How do I get good at this game...

How do I get good at this game? I reach the first boss like 60-70% of the time and then die within like 10 seconds of fighting the boss.

I play Raider, by the way. I also like Riot Guard.

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if you're not a quick twitch guy you're fucked. even on lowest setting. i have 120 hours and haven't beaten it.

Identify the good guns for the the class you're playing or your main preference.
Lock out the shit guns, increase power for the guns you want using tokens.
Same goes for items.

Had the easiest time clearing with Raider and Gunner, shittiest time using Ass and Sniper. Specialist classes are fun as fuck if you like gambling. Breacher if you like shotguns(Guardian class as the best perks according to meta).

How does accuracy and damage work? Sometimes all my bullets hit and sometimes they don't.
Sometimes some shots can one hit kill enemies and other times they don't.

Also, is it possible to kill those white flying saucers that shoot ground lasers that come from that white egg-shaped machine thing?

Is the second one out yet?

You hold down the LMB, the circle on your reticle/mouse gets wider signifying kickback. The further away from your character you aim, you notice that reticle get larger as well signifying loss in accuracy. Check the stats for your character and gun to see how accurate you can expect to be. DMRs, ARs have respectable accuracy, Shotguns have huge reticles and some pellet/projectile fall off but these are the least of your concerns. If you are spraying and accuracy is an issue that means you went in guns blazing. Game does not want that, game wants you to tactically approach a fight and have your first strike be lethal or know how many dashes you have + escape route to fall back.
Also I never got how headshots worked, just click on their head and sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't.

You have to be more specific but in my my time playing and unlocking everything for each class, I never met a hostile that couldn't be destroyed. Besides spikes.. but it's been a while, an image would help.

Abuse corners.

beat the game with every class. raider is fun but one the of the harder ones imo
consider the following
>starter pistols can carry you through half of the game and beyond
>go for headshots
>precision and heat dispersion are king for automatic weapons
>never tank anything head on, always evade, always use cover as much as possible
>defense > offense
>life leech > all
>overall easy mode: engineer (swims in cash AND items thanks to recycling, best class for trying all sorts of builds)
>super DPS mode, easy bosskills: heavy gunner, demo
make a priority on that one shield buff item, I think it was called rosarius, makes every run more comfortable. you can upgrade it a few times, then recycle it for a permanent buff

Thank you.

The enemy I'm talking about is pic related. Just did a quick run of the first 2 rooms to find this enemy. I can't seem to shoot it down.

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I'm a little on the opposite end of the spectrum. I found Raider to be consistently easy and fun because I'm an offense meathead and because nothing saves the Raider from the fun time lasers that make those nice white explosions.
I will say though that the "community" emphasizes on survivability while also ranking stuff like Tsunami Talisman very low. I think Roasarius, TsunTal etc are great and either offense or defense is viable, just don't try to strike a middleground too much.

Picrel is my first clear, I will always nab TwinLink and Silver Bullet and then TacGrip after and essentially magdump bosses before I have to deal with the funny laser dance floors. It's a preference thing.

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no, you cannot shoot them, you need to shoot the machine that spits them out

Also, should I lower this down as low as possible? The game defaulted to 120%

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Oh these discs are spawned by/belong to an enemy (stationary like a turret, has an oblong "head"). Kill the turret to get rid of them. Also if you stand still they can't hit you(more than a few times) since they go in a circular pattern around you.

I do 140% because you get a bonus for clearing the game with it, prestige and some other passive. It's been a long time... very long since I played with a friend who complained he got no aim assist while using a controller.

>I found Raider to be consistently easy and fun because I'm an offense meathead
Breacher is your class then.
>gets rewarded for dashing into enemies
>always gets a free explosive for dhasing anywhere
>reload on dashing
>speed boost if something explodes
>chance of not using ammo at all
you can basically equip a rocket launcher, extend the mag and then keep reloading it while dashing, while getting constant speedbuffs until you run around at the speed of light while everything around you keeps exploding. raider is a wet fart against it, fun class, but far, far too tactical for meathead gameplay.

Are you retarded?

you goal should be beating the game at 140%, and at 200%
but you really need a leveled up class to unlock all the specials abilities

Fire in bursts to retain accuracy, aim above enemy heads for headshots. Think of the aiming system as pseudo 3D.

no, i can't aim quickly. fuck you asshole.

Yeah I like Breacher too, I like all the classes except Sniper and Ass.
What keeps me hooked in with Raider is the double dash and any weapon works mindset. Sometimes when I play Breacher I thirst for a good shotgun and get disappointed when I don't find one even though same philosophy of "just use whatever" applies.

