Why did Nick Brawl fail?

Why did Nick Brawl fail?

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No character voices.

No voices and lacking many iconic Nickelodeon characters, for one.

For whatever reason people got confused about how big the competitive audience is and thought it came anywhere close to the general audience

it wasnt fun
the hype was fueled by people with short attention spans
didnt even do nostalgiafaggotry properly

A myriad of issues, but they mostly come down to the publishers not taking it seriously.

Hits have no real impact.

>no single player
>no items
>no voices
>they couldn't get the show's actual themes or remixes of them
>online sucks
>no crossplay
But instead of trying to redeem themselves with a sequel, they will get another character when the game is already dead

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Most cartoon characters aren't appealing for games. Mario is cool. Ren & Stimpy are just funny.

Are people still trying to pretend that ultimate is a good game?

appealing purely to competitive audiences over casual ones will never pull success. The loudest voices aren't the biggest ones and the majority of players never touch the competitive side of any game they play.

Yes, honey, everyone who likes what upsets you is only pretending solely to attack you personally.

I keep hoping that "character news" might includes voices as well, but I know it won't.

Multiversus is gonna rape this shit so hard
>actual compulsion loop
>tries to bring new shit instead of fully aping smash

Fairly Oddparents is shit, Cope harder.

Even if you don't like the gameplay, it's hard to refute it being a very well-designed game and so many leagues ahead of NASB it's not funny.

Oh I forgot
>there is only one alternate costume for each character when the minimum should be 3
For me it's more costumes.

That shitty trailer music they kept using.

Is that the only cartoon that exists in all of reality for you?

Sorry, user, I spoke out of turn. In fact, my opinion was also spoken out of anger, and I apologise for being a gigantic faggot. I hope you accept this response as a valid apology, and if not, please suggest how I can atone for my faggotry.

Again, sorry for what I said.

>new shit
>just aping brawlhalla
in terms of gameplay not a single smash plays like nasb

user i am having a hard time deciding if youre joking or not. do people actually give a shit about superficial, pointless details such as how many costumes there are? surely not

It will

Its a party game and anything is fun with friends.

Screen cap this

El Tigre and Hugh Neutron are confirmed as characters

>tries to bring new shit

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"back to the lab again"
that's CN's line you fuck

I think there are a handful of guys playing on a test server with access to new shit so unless youre one of them and I know youre not ur just rosterfagging

Yea Forums only worshipped this garbage out of anti‐smash contrarianism

Until NASB has representation from MY childhood, I'm not touching it.

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I think items were leaked long ago. Maybe they will finally be ready alongside the new character.

It’s the one faggots keep whining over because it ran for 20 years.

>Marketed ironically as the smash killer
>Appeal to fans of smash melee despite melee fans only ever wanting to play their one game
>Extremely lackluster in terms of actual competitive play
>No additional modes outside of multiplayer so there's no casual appeal. Target audience is also children who will only care about casual play
>Presentation is terrible and feels like a budget title
>Is generally a downgrade in every way compared to Slap City, a fighting game that barely has any active players
>Shilling your game on Yea Forums of all places and then having your devs comment trans rights in their discord sever

It had no chance of success

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Because its made by the same people that made Slap City, that game controlled and played like a loose fart too. What did people expect to happen?

Nick won't let them make alternate colors for characters so costumes are the only ways to tell which player is which in matches with more than one of a character.

Step aside.

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this comic reminds me of a josh luna comic for some reason

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>Reddit Deck
Go back

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I love this pic so much
It represents anti-tendie cope so well its fucking hilarious

>100% scrimblo roster

i'd be funnier if Gabe was also in the trash

that makes a lot of sense, how can you tell each other apart currently? like a sims-esque beacon above your character?

>No additional modes outside of multiplayer so there's no casual appeal.
Even the multiplayer modes were shit. How the fuck do you have 2 separate matchmaking modes fotlr 1v1 but not a aingle matchmaking mode for 2v2 or Free-For-All?
That didn't work for an entire month (the only time the game was active) because they let their network engineer go on a month long vacation. What a fucking joke.

It was never seriously talked about for its merits, it was always out of spite for Smash. It was never going to be successful no matter how good the game was, because nobody was honestly and genuinely interested in it, they just wanted to circlejerk a delusional event where Smash was somehow brought low.

>tranny universe
>soÿ time
>playable niggers
>dead reddit memes

I envy you. I wish I had no idea about rosterfag lingo autism.

>Introduce a strafing mechanic that allows you to do retreating moves
>Remove the ability to perform side moves in the same game making the entire mechanic pointless.

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Reminder that the devs actually thought this game would catapult them to stardom and started acting like smarmy e-celebs before the game was even out. ROFL.

