Dusk is based

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based on what?

Hasn't the dev been making hacky creepy pasta-tier horror shit ever since?

cool atmosphere

Who did you expect at the end of all this?


Did anyone else get bored after episode 1?

Just play Quake, it's better

He's making a thief clone, but from the demo I played it felt very uninspired.

>just play quake it's better
if you're drunk off nostalgia or playing mods that have nothing to do with the original game.

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On what?

He was making them before Dusk too.

No, even vanilla Quake is better.

i refuse to play any of these retro fps ripoff games
if i want old ill play an old game

okay so you're just a retarded boomer who hasn't gotten a reality check yet and still lives mentally in their teens.

But I didn't play Quake fully until just before Dusk released.


So you don't like Quake 1?

sure you diiid just like the kids who said they played the original resident evil 2 and say resident evil 2 remake is better

Programming makes no sense, i understand the code but I don't know how to add it all together. Fuck this shit i just wanna make short horror games for Xqc and Markiplier

Here's my save, user.
What's so much better about Dusk? Is it the baby movement, or the baby enemies?

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I like the OST
It reminds me something... Unreal, maybe

Soulless and shitty.

I liked it, the levels (or at least the level settings, or ideas) seemed inspired

But for some reason I like the gameplay of HROT and Quake better. Maybe too many guns? Idk.

Stop shilling your shit Shlomo. I will never play or God forbid PAY for your game.

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its pretty fun.
just play both,and then AD and VR cause its better than both easily.
that is very strange.
could be the enemy roster.
also fun,why try to make it a fight?


quake is better and you are a tranny. kys

the only people who play quake still are trannys
no one is autistic enough with 1 game after almost 30 years to keep playing it

the only people who play quake are chads* ftfy

The dev mocked me for asking for the ability to rebind the fucking controls on switch.

I accused him of being lazy and assumed you couldn't rebind them cus they have hardcoded the text in the game. So when the game says "Press ZL to jump" its hardcoded instead of detecting whatever button you have bound. And he acted as if coding customisable buttons is a huge job and difficult. Like literally e every fps ever made doesn't have the ability to fucking rebind the buttons.

Glad I pirated this faggots game.

>gets butthurt when a dev makes fun of you for being autistic
come to reddit often?

>Asking for basic functionality in a game that's been in every fps since 1991
Shut up, New Blood cuck

enough playing retard

I agree

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at least steam lets you get around that shit.
its literally just rebinding the controls.

You can't bind your own buttons.

that looks like shit

no it doesn't it looks rad as hell, nerd

It was an alright game, nothing more. I don't get why it's so popular.

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I was excited for the port until I saw that shit.

Based on what?

Strafejumping is too easy in Dusk and there are no hitscanners so if you have any Quake experience it completely trivialises the difficulty of the game, the atmosphere and general feel of it is great though and I love the crouch-dodge mechanic.

HROT does not have this problem and if you Strafejump in OG Quake you'll get cucked by stairs and arbitrary geometry and just get mad and give up.

I don't think it's fair to call what Dusk has "strafe jumping". You literally just hold a combination of two movement keys and mash jump. You don't even need to change direction.

dev is a fucking loser though

>a combination of two movement keys
i don't even think you need to do that.

I'll give the game credit where it's due. You do need to hold a diagonal direction while hopping to hit the speed cap near-instantly.

the guy who made Dusk is not a zoomer though, he's a millennial which means he knows how to do it right

because its good for the same reasons Quake was good. Music is great too. If you like Lovecraft then all the more reason to love it

he is a cool guy

>its good for the same reasons Quake was good
Not really. The game has barely anything in common with Quake.

You do, one fun quirk of the way dusk implements it is that even in the air your combined direction movement has a multiplicative effect on your velocity and the game also applies a fixed amount of constant deceleration opposite to your current direction of movement so you can only travel at the highest possible speed even strafejumping while doing it diagonally, this creates a fun little dynamic where you need to look away from enemies and rely on snap aim to fight them if you wanna go fast.

this is one of those moments where something is said to you that is so categorically demonstrably wrong that you realize it'd be too much work to reverse what they said. I'll just let you do what you want

>I don't get why it's so popular.
No memes it was heavily marketed on reddit which (due to the nature of the platform being massive) got a lot of attention from people wanting to get in on the /vr/ gaming fad without actually having to fuck around getting the old games working. Dusk is ultimately spoopy quake to people that never played quake.

reddit doesnt like this game its too masculine. they hate doom too. stop being a buzzkill

I made the mistake once of checking his twitter and he seems like an attention whore. Plus the "soap humor" from dusk is fucking stupid

>reddit doesnt like this game its too masculine
Perhaps now but the game was very much hyped for its full release what, 4 years ago?

