Why do gamers have such a big problem with "politics in video games"...

Why do gamers have such a big problem with "politics in video games", when video games have had political themes for decades?

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it's not about there being politics in games at all, it's about there being politics I don't like in games

Gamers are chuds.

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Because now it's all about LGBT pushing politics.

Imagine not understanding the difference between a game touching on political themes and a game pushing a political agenda

politics back then meant interesting shit, "politics" now is just the devs telling you what they think or what you should think

There's a difference between presenting a political issue intelligently and outright making your game feel like shitty propaganda.

>a game pushing a political agenda
>pushing politics.
is it the fact that a game is pushing any kind of politics at all that upsets you, or is it the type of politics being pushed that upsets you?

Reminder violence is all that matters and "love and peace" messaging has been shoved into your head your entire life to sissify you

Depends on the politics

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"politics" is orange man bad, biden senile, all that kind of modern, mostly Amerinazi, horseshit.
Those games discuss life, society, power struggles, ideology etc as IDEAS, in a GENERAL and NON-SPECIFIC (or FICTIONAL) context.
Unless you're counting VTMB making fun of Bush

>Nuanced political topics that fits the world

idk you tell me

>deus ex
>not political
Are you kidding me, even VTMB has politics in it

>old game politics
>these are the bad guys, kill them
>new game politics
>if you don’t support men that pretend to be woman, you’re the bad guy!
Jeeze what changed

you know, it only recently dawned upon me that MW2 has you play as an undercover CIA agent committing acts of terror
like, that fact didn't even register with me when I played it as a teenager

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because the wrong term was established for it

what people dislike is "virtue signal games" where the game gives its stamp of approval to petty identity politics and acts as a soapbox for the writers to teach you right from wrong like a toddler being taught the golden rule

its like not wanting a movie to be preachy

Actual physcopath poster.

Any kind of politics. Although I can't think of a game that aggressively pushes right leaning politics. And even pushing politics wouldn't be that bad if they were the least bit subtle about it, but no gotta have the characters shit out the author's retarded hottakes directly because these faggots can't write.

>Unless you're counting VTMB making fun of Bush

And harebrained commies.

Because it was politics against governments and elites, not against your average Joe and his crime of being straight and white.

Where did anyone say anything about trannies?

Perhaps the nature of the (((politics))) is why people hate it?

political themes =/= pushing a specific political narrative

Commies got more bold. Honestly only bad can result from giving women rights. Watch your once-proud civilization slowly shift to the left over time once you empower women. I am saying this because they can't empower themselves.

>3 optional female protagonist games
>3 female protagonist games
Stop making those female games then.

>along work pronouns being pushed
>Elden Ring's A Type/B Type

Somewhere along the time line of this world, things just changed for the worst. I guess things could be even worse. I want to say things aren't THAT bad.

modern western games, part of the topic at hand

Based retard.


fake politics don't count, the problem is when the game pushes some real world agenda

Nobody has a problem with politics in video games. Yea Forums has a problem with propaganda in video games, but they used the world "politics" because they have poor vocabularies.

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This but unironically. It's the politics of people who hate me because they feel guilty because they don't understand their own history

i can see Yea Forums chimping out over mgs 3 and bioshock if they came out today

Old game
>Yeah this facist dictatorship is bad, you have to stop them with your resistance fighting group
New game
>This heckin' alt-right nazi Trump supporter has gathered a bunch of incel to try and take over the world, you need to gather all the brave oppressed black people to take down the evil orange bad guy!

I'm going to use this term from now on


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I don't want games resembling anything close to current political trends. You can use the past or predict the future instead.



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You’re too stupid and gay to understand the difference between political context and hamfisting your contemporary progressive politics. But that’s because you’re an irrelevant faggot who will never achieve anything of worth.

geopolitics are not american culture war tranny politics shit

I don't play as female. I refuse to explain anything further.

There's a difference between exploring political themes and pushing a specific political message.

I want games where you can kill leftists, niggers, women, and Jews.

Because those games didn't try to beat you over the head with them and force you to accept those themes.

people who engage with politics 24/7 are brainwashed.
i went to buy a card for someone, and so many had designs about politics on them. seriously? is it that much of peoples identities...

Ding ding
and /thread

>projecting this much

Politics describes the ways people govern and the debates you have about their goals, means and ethics. When “politics” consists of one saying their unquestionably correct and disagreeing is a objectively incorrect, its not politics its gaslighting and brainwashing
Metal Gear is about people raised to be soldiers trying to stop a cycle of violence because those that instigate it argue it brings out the best of humanity and ignore the suffering it causes.
Wolfenstein is kill the hecking nazis cause they’re bad, don’t question it, they’re the bad guys don’t question it

MGS lore reads, part corny parody, part Kojima riffing on 80's movies, anyone who takes any of that seriously is a bona fide retard.

>THEN: Heavy philosophical and moral themes
>NOW: Literally some shit that the brainless nepotism hire writers heard on twitter
Yeah why do gamers have such a problem with it, it's a mystery OP, I guess we'll never know

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Do you really think those games "explore political themes" with no bias?

>Why do gamers have such a big problem with "politics in video games", when video games have had political themes for decades?
It's a pussy tactic from people who have given up on ever being culturally dominant again so they want to take a, "See no evil, hear no evil" approach to life where they hide from the reality that is fucking them over. Me personally, I simply want the faggot politics of these developers to be destroyed by any means necessary and replaced with something close to my own. No apologies, no excuses.