It's because every smash clone has awful physics, they never understand what makes playing smash feel so satisfying, it's not just the characters, I can tell you that

This, i can't believe that they just couldn't try it again and missed the chance of doing it right with a sequel this time.
At least some Zim mains will get back to it and main Zim again.

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Are you fucking stupid? Cosmetics are the biggest money makers in the industry. There is a reason every game sells costumes and every long lasting game survives on selling you a rotation of visual decorations. There is a reason the only reward you ever get for competing in games is exclusive cosmetics. There is nothing better you can give a player than costumes.

>tfw they add RWBY

Now that would be terrible.

Same artist?


Because the developers purposefully sabotaged it as its competition to their own Slap City

Nickelodeon are assholes for hiring a competitor to make a game for them, but it still served the suits purposes so they dont care

Marketing problem, and I don't mean lack of advertisements. It flunked before it even launched because the target audience is extremely small. Who was this game made for, because the developers will probably say "people who like melee" given how hard they tried to make it like melee, except people who like melee don't want underbudget nicktoons jank, they want melee. It's like trying to say "We want the Apple audience" fully knowing the Apple audience are diehard applefags and will sooner sell their child before giving up their i[blank].
And it's not for kids either, because kids don't give a shit about licensed games, there's a reason those died off like 15 years ago. In the sector of games, and even narrowing it down to crossover games, they had no shot in hell at beating Smash let alone juggernauts like fortnite.
This leaves us with an intersection of meleefags with enough autistic focus on nicktoons, and moms/grandmas who see spongebob on the cover and get it as a gift for their kid, and they fucked the first one up by not having working online when it released.

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Not likely.

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>we brought in irish because blacks were overpopulating

I hate this historically illiterate faggot so much. Irish immigration was greenlit during the civil war, they were used as literal cannon fodder. Also

>white hispanics arent really white because their skin is kinda brown!! just like us philipinos!

Iberians are literally from europe.

it failed in every single aspect
>advertise to meleefags
>meleefags shill it, drop it, and give scraps to the players by saying "its a good game" and never ever touching it unless being payed large amounts
>developers would rather give up on the project in order to work on anything else because theyre so arrogant in their work they dont want to help out a different IP over having something they can fully control
>community is full of retards with no idea how to foster itself and would rather implode in a closed circle killing the quickplay and ranked modes making any NEW player unable to play it since they dont KNOW about the inner circle lobbys
insane how badly a game could be handled on every front, I dont think there is any aspect of NASB that is genuinely good

It is a good game you retard, theres no other fighting game on the market that offers as much content as ultimate does. And its not as slow as brawl was so its playable

Anything the snoy latches onto is destined to fall short. They have bad taste in general.

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unless its competitive focused it doesnt matter, non-competitive content in a fighter is worthless fluff that doesnt DO anything
notice how Melee will outlive ultimate like it outlived tr4sh?
thats because no matter how much SHIT you toss on top of it the gameplay sakurai likes will always be floaty shitty garbage that makes lesser skilled players have a fighting chance against strictly superior players
like lupe fiasco beating daigo, thats how SHITTY the look sakurai wants ultimate to be

this, also smash tries to be serious, in nick every attack is some over the top funny attack.
doing cool attacks is an essential part about fighting games.

I love this manga, I read it every now and then cause the protag has such a cute personality
hope it gets an anime one day
the artists other work is such a gigantic downgrade compared to it

Because it was sold as a crossover game without crossover elements.
No voice acting, no interactions, no alternate colors, no costumes, a decently small roster with variety issues (Every turtle being from the classic series, as an example) and missing characters (No Timmy Turner but Real Monster and Rugrats characters)
The gameplay was fun but it was a mess, and sadly the PC already has a lot of competent smash clones like Rivals, that other one that is kinda just Melee and Brawhala

You absolutely need at least 4 palette swaps to acomodate the fact players can go to a 4 man brawl with the same character, It's for visual clarity.

You'd have a point if there wasn't consistency in the top level. A random isn't going to beat mkleo thats for sure.
Funny you bring up melee also because the "goat" of melee loses to randoms all the fucking time kek

In Nick Smash, every attack is an uppercut, jab, sweep or a spike

Iberians were the original Mudslime rape babies

not "randoms"
the overall skill floor in melee is so high that it takes real PROWESS to play melee even close to an average level
the floor in Ultimate is so close to non-existant that literal fucking youtuber nobodies with no fighting game backgrounds can decide they want to play and compete against top players within weeks

thats the difference, Sakurai hates melee because a brand new player could not POSSIBLY take a single stock off a player who knows the advanced tech which is why he dedicated brawl (his favorite smash) to taking every SINGLE high level tech and making it unusable at a top level, from wavedashing to L canceling to even the most marginal high level technique like dash dancing

and Ultimate is not as far off as retards would like to believe which is why balance is so fucking shitty and why dlc characters overtake the roster the moment they drop