Sequel has a new protagonist

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Don't care.

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zesty little buck

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OP is a faggot.

and this is how you kill your ip

Well it's a step up from the last one I guess

He's cool and Dr Who is shit and neither of them are video games.

>Is that a hecking blackerino!


Better black than a woman

Why a black man? there's more Paki guys in the UK, how come they get ignored?

Women actors aren't funny or respectable

Ive never even watched dr who but wasnt the last one a woman? I think I even heard she was proud of never seeing dr who as well. Sounds like the series is ruined anyway.

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literally a gay black doctor, sounds like Yea Forums shitpost but it's real


I dont care about capeshit.


>pozzed thing is pozzed
Who even cares about western produced media?

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>Doctor who is still going

because whites worship blacks for some reason

Where does it say that he's gay?


Not even a Dr Who fan, only watched a few episodes. But a black guy is better than a woman. Keep the Doctor a man, a woman just doesn't work with his character.

______ fatigue.

>Sequel has a new protagonist
have you ever watched doctor who you dumb cunt

Already dead with doctor karen

It's already dead
They killed it with the female dr.

>for some reason
Because they are the only ones who can satisfy our women.

Because American culture is hegemonic in the West. Black people are like 1% of Canada, most of them arriving in the last 30 years, and they're still in like half of all advertisements

I though a women was the new dr who, whatever happened with that?

Does regerating as a black man count as the time lord equivalent of blackface

Honestly the problem isn't even that the doctor became a woman. The actually problem is simply that the writing got much worse. They could have salvaged a woman doctor if they at least had some competent writing.

What the fuck do they even do in this show that's it's been airing since 1963?

>Sequel has a new protagonist
Yes, that is the core of Doctor Who. This happens every time. I don't like this guy and I didn't like the woman either, but this is literally what the entire series is about.

Mr Janitor? We have a case of burgers

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>tfw even fanfic writers do a better job than the BBC

Nooooo what happened to Nurse Who? Nurse Whooo!

Freak of the week nonsense. They pull some new alien of scifi concept out of their ass every episode or just get lazy and repeat themselves to bring back former villains.

are they just going to go through a highly predictable rotation of various minority groups until the show becomes unjustifiable to produce?



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Doctor Who is fucking gay anyway. Who gives a shit

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How is he cool? He's had one role before.

I hope the companion is a white female so there is a sort of interracial relationship to make more white males seethe

Nice of them to give the role to a minority after an arrogant white woman completely ran it into the ground and drove off all the fans.

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it's like a circus attraction
>look! A nigger!

No white franchise is allowed to simply "end" before being thoroughly defiled first.

can't be worse than the last seasons

REORE looks unironically good.

lol first they try a woman then they try a nigger

That’s the weird things about all the shills across the platform. No one can justify this decision.

literally gay nigga from outer space

most whites i know dislike niggers

To be fair, that’s true of a lot of franchises, especially nowadays

Yuck why couldnt they give the role to a based black man like Fishburne or Snipes? Dont make it some faggy skinny guy.
I wonder how many Timelords it will be before we go back to a white guy lel

>a based black man
no such thing

just because you stay in your little incel group doesn't mean the rest of whites dislike Black people, especially the younger generation white females love Black men

They must've seen the writing on the wall, pretending to support righteous causes and being "inclusive" usually coincides with the creators realizing that their work isn't good enough to captivate an audience otherwise.
You see it in all media, really. Video games, books, comic books, TV, movies etc.

That's not even really saying much these days with how low the standards of the BBC have fallen.

trying too hard to fit in

>No asian doctor
>We will never have Doctor Wu
When will they learn?

if you don't hate blacks you don't belong here

True enough. Capaldi's a cool dude but I gave up on Who a few episodes into his season. The show was always pretty stupid but somewhere around Smith's last season it started trying to pass off midwit platitudes as deep and profound multiple times an episode.

For me, it's OREO O's

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They killed it with the second doctor.

A black Doctor Who would still be a thousand times better than the female Doctor Who we just had.

>Literally who as dr who
better than keeping us in the dark...

women have redeeming features

lolno, it's gonna be a male. a literal broken buck gay nigga

>RTD is back
well at least it'll be better than Chibnall's run

>user doesnt have a personality outside of hating blacks
You know even other racists will get tired of you pretty quick faggot.

shouldnt dr who be out of lives by now?


i wouldn't even think about niggers if the media didn't push them so much, they are a joke

>went to Yea Forums to see how bad it is and how mad they are
Daym, half the board is talking about this shit

Honestly I don't care much about the actor, as long as they can deliver their lines well in a convincing manner and deliver emotional performances, anyone can play Doctor Who as far as I'm concerned.
But PLEASE tell me they fired the entire WRITING staff. An actor can only ever be as good as the material they're given to act on, and Doctor Who's writing has been a complete dumpster fire for years.

I certainly hope they didn't just hire a black actor as an act of tokenism and so they can handwave any form of criticism directed at the show as "it's just racists from the Internet" like they used allegations of sexism to handwave every form of criticism headed toward the past few seasons... And I also hope you guys, Yea Forums and others don't just limit their criticism of the show to I HATE NIGGERS to give their handwaving structure...

I admire Capaldi for trying, but goddamn he had nothing good to work with. Imagine getting someone of his caliber and then just giving him nothing.

speaking of him did they do anything with the timeless child plot or did they sweep it under the rug? I dropped out half way through capaldi's run

It's already double-dead lmao

He could honestly work, it entirely relies on them getting good episode writers.

Same, things were struggling before Capaldi and the episode quality went down even further with him.

It's still in effect right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually did retcon it somehow, similar to the half-human thing that was I think in the movie.

Doctor Who died when the writers blatantly started trying to pander to the Superwholock audience

Honestly not surprising. People dedicated to a franchise enough to write fanfiction about it are often turbo-fans with encyclopedic knowledge of the franchise and great attention to detail and lore and/or horny loners who want to get their rocks off (horniness is the strongest creative force in the world next to depression), which is a lot more than I can say about the bozos at BBC.

Indian Doctor when?

He got more.

wait, this happened?

I'm pretty sure classic Who did have at least one actual fanwritten episode.