Why do kids today not like the Pokemon franchise at all?
Why do kids today not like the Pokemon franchise at all?
its selling more than ever, don't know what you're talking about.
It was all manchilds that bought the game.
Is it still slow turn based combat with only being able to choose 4 abilities?
>Source: Just trust me.
Pokemon arceus is already forgotten meanwhile Elden Ring is defining a decade.
I take it you haven't seen how many text boxes constitute a turn.
Today zoomer kids want instant gratification without any kind of work.
At this point they could at least let you pick up 4 moves freely between battles from the list of already known. Holy shit.
>At this point they could at least let you pick up 4 moves freely between battles from the list of already known
You can in pokemon arceus
So yes, it is still a turn-based slogfest with 4 abilities.
Kids are still obsessed with Pokemon, what you on about? If anything, it's got more of a monopoly over children with Yugioh, Digimon, Beyblade etc being dead and nothing new coming up to compete with it.
Even if that were true, thats a fuck ton of man children, and still a lot of money. Meaning that the shitty way they keep making these games is gonna stick around.
Also what the fuck is /vp/ for if these niggers keep fucking making these threads on Yea Forums
So the same when the games released back in the 90s
>Consumerbase for vidya increases exponentially year on year
>Games sell more as a result
Fuck off
game companies literally don't give a shit about anything else, user.
That is unironically how game devs think. And they'll keep making money off of it. They can get away with increasingly scummy tactics because at the end of the day, they're still making bank.
it's just not very good
left or right?
sharing the one you pick
As opposed to the 6 year olds who could never buy the games for themselves in the past?
Why are they watching Samus poledance?
Neither, where's Marnie or Hex.
when I was a kid playing Pokemon Red on my Gameboy Colour, I used to think about how amazing a full 3D version of Pokemon could be
when I was a teen I saw these massive steps in the technology being taken in the gaming industry, I used to think how amazing a Pokemon game using Xbox 360-tier graphics would be
now I'm 30 and all we got was cel-shaded, underanimated, asset-flipping disappointments like S/S and AL
and I just can't figure out why they can't make a new Pokemon game with modern technology that just looks good, feels good and doesn't have a retarded plotline
Why would they? Ash doesn't want to catch em all anymore and he's just used as a self insert for the obese neckbeard behind the anime
The game's were popularize because the anime was about traveling the Pokemon world, seeing the sights and capturing all kinds of different Pokemon
I guarantee if the anime dropped Ash, brought back the catch em all slogan or something similar with a different protagonist from another upcoming game you'll see a lot more kids getting into Pokemon again it's hard to relate to Ash when he's basically some balding Japanese man's self insert now especially for children hell you could make the next Pokemon game have companions that would follow you around on your adventure but that would require more effort and we know Gamefreak likes to skimp by with the bare minimum these days
>you could make the next Pokemon game have companions that would follow you around on your adventure but that would require more effort and we know Gamefreak likes to skimp by with the bare minimum these days
new animation systems such as having a live partner follow you around or even new stances in battle
stuff like this would require them to study animals moving and fighting and then bring those animations into the game
compare pikachus battle stance from the anime to his stance in the games
like this, pic related
to these
it seems like they don't even watch the fucking anime themselves
not that I do, I haven't for decades now, but you see the point I'm making here
this is the same reason I don't like Jurassic World Evolution
mimicking animal behaviours is fucking difficult and most developers are out of their depth
>mimicking animal behaviours is fucking difficult and most developers are out of their depth
It's a compromise that they have to make they have the money, they don't have to shit out a Pokemon game year after year, they can afford to do something like this if not just study the anime for how Pokemon behave in it
post it
>pokemon fans then
>pokemon fans now
>pedos and manchilds
I don't get it. Where're all those kids gone exactly?
>they can afford
prease undastandu, financar situration
economy bad, all member-kuns needed raises!
god, I can only imagine how much fucking green those TPCi execs gleefully pocket and how many bonuses and adjustments they give themselves every year
They grew up retard
well it's no fortnite is it
>literally zero children today are fans of Pokemon
they are salty because they cannot live up to the standard set by the sexy pokemon kids.
pretty sure the only children that hate pokemon are /vp/'s userbase
>most successful ip in history
>zero fans
maybe you should read the post that user is replying to
you've already made yourself king retard, no harm in doing it now
Because there's too much shit that competes for their time and attention nowadays. Pokemon in itself has a universal appeal so it's not a problem with the games themselves but rather the fact that the core series remained a traditional video game when children want to consume multiplayer sandbox games with endless gameplay or watch "content creators" play those games.
Go back
I guess? I think OP meant why Pokemon isn't as popular anymore probably. I remember being a kid and Pokemon was literally EVERYWHERE. The toys, the plushies, the trading cards, the videogames, the movies. I can't think of a single kids show or cartoon that even comes close that level of domination, besides MAYBE Spongebob? Personally I stopped playing after Gen 3 because handhelds just became less and less attractive by the time I got to high school. Niggas would roast you if they caught you with anything that wasn't a Sidekick or Blackberry. You might've got away with a PSP at the least, but everyone was using that shit for porn back then.
Funny how you don't share a certain kinship since you're both so far on the spectrum
>dude catch the slightly different pokemon in slightly different region to collect the slightly different medals at the slightly different gym defeating the slightly different villains with exactly the same turn RPG mechanic again
Is REALLY boring
I realized this since pokemon gold back in the 2000
So play the spinoffs, retard.
Kids still love pokemon
>Play the inferior version of GAME but with pokemon
>game is always the same
>so play other games
>no i don't want to
i mean realistically what is there left to do with it?
kids love even the tcg
They do, that's why dexit was such a failure.
For every old player that left three kids would ask for it.
>Also what the fuck is /vp/ for
To discuss the merchandise and anime you fucking retard
Well one of them is a good game and the other one is Pokémon Arceus
>I don't like the franchise, so that must mean no one else likes it anymore.
That's the most inaccurate image I've ever seen
what are essential waifu cards?
>looking at black girls
The catch 'em all slogan was purely a dub/English thing, they dropped it because it was stupid when it didn't match up with the way Ash acted in the show at all.
>more than ever
Not really, gen 1 is still the highest-selling one by far.