Dusk is more like Doom mixed with a bad Build game with its level and enemy design. The levels are pretty straightforward, with many of them just being flat open areas with some buildings strewn about.

ok,good,thanks for the correction.

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if hes simply an attention whore then at least that's funny

all of us are attention whores we post whatever is on our minds with no filter for (you)s and argue about our favorite games as if they have no flaws

Here, game just felt like a complete waste of time and made me wanna go back to Quake custom maps instead. Just a floaty, creatively stale mess.

extremely based and honest

Don't know man
Dusk for me just got way better after ep1 with more interesting enemies and levels

I could see why E1 would burn you out. It's really bland.

>no one is autistic enough with 1 game after almost 30 years to keep playing it
Quake looks better, has better level design, better enemies, better weapons, better music even after 30 years. Dusk is just anti-game garbage shovelware made for impressionable retards.

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About 15 years ago Dusk would be the kind of meme fangame trash you can download and play for free, nowadays all it takes is a "retro" or "boomer shooter" label on it and brainless morons will pay for it.

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Boomer shooters. The term is misleading. Wannabe boomer shooters is also misleading. They do no play like actual boomer shooters.

Our the (OUR THE) Doom 2 (Doom the second (DOOM but 2 of them)):
Meaingful ammo management, weak enemies who do unavoidable damage but die to common ammo weps, strong enemies are dodgeable or cucked by walls but have fuck tons of hp and map design makes them a threat. Has actual map design. Its not as good as DOOM but its stil >>>>>>>>> any of these shitty ripoffs.

>Amid Evil
Functionally interchangable enemies. Who cares what weapon you use, ammo is too plentiful. Who cares what your priortitize, they're the same shit or the same shit but it flies. Who cares about anything. Maps so open and movement so overtuned you can run across half the average map in like 10 seconds.
Bosses die almost instantly.

It sucks. Maps are tiny linear corridors, it spawns enemies behind you all the time, the shitty rpg mechanics are shitty, the enemies are too weak, the magic is incredibly boring.

>Ion Flurry
Maps to open. Weapons to samey. Bow to broken.

Maps to open. Get every weapon 5 mins in. Bow to broken. You have a 100% accurate super common ammo weapon that kills every enemy in like 1-3 hits. Literally nothing stops you from hopping out of the effective range of anything whenever you want. OCCASIONALLy remembers to have map design, but mostly doesn't. Most enemies are 0 (zero (zilch (none(not at all(less than 1))))) threat

Nice copy pasted Blood voice lines faggos.
MC moves faster than every mc in every other game put together, yet the maps are more tight than Warlock. Makes no sense. She's some monstrous alien, but she just shoots you and punches like a human. Wannabe doom ammo managment - all the tools that made that work. Awful, awful game. What were they (them (they're'em)) thinking?

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Maps are 15 miles wide but the enemies have an effective range the size of Hedon's massive futa cock. WHich is pretty fucking big, but still too small for them to be a threat at all, ever, in any map, in any situation. Boring as fuck to navigate.

>Doom 2016
Closer to serious slamalamadingdong with Space Marines healing system (except dumbed down for brainlets) than OUR THE our the Doom. Has actual map design, but the effectively infinite hp/ammo means there's functionally no difference between any enemy; stun them all with plasma alt, kill in 1-3 hits.

>Doom Eternal
What a shit game
It is bad

Howesth Do Isth be STYLINGISH
>< AHA! Jump! For no reason! Like a spastick high on drugs, such as drugs!
Retarded shit for people who want to feel pro at something but don't want to put in effort so they just mash space

Has actual map design
Feels like ass to play

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Do you mean Twitch? I know the devs gave out a bunch of codes and hung around streamers chats while they were playing.