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Greatest shooter ever made
This but unironically
This but
Autist OP posting this thread for the 5th time this week
Serious question, does anybody actually have a problem with the malaria? I can only figure people who talk about it have only seen youtuber reviews of the game. You have to hold down Y for 5 seconds once an hour. That's Malaria. That's the part of the game that apparently filtered half a generation of players.
It's annoying but overstated, after you use all the pills you do one short side mission and you're back to doing whatever you want.
I suspect a lot of the problem is people not realising running out of pills is scripted so people get anxious. They don't give you an exact number for a reason.
some people just can't appreciate the level of RP required for this game. i suspect they're the type wanting to run and gun the game.
I never see Far Cry 1 talked about? Is it bad?
The only game where I can play as myself, a Hungarian Jew
It's just a glorified tech demo, imagine just Far Cry 3 but pre crisis (the videogame)
it's the best Far Cry game
current Yea Forums is just too underage and probably never played it but post about Far Cry 2 for memes
Made by different people. It should really be called Crysis 0.
Actually good comedy movie
Nah it's just nothing special. It was your typical FPS during that time.
>first half you fight through mooks and get new guns
>instead of bloating the game with more guns that will bore the player you get something out of left field either a superweapon or superpowers
You saw that all the time.
Doom 3
Area 51
Ps2 golden eye
It's great in the beginning when you land on the island and feel like you're Infiltrating, then they make you go to some lab, shooting monsters and it gets spoiled for a while.
Great game, trying to play it now is pretty broken because they fucked up the AI in a patch and now they can see (and shoot) through foliage and tent cloth and a game with already realistic alertness and vision range.
*in a game
Pure kino
yeah, exactly this. every time I bring it up people claim I'm bullshitting. when you're not in one of those scripted "out of pills" moments, you can run around literally forever.
>people don't even notice you only run out of pills shortly after completing certain missions, not while they are running around fossicking for diamonds
Is it worth picking up along with Far Cry 2?
Both games are playing a slice of history. Most mechanics included have been popularized and refined since then and so will not be as fulfilling as on release, but are competent FPS games in their own right if you need a new shootum.
how did he edit gigachad behind the logo?
the fuck are you talking about, it's nothing like those games other than the fact that it was a fps
Sure 1 is great since you can technically hide in bushes and be like rambo
2 is very tedious with do this for diamonds do that for diamond. But they truly nail down the Belgians in the Congo vibe...
Also its fun as hell to mess the the merc NPCs
No, it's pretty good actually. But it kinda got overshadowed by fc2 and fc3.
Fc1 is quite a big fps game for it's time, with a pretty big open map with vehicles gameplay.
Compairing to fc2 has a immersion theme and fc3 has these flashy animations and tower formula with all the fc1 open map and vehicles, you can see why people talk about fc2 and 3 more
Yea Forums doesn't play games so I wouldn't expect anons to actually know how FC2 plays.
He put a lot of effort into that shoop he needs to see RoI.
I wouldn't recommend 1.
>linear FPS, collect guns as you go past levels. Halfway though the game you get the soul cube which let's you wreck shit which is a superweapon I might add. And just like HL2 you need the super weapon aka soulcube to beat the final boss
>Linear levels aside from the superweapon to explore a bit in the boat(which after you get the gravity gun aka the superweapon thats supposed to keep the player entertained and wowed) and car section. Then it's back to linear levels. To shoot mooks in and the last level solely depends on superweapon
Area 51:
>Literally a linear corridor shooter collecting guns shooting zombies Halfway until an ayylmao bites yo and you get super powers to fight ayylien super soldiers, Final stretch relies on ayylmao powers to finish the game
Far cry 1:
>Fight through mercs in the middle of an island collecting guns. Halfway through mercs become mutated monsters and you get superpowers
Notice a pattern here?
