This is the best game ever made

This is the best game ever made

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Doom 2016 seethe in 3, 2, 1...

sorry this is op i posted the wrong pic, here it is the best game ever made

Attached: doom_3_wallpaper02_1600.0.jpg (1400x1400, 195.23K)

Doom eternal has the most retarded plot ever in a videogame

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>doomguy is a clone of god who is also satan
bravo hugo

nothing can beat kingdom hearts bro, and i love both


if you're on crack

It's alright. Beat it on Nightmare. Shame about the platforming.

that's not half life 2

>fight arena
>jump around to next arena
>fight arena again
>jump around to next arena
>fight arena again
>jump around to next arena

>This is the best game ever made

damn this fps genre is hella lit

Sure, if you're a nintendo soiboi and this is literally the first time you've ever played an FPS game

Attached: Doom Soyboy edition.jpg (1250x443, 258.25K)

>ability to doge enemy projectiles is tested even outside encounters
I don't see the problem? If you're good you go through the enviroment in literal seconds, there is almost never a minute before reaching a new enemy.

go away Hugo, Bethesda's shills don't work on weekends and you're alone defending this hot steaming pile of shit game you made, specially after being so defensive on Joe Rogan when asked about proper multiplayer AND admitting to play the game using a controller on the PC...

Attached: Hugor Mortorn.jpg (203x242, 7.54K)

>plays game with 5 difficulty modes
>gets filtered anyway
Forget about fun zone, you need to enter the disabled parking zone.

Eternal is the best shooter ever made, and the best DOOM game, objectively.
DOOM 2016 is second

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And that's a good thing.

Nah, Kingdom Hearts and Guilty Gear exists. Both are peak insanity and stupidity.

What’s the problem with platforming again?

Urdak section of the game is horrendous.

Urdak has 3 of the best fights in the base game though?

Also it's a pretty unique change of scenery, and the Ayy Lmao Headshots are fun. Boss sucks though.

Meh, doom 2016 was better

I didn’t care for the whole mechanized angels thing. The level just lasts way too long.

yo this do be the capital of hell doe fr fr no cap

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I 100% the game on nightmare, but never played the DLCs, are they good? Are all master levels out yet?

They're good if you like ball busting

Not even in the top-5 Doom games ever made, little bitch niggers.

Attached: This is DOOM.png (3194x1436, 1.69M)

>AND admitting to play the game using a controller on the PC...
what's wrong with that?
the first time i finished it i used kb/m
currently replaying it for a second time, using a controller, auto aim disabled, and it's literally easier, and funnier that way
on kb/m it'a complete clusterfuck considering you have all these abilities, and i did try to rebind everything
i often forgot to use the grenades, and flamethrower
with a controller it feels more natural, i don't know why

Being proud of playing this game on any difficulty is like bragging about only taking a shit when you're constipated because it's harder, in the end the result is still a stinky turd.

Everything wrone with Nu-Doom in 1 post.

i like it
yes,albeit very hard
use gyro aim,other than quickswaps,its the closest to the best of both worlds.

Attached: doom02.png (1920x1080, 673.95K)

It’s ok, it took just under 20 hours to do the main campaign on nightmare.

But a few glitches really soured the experience because it would make me complete the level when I fast travelled and since was missing some collectibles I had to replay the entire thing over but other than that it’s pretty fun.


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>but never played the DLCs, are they good?
Yes they are good, the fights in it make the ones in the base game look like kiddie shit
>Are all master levels out yet?
No, maybe we'll get something at Quakecon, but it seems they don't give a fuck about the game anymore
The current master levels are:
>Cultist base
>Arc Complex
>Mars Core
>Super Gore Nest
>Taras Nabad
>The World Spear (Ancient Gods Part 2 level)

Yes, they're good but paced kinda weird. First TAG is way harder than TAG2, and it used to be harder.

cry me a fucking river
i'll keep gyro shit in mind, but it plays just fine with a controller with auto aim disabled, you can also quickswap between 2 weapons, or by using the wheel