A good political game asks you who is right
A bad political game tells you who is right

the elite class subverted political discussion into race and gender war tribalism cult, many of its issues made up as time goes on and only getting wackier, after occupy wall street. and its insufferable enough in our face all fucking day, especially unneeded and frustrating in entertainment.

>part Kojima riffing on 80's movies
this how I know youre a muh 80s zoomer. yea fine for hsi first few games but there was sincerity in them. stop coping.

A good political game tells me what I want to hear
A bad political game is one I personally disagree with

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we reddit now

That game you play as a Japanese minister a man and it has female Hitler trying to unite everyone in the world by being the sexiest idol to have ever lived so she can have her revenge on the allies.

Your male only gaze is safe

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>Any kind of politics. Although I can't think of a game that aggressively pushes right leaning politics.
Though not exactly right-wing, one can argue that SWAT 4 is copaganda because it forces you to play it in such an ordered perfectionist way that makes it seem as if IRL SWAT units are also perfectly ordered and behaved, whereas in reality you get more cases like webm related. Modern Call of Duty too operates on a similar principle of not necessarily outright saying or preaching "US army good, ragheads bad", but it nonetheless treats US interventionism and the force of its army as an unspoken, unquestioned force of good, and Russia as a serious military threat (MW3 having Russians invade American soil did NOT age well at all). That is how normalization works. You don't directly say "this thing good", you just let it be the unquestioned default and status quo, as with Russians being bad guys and Arabs being terrorists according to pop culture media.

I don't think anons here are completely blind to this, given that they treat the mere presence of black or LGBT characters as propaganda regardless of how those characters are written, as they recognize it as an infringement on their own sense of status quo. Unfortunately people here have a mental blind spot that prevents them from analyzing their own favourite media for whatever normalization it might contain.

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>psychopathy is le bad even though psychos are overrepresented among ceos and actual royalty in history

Because it changed from "political themes" to "political demands" to "political fecal material rammed down your throat".

Don't worry user, the elites are giving cuckservative centrists wins on meaningless issues like abortion as we speak so we can enter a new cold war that morons will eat right up without questioning it. The "end of history" kill whitey rhetoric needs to be put on hold for now.


(left-wingt) political themes and also diversity are okay. wokism and forced representation is not

because it's politics they disagree with.
the right lost the culture war.

devs shoehorned virtual signaling vs politics explored in the themes of the story

Retarded bunkertranny

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Because what you call 'politics' is really just shoving your tranny agenda in everyone's face so they start to accept you out of sheer exhaustion of dealing with you parasites.

>I like to look at big burly men for hundreds of hours

>Being too stupid to distinguish political elements in a history and blatant propaganda

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Give me a gun and a militia to join. I have nothing to lose. I've given up on life getting better.

the characters in modern games feel like they weren't designed for the fantasy world their in.

what is the propaganda even that people are talking about
what games

cope. he lost. you lost the culture war.

You're going to lose the real war.

having black people and trannies in your game is propoganda

>there's nothing wrong with modern videogames and medi-


>"here is a story with politics"
>"here is my political propaganda where I use a story as an excuse."

Its so simple.

>vid related
jesus fucking christ why

I kneel...

you've been saying that for 80 years (since you lost WW2).
you won't do shit.

Cops are retards with guns he feared for muh life because some dude was crawling on the floor

Then your problem isin't politics, it's subtlety. Refer to it as such.
Altought mgs is the most unsubtle videogame in existence, beat only by death stranding.

I hate americans

my primary concern for now is that democrats have managed to teach liberals to appeal to large corporations for mob justice and politicians (including actual presidents) are preaching the blessings of public communications and media not being beholden to free speech. that and people with the money to buy armed security wanting to take away both the police AND citizen guns rights.

the left is being manipulated into creating a parallel of a fascist libertarian shithole all in the name of socialism.

This is so incredibly disgusting

Conservative men won WW2. You have atrophied muscles from being a feminized libtard.

there is nothing to suggest that the white man in the add is her husband or that it's his baby. why are pepole screaming about cucks in the comments?

So why did he shoot? Genuinely curious. Kind of fucked up

i don't think he feared him at all, that guy is a psychopath.


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nobody said anything about all the cods etc. pushing pro american military propaganda
people don’t like the modern shit takes on things because they are illogical and unnatural
also they are just to in the face instead of we show you a subtle narrative and you can draw your own conclusion from it

Call of Duty... You retard.

If you really want to get your blood boiling, the police department managed to get the body cam footage sealed so that it couldn't be admitted as evidence in the cop's murder trial. He was declared innocent and is still working as an officer.

It's really hilarious to see commie trannies defend Biden by saying at least he's not Drumpf

This. I’ve seen OP’s argument on Yea Forums many times and it always flabbergasts me

>1000's of SWAT operations a year, maybe 3 or 4 go wrong

It's a fucking shooter, what did you expect, a pungent piece about regret and personal tribulations that leads to a dreadful incident? That's the David Cage line not your average FPS.
If someone makes a VN about LGBTQIA2+ who gives a shit, that's expected, when you insert the same agenda of raising "awareness", creating "role models" and "punching up" (fucking hate that expression) in EVERY game, then it gets annoying.

>Ranked first, with 7902 votes, in Alicesoft's female popularity poll. (Mikado ranked second with 4896 votes.)
"For now" huh?

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Sheltered and naive underage poster

>Right wing shuns artistic jobs and courses in school
>surprised when all of art has a left wing lean years later

Hmmmm really stirs the old noggin