I did the prestige and most of the achievements for the game, just can't be arsed to do another 200% clear because at that point I was severely burnt out.

Play with the modifier that adds perfect active/randomized reloads at least.

If you're dying that fast, there's definitely something wrong with your survivability. The dodge move doesn't have I-frames, but it's so powerful, it may as well. The bosses are often so big there's no point in stopping to aim, you can just fire and move at the same time.
As for getting to the end: Medic SMG is absolutely fucking busted and when paired with a good DPS weapon, will always get you to at least the Last Defender, if not to the Heart.
Also, be careful, the Armageddon device explodes when you defuse it, and I've lost runs in the last 3 seconds because of it.

Read this, become gud:

Post yfw Button of madness drops

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guess it's a comfort thing. when I boot it up these days, I just go heavy gunner with whatever big mag weapon comes along.
>at that point I was severely burnt out
happened to everyone I know who played this game. it's like crack.


Riot Guard is boring but extremely good for beating the game.

Engineer is also a good way to get carried through Armageddon, just token up all the summon items and use them all while fighting the boss.

also this, holy fuck the Bren is OP

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Yeah when I had energy to do everything I'd get hype for whatever came my way exception.

NTA but your approach is likely flawed, if your aim is an overt weakness, slow your roll, move carefully, scan the area(extend mouse to edge of screen for a bit more sight) and plan your attack. Enemies respond to sound so make some noise and kill them when they march single file to a location. Lower the effects of your weaknesses by using the terrain and items like turrets. Play some Engineer.
Alternatively, practice snapping to targets, play Riot Guard because of its high survivability options, move on to Breacher/Raider when you're ready for more saucy strats.

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My first time beating the game was a Riot Guard with a Black Berserk Charm. It was probably one of my funnest runs, only beat out by MAG47 Heavy Gunner runs.

I'm a 70 year old man with arthritis, I cannot recall any situation in Synthetik were I had to aim quickly. Guess you are just really, really stupid and play a game that my grandkids beat wrong.

it's just a really strong class, though not a fun one since I prefer ADHD stuff like Breacher or Raider.

the problem is that both these classes kinda get shafted in the Armageddon fight since it's a point defense mission where you're punished for moving away from the center point.

insults aside, yeah. You don't need twitch reflexes to play this game, especially if you play some of the slower classes. The recoil system actively rewards careful, slow gameplay, you need to be stacked to shit with good items to have this play like Nuclear Throne where you can just dodge and shoot nonstop.

yeah my approach is flawed i don't give that much of a fuck about the game and have fun fucking around too.

so yeah give OP advice because i didn't ask for yours and don't care

aim a little bit behind enemies' heads, not exactly at the heads. This will help you get headshots.

Ok retard.

Well I wanted to edit that out but I have a burning preference to NOT use Sniper and Assassin because of how much slower they are. Even Heavy Gunner gets through floors faster.
I'm sure there's some funny trick with Sniper+Launcher or Ass+Smoke Nade Shotgun shenanigans but I can't be arsed.

Riot Guard becomes an ADHD class once you realize that dashing into enemies with your shield out bashes them and stuns them. Play it aggressive as hell, and it's amazing fun.

>gives OP wrong advice
>gets called out for it
>"yeah, well, I don't give a fuck ANYWAYS"
sure bro

Assassin is busted as fuck if you have the patience since you can just lure every enemy into one pixel and stab them all at once. Fuck doing that, though.

Sniper is similar, but you herd every enemy into a line and headshot them all at once. It works, but I'm bad at it. I prefer the more classic run and gun style that Raider and Demolisher let me have.

assassin has a built-in "OH SHI-" button and turns SMGs into the strongest weapon class, but yeah, no speed
sniper is a weaker commando. good for learning the game tho.

Yeah it's really slow going but what always got me was the idea that
1. What Assassin does, Raider, Riot Guard and maybe even Breacher(bait and burst with satchel and Shotgun)) and Demolitionist can do better(bait and explode)
2. Sniper core rewarding headshots and its drone playing the game for you is winmore whiplash. Stacks decrease if you don't score more headshots but its too fragile to play recklessly.

IMO the only thing they have going for them is that auto smoke and cash bounty system.