>chainsaws for magic ammo
>shoots epic Arachnotron? weakpoint after lining up shot for 5 seconds while dashing side to side because pro Quake? skills
>retarded door opening cutscene plays
>" and tear.. looks like the Hell Priest? is nearby.. I will rip and tear because I am the ancient Doom Slaya?
>"Come on, Vega?"
>follows Skyrim? compass
>Picks up 10 epic fanfiction-tier lore dumps about how badass the Slaya? is on the way
>Door locks behind the Slaya? and demons appear
>cacophony of retarded monster noises while the fart synth kicks into action
>chainsaws for magic ammo
>"Rip and tear" WUBWUBWUBBWAMBWAMDUUUUUNUUUUNUUHHHNHUHHH *Uses Flame Belch? on a deliberately spawned group of Possessed? and they become Staggered?, does a badass Heat Blast? and Armor Shards? fly into the Slaya?'s face*
>chainsaws for magic ammo
>switches weapons 75 times
>dashes aimlessly waiting for a Possessed? to spawn
>chainsaws for magic ammo
>swings on monkey bars
>performs impse
>250 arena laps and 150 chainsaw uses later the Slaya? is victorious
>Mhmm.. The Hell Priest? is not here.. Better tell Samuel Hayden? about this
>"Come on, Vega?"
>Walks two meters and Alien Queen? appears in an epic cutscene
>"You will not defeat me, Slaya?, I am the Emperor of the Universe and you are nothing but a Usurper?, the Kar En Kuk? Council of Elder Alien Space Sentinel Argent D' Nur? has banished you from the alien kingdom and I will defeat you!"
>Cut to black and level ends before epic boss fight so player can process how epic this is and maybe make a Reddit? post about it before carrying on

The first one is good and quit challenging.
The second one feels rushed,shorter and easier than the first one(finished it on nightmare with like 7 or 8 extra lives)

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It's not letting me go above 60 hz on my 144hz monitor, so I didn't bother playing it.

Eternal mogs D1 and D2, only Plutonia matches up because it uses the mechanics of Doom2 to create interesting levels and gameplay. Doom 2 is literally just
>SSG spam
the game

it may be fine for you,but gyro just lets you do it so much better.

and i know about that,its just still worse than using a keyboard. (though with steam input you can probably use layers for true quickswaps)

>nudoom apologizers non ironically discussing how playing with a controller is better than m+kb on this thread


struck a nerve heh?

Don't give him you's he is desperate for attention...

>cutscenes every 5 seconds
its shit

he's mad cause for specifically you,some things are more natural on a controller.
even though you can find examples of this in any game (even the og DOOM),he needs to single you out cause he's mad.

what nerve?

post the top 5 doom games you autistic whore

nerve gas

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neck yourself monkey

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Absolutely terrible forced TAA kills this game for me more than the shitty gameplay loop does. Look how crisp picrel is compared to Eternalshit's vaseline smeared visuals.

Attached: 1628586079743.png (1604x906, 2.11M)

>look at how crisp this is
>shitty ugly low poly models that even make the ps2 look away in shame

You can disable it thru a console command dummy...

crispiness has nothing to do with the amount of polygons on a model, zoomer. picrel is maxed out graphics on eternalshit and that model might have more polygons than the entire doom 3 but it looks like i came over my monitor and smeared it with a tissue

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It is not the games fault people are too retarded nowadays to use console commands zoom zoom.

>Game has million graphics settings available
>AA is not one of them because... reasons?

I agree team fortress 2 is the worst fps ever

>zoom zoom to dum dum to do a basic thing on pc
Here is something right up your alley

Attached: 61HqG+mJN1L._AC_SY355_.jpg (346x355, 21.6K)

Turn off TAA you mong

Not a problem on my machine

Not even close, but it was damn good for a modern AAA title.
They need to go back to sprawling levels with exploration and ditch the cringe "lore" to improve the next game.