Why is Radagon the final antagonist? I don't get it

Why is Radagon the final antagonist? I don't get it

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because he was the closest person to the elden ring, literally no other reason.

he's hot, simple as

Soulless Ginger
You think Miyazaki X Martin needed any other reasoning?
Stop trying 2deep faggot

Dyed hair, not real redhead

he is a FtM tranny and he is not an antagonist , but a prisoner of some parts of Greater Will that Elden Beasts represents.

h-ha, booba

Looks like me

i am going to fuck him

if you become marikas consort means youre fucking him as well, he had to protect his bussy from your tarnished pickle.

Oh yeah, send pictures of bara tiddie

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What if I told you that Elden Ring was just a very stylized retelling of the Book of Genesis?

post abs

Post midriff

>t. Rejected by redhead who hooked up with black man instead

>t. Marika

He is the Elden Beast / Ring using Marika's flesh to manifest as a man.


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Because he's Marika, and lies in perpetual stalemate with his wife. She seeks to destroy the Elden Ring, he seeks to repair it. Also, you're there as a challenger to the throne of Elden Lord. Radagon does not want to relinquish the throne to you. It's as simple as that.

He wants to protect the Golden Order, it's why he tried to repair the Elden Ring.


Never played Tranny Ring, can you marry this hunk?

technically, but you can only marry his female form. so yes and no.

okay but HOW was he one person with her
whats the mechanism

Is this achievable natty?


>female form
well its ruined now

If he hated his hair so much, why didn't he shave or dye it

dlc will reveal the truth

what does that even mean lol

Unsettling pair of lips.

radagon = marika

care to elaborate?

>a dragon
Mind blown

Marika and Radagon were conjoined twins.
Shattering the elden ring allowed them to split.

Because unlike Marika he’s still pro-GW

Post a pic or you filthy liar

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Koreans made this

>Marika makes a GO-sponsored tulpa to go fight some wars against the carians
>when radagon can't beat her, he marries her
>eventually goes back to marika because ranni is a subversive bitch and needs to make some empyreans

they never split, you retard. marikas body transforms into radagon


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I'm hoping we get a DLC where we fight Marika topless

Where the fuck was he during the NoBK and the shattering?!
>”Godfrey, have you met my daughter Ranni, I think you’ll get along great!…ah gosh darn it Ranni!!”
>”Don’t you do it Marika! I said don’t you-ahhhh gosh darn it!”
>”Son in Law my ass. Run them hands”

What the fuck was his problem?

Americans are utterly brainwashed, don't think too much about it

>former leader of a literal barbarian tribe

Why did they make him so attractive?

Men bad women good

Godfrey’s the barbarian. Radagon’s just a champion


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leal hound of the golden order

We don't really saw his face properly. It's just known he's large and ripped.

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I wonder what Ranni looked like before becoming a doll and before becoming a burned coal. Would she look like Malenia?

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That's why Milenia and Miquella are so fucked up
Single-parent household

better to live in self-hatred than to live as a baldcel

Rennala had 3 children with this!?

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He is the last zealot defending the Golden Order and current Elden Lord. Your goal is becoming the new Lord and remaking or replacing the Golden Order.

Despite not having a single line, he is the character most hyped up as you progress through the game and learn of his journey from soldier to god, which made this moment absolute kino and peak vidya when the music kicks in.

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>in game portrait is a sideview of him T-posing
What the fuck was up with that

It means that your ginger brothers and sisters, which you forsook since time immemorial will soon be property of the Black folk and be given jungle fever

>enemy is FtM
>look at Calender
>year is 2022

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