Filename Thread

Attached: Jedi Outcast.jpg (750x734, 80.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Path of Exile.png (500x376, 298.38K)

Attached: 1405306492236.jpg (812x478, 95.48K)

Attached: hothedpatrol.jpg (560x478, 54.38K)

Attached: Protector of the Great Bastion.gif (300x225, 1.75M)

Attached: level scaling.gif (480x270, 3.27M)

Attached: Rock and Stone, they're inside your home.png (2022x9691, 697.71K)

what a lovely picture

I wish I could get into dwarf fortress, but my zoomer mind is too adhd-riddled by now

Attached: Brad Uses Joy.webm (400x400, 2.39M)


Attached: Codec Calls.jpg (1024x574, 59.23K)

Attached: ace combat zero.png (850x850, 1.02M)

Attached: MYSTERY NIGGAS.jpg (2239x3000, 779.98K)

Attached: Waking up, breaking out, this is what it's like to be free.png (730x290, 39.85K)

Attached: final fantasy 6.jpg (1280x720, 49.02K)

Attached: you're a g-genuine dicksucker.webm (360x360, 753.64K)

Attached: janny doing job.webm (854x362, 2.66M)

Attached: enemies can open doors.webm (720x404, 1.02M)

Attached: red alert you are under attack warning.jpg (1280x818, 73.8K)

Attached: SUBALUWA.jpg (500x930, 223.94K)

Attached: aggroing an npc.webm (480x480, 2.87M)


Attached: horror game loading tips.png (644x149, 26.25K)

what is this from?

i used to draw things like this when i was a kid

Attached: TitleScreen changes depending on game events.jpg (1044x200, 81.4K)

stick figure murder rooms? doesn't everybody do that?


Spec Ops: The Line loading screens.

The CWCki (the website that chronicles every aspect of Chris-Chan's life)

Attached: war never changes.png (720x578, 792.62K)

Attached: new game plus.png (621x118, 29.53K)

Attached: Guard Up.jpg (2388x1308, 156.84K)

a fansite wiki for CWC is just about the most autistic thing I ever heard

Attached: Shining Lights, Even in Death.jpg (512x384, 147.54K)

Fresh Meme.

Attached: Noita.gif (220x310, 1.24M)

The CWC Wiki is pretty old now. I remember reading it at least a decade ago.

Attached: Get up Freddie you're sitting at my desk.gif (354x264, 954.05K)

Attached: horror games.webm (854x480, 1.75M)

Found the exact page:

Attached: The newly recovered Venom Snake watches Huey's reaction to getting cucked.jpg (1205x805, 176.32K)

It's a work of art. Chris-chan is the most thoroughly documented person to ever exist. There are articles for every single IRC conversation preserved and every video he's ever uploaded, there are long analytic articles to determine the nuances of Chris's stances on specific topics (e.g. sex, money) and there's obviously an extremely lengthy section of the website dedicated to Sonichu. Genuinely the Sonichu comic serves as an autobiography in a way if you read the context of Chris's life when each issue was created, he poured so much of himself into it

Attached: Dark Souls PVP.png (941x540, 892.77K)

Attached: THANK YOU, TUROK.gif (260x221, 772.82K)

and the earlier ones:


> Phalanx SNES Mexican localization

Attached: Probably a doghouse, though I'm not sure since there's no dog around.jpg (700x700, 292.25K)

I have a hard time believing that those who write so much about him also don't have serious mental issues.

>Ellis has startled the witch
>Ellis has alerted the horde

This reminds me of this kind of things I'd draw as a kid, good shit.

Attached: did Sephiroth do this.jpg (756x567, 81.44K)

Attached: COME ON BLUUUUE FALCOOOOOOOON.webm (480x480, 2.97M)

did he died?


Attached: overwatch 2.png (1190x622, 1.61M)

>it's a long story.jpg

Attached: accidentally taunting.webm (853x480, 2.43M)

Attached: cs_italy.jpg (681x594, 116.27K)

Attached: Cho'gall.png (604x848, 678.76K)

Attached: poor anon got filtered so badly.jpg (723x505, 61.54K)

Go back

Attached: 2FE5ABA0-1C9E-4536-BCA0-C71652291C2B.gif (960x540, 2.45M)

Attached: codename snake.png (832x345, 137.27K)

I was fully expecting for the guy to press the horn and for the rabbit to bolt out shitting and pissing itself