I want this game with stalker anomaly mechanics
yes but check its pcgamingwiki entry
>linear FPS, collect guns as you go past levels. Halfway though the game you get the soul cube which let's you wreck shit which is a superweapon I might add. And just like HL2 you need the super weapon aka soulcube to beat the final boss
>Linear levels aside from the superweapon to explore a bit in the boat(which after you get the gravity gun aka the superweapon thats supposed to keep the player entertained and wowed) and car section. Then it's back to linear levels. To shoot mooks in and the last level solely depends on superweapon
Area 51:
>Literally a linear corridor shooter collecting guns shooting zombies Halfway until an ayylmao bites yo and you get super powers to fight ayylien super soldiers, Final stretch relies on ayylmao powers to finish the game
Far cry 1:
>Fight through mercs in the middle of an island collecting guns. Halfway through mercs become mutated monsters and you get superpowers
Then again I played theb x360 version of FC1
Not only that, but the pills are a story-progression-tied stats upgrade mechanic. You start the game with minimum stamina and every time you exhaust a bottle of pills your stamina increases. This goes on until the halfway point of the game, and then it starts going in reverse again.
>>Fight through mercs in the middle of an island collecting guns. Halfway through mercs become mutated monsters and you get superpowers
that's not Far cry 1 you don't get any superpowers you idiot and you don't collect guns, you get 4 slots and switch them as appropriate for the level
p90 and shotguns for monsters
long range guns for humans
>I’ll tell you what's sick. People in the UK, US, fuckin' Canada, Sweden. They pay their taxes and some remote piloted drone fires a missile into a public market to hit some warlord. Yeah so maybe war doesn’t happen for another six months, and the price of their gluten-free sorghum bread stays low. It’s not sick to arm people. It’s sick to bump off their crooks and dictators in protection of our interest, and then call it 'international justice'. These people don’t have remote piloted drones guarding their interests ten thousand miles away, they don’t have a war machine paid for with taxes, where I am they usually don’t even have a fuckin' government. The drone is the oppressor, the gluten-free sorghum bread is the oppressor, the AK-47 is the great equalizer. I empower these people.
Was he right?
>and you get superpowers
no, that's primal, OG FC1 you never gain super powers you are just the regular guy fighting its way through mutant and at some point you are dropped in the wild with nothing but one M4 and one mag and have to make your way to the last level
Yeh that's my bad I forgot to add that I only played the 360 version and assumed that was the same game
Yea Forums hates this word but its a super atmospheric game. The fact that most of the guns you find are ill maintained and unreliable unless you buy them new is one of the coolest things I've seen in a game and apparently true and also a real phenomenon with lots of African troops.
>ever being wrong at anything
fair enough
Too based for modern Ubi
it's a leftoid talking point
>it's not the kikes running the US that is the problem it's da consoomerist normie, pls ignore that all the countries US fucks with are enemies of Israel tho
So what's the solution? Let nigger war chiefs kidnap nigger children and turn them into sex slaves and chop their arms off?
>international justice
It's called solving a problem that niggers are too stupid to solve themselves without whitey.
Not a great game, but a good proof-of-concept for what the series could be. Unfortunately Far Cry 3 ruined that and, indirectly, all of gaming for the next decade.
No, just mediocre. Think of it as crysis beta
I have a problem bros. I only like to buy one game (the best game) per franchise (unless a franchise is fucking legendary then I buy most of the games). But I'm trying to decide if I should get far cry 2 or far cry 3. From what I've heard, they both seem to be critic and fan favorites. Which do you prefer?
>far cry
>Le oldfag game
Neck yourself
5 is the best one of the series.
What really? Never noticed that when playing back then
>far cry 2 or far cry 3
>Tech demo vs actual game
Geee I dunno
>far cry 2
*Instincts, not Primal
Far Cry 3 is the best of the Ubisoft games, but FC1 is easily the best of the entire franchise, fc2 niggers dont want you to know this but they get filtered by far cry 1.
Your character starts off with a really bad case of malaria. As the story progresses, his disease goes temporarily dormant. Later it comes back again. This is directly tied to the amount of stamina you have. At the time when you're dumped in the desert in the middle of the campaign, your stamina is maxxed.
Yes you are meant to think for yourself in FC2 which I know is hard for the FC3 fans. Hey ho though, DUDE WEED LMAO
>think for yourself
Think in a fancy tech demo? Now that's pure copium
Keep eatin shit with 0 gameplay