What are your favorite coop setups
Oily engie with a mag47+funny cube fatso are an experience

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folks playing 220% Hyper Adrenaline definitely love Sniper, but yeah, not me.

coop for me is almost always Engineer. I love buffing the fuck out of Heavy Gunners as they mow down the map.

shame about them usually going so fucking hog wild that they mow down my summons too

The ways I've won has basically been:

>Go Sniper
>Get as many weapon upgrades as possible.
>Always take as many auto-firing or passive items as possible. If I have to waste time manually triggering stuff, it's going to go badly.
>Headshots all day with big weapons.

It's not really something I really think about, you just have to move, use cover, and do as much damage as you can because if you try and do fancy shit you're just going to screw up and get gangraped.

You can probably blame the buggy coop on that, friends that you yourself didn't produce usually don't have their green healthbar to signify they're friendly
And if you're fatso you most certainly don't want to leave any stun gliders alive

my friend is also colorblind, so she has quite a few issues telling enemies and friendlies apart. It's still cool, though. It's not like I need to do much when I can overclock a heavy gunner.

but shit, speaking of broken coop, I can't believe that they've never fixed the bug where a store shows up for the host but not for a client. It's so annoying.

>run is going swimmingly, just looking out for a good gun to go completely ham with
>timeless ripjack
Do you?

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coop? Probably not, if the other person actually wants to beat the game.

Solo? Fuck yes. Give me that sweet bloody death. I've beaten the game so much that I don't give a shit about losing, meme runs are great.

Yes, my friend is a controllerfag who triggers all the enemies and runs in blind all the time anyway. No difference, he catches my heat all the same.

>Power and drop increase/reduce tokens are per-class, up to four weapons you like and another four you disdain using can be given lower priority
>Some starting items and modules are far stronger than others, one-time stuff usually isn't very good
>Weapons can have passives that work for just having them on your person, or have permanent buffs even after discarding them later
>Play on at least 140% to get some form of upgrade the first time you clear with a specialization
>Proper itemization can go a long way, you can recycle unwanted items to get money and sometimes even passive boosts
>Weapons are much less likely to reappear later in the run, keep this mind for timed weapon shrines
>Most curses are cleared when you defeat a boss
>Some chests may hidden behind something, see if you can find a sigil on the ground to check if it's cursed first
>Healing drops off hard when looping

All come to mind without trying to spell out names for stuff.

Still in early access with no co-op (yet).

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Is this worth picking up? I've seen funny youtube man talk about it

Its easy
Grab the 3D printer on legs as your class
Take the Drill and Routine modules
Revolver for your pistol
Ammo and meds for equipment
Always remember that onslaught module gives ammo regen

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Try before you buy. It's not Hotline Miami and most of the advice posted in the thread should give you an idea of what to expect. But to emphasize on some of the discussion, dashing has a cool down which is why Raider having 2 consecutive dashes and Breacher dashing to reload/gain bonuses is a thing.

I'd say it is worth it because it tickled my ADHD brain and replaying some games made me appreciate that while it may be an indie roguelite, at least the code isn't held together with rice glue.

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Commando classes are invincible during dashes and that alone puts them way up in defense to me.

Which is a shit design. The game becomes so much easier after you've grinded runs

Doesn't that go both ways? I thought it was linked to luck or loot chance or something. So a player getting points in that is rewarded without also extending the stat to his friend.

I gotta say, this has been one of the most civilized threads I've seen in a good while.

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Usually happens with niche games that aren't very topical or have some "legacy".
Attracts less screaming retards so the chill autists are what remains

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I've had a blast last night playing coop with a friend. We were both rusty and he died a lot but hell it was still great. I've forgotten how good the PSG Emerald Sword was, especially when using it as a Breacher.
I want to try out the Sniper since in my 120 hours I've barely touched him. Any tips?

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>Synthetik 2 is shit

I've played a few runs and gotten to the end boss gauntlet a couple times, then die to double tanks but there's so much damn information to parse that I couldn't get into it.
>damage type
>class kit

play heavy gunner and hold down the fire key

Wait, you can upgrade items with "tokens"? How? I only find the blue upgrade kits which are for weapons. Also I keep dying early as breacher, the charges are so unwieldy, whereas I get weirdly okay results as sniper until the game locks me in a room with the raptor and I can't fucking hurt him fast enough.

Is it those "upgrade starting items" shrine which increase their power cost somehow? I don't even understand what Power does. I sure as fuck am not getting more battle cries on riot guard with it.

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Before starting a run, in the main menu, you can find a button that opens up all the equipment and weapons in the game you have found
In that menu you can choose which equipment and items to buff up, i think the max number was 5
also increases chance of spawning said items in runs