn't bad
what an argument
you're not even trying at this point
Because it was great at some point, the threads are people being pissed off at blizztroon for ruining the franchise
>Mfw when the new literal god of the Warcraft universe is a FtM tranny with zero likable traits or dialogue that gets brutally hamfisted into the story
It was at this point I noped out and went back to DDO.
it would be more enjoyable than "LOL HEY GUYS WOW IS TOTALLY GOOD THIS EXPANSION IS AWESOME I'M SO HYPE" being posted over and over with the sole intention of getting negative replies
Terminal brain drain. Anyone competent left the company long ago or got caught in one of the internal purges. And they can't fix it because Blizzard still delude themselves into thinking their reputation is still good enough to not need to offer competitve wages to attract talent.
i havent been keeping up with lore, whos the ftm god?
I have 2000 hours in XIV and I'm furious over the combat.
There's no sugar coating it, it's fucking abysmal.
You do the same thing, every dungeon/trial every time. You will NEVER grow as a player, you and everyone play IDENTICALLY, EVERY TIME.
It's maddening, I'd rather go back to turn based than play this carpal tunnel simulating bullshit.
Either read the spreadsheet or be a shitter. Those are your two options.
Guess what? Pso2:NGS has better combat than that.
The game notorious for having ZERO content and an anti-consumer cash shop PLAYS BETTER.
It's clear this game is just a money maker for Square, and we'll not get any meaningful changes. The playerbase is content with the same content reskinned ad infinitum, they LOVE pressing their rotations for the 400000th time in a row. WE NEED SOMETHING INTRINSIC, SOMETHING THAT ALLOWS PLAYERS TO GROW REGARDLESS OF THEIR STATS.
i was expecting the next expansion to look bad but the amount of seethe it's generating with XIVtrannies is making me wonder if it's going to be a hit
>muh xiv tranny boogeyman
I played the game for like 2 hours and got bored it
Yeah the people that made the game good simply aren't there anymore, and I'd still be playing if at least the story was good but that's tough when the narrative leader is a literal cuckold that self-inserts as Sylvanas's boyfriend
Issues with housing system in FFXIV drives players to a game with no housing system.
this faggot
>WoD, Cata, BfA good
excellent bait sir
You get a new body in the afterlife, fitting to the specific afterlife you go to, some fag woman reincarnated in a male body for some fucking reason (even though theres females in this afterlife, too) and later became the ruler of the shadowlands, which is where all afterlives are.
it's a demon hunter reskin too
Other way around.
Well they're not trans really. Female in life. Spirit is a male in death realm.
Kinda fucked up.
>Yea Forums will go years without a WoW thread
That will never happen because watching a trainwreck is hella entertaining
Also rather wrong, they're a character that gets a lot of time in the kyrian campaign, and they become the arbiter which isn't a god so much as a sorting hat for the dead
This guy used to have good videos but he's an FFXIV troon now.
lol, lmao even
thanks. i have 0 desire to buy the new expansion so far
So pretty much a god, after all, they can send souls to either some pretty nice place, or eternal damnation, or just straight up destroy them.
>it looks like a fucking burger king crown
my fucking sides