>game gets good 100 hours in
Game gets good 100 hours in
it really doesnt
it got worse
Neo-Nazis are so fucking cringe.
let me guess, you play a lalafell
Shadowbringers is the only good expansion. A pure fluke.
Why do you people always worship balding manlets?
>I only play mmos to speedrun to the single "relevant" end game instance and grind it over and over until the next "relevant" instance comes out
>Cleared P3S today and learn up on door boss for P4s
>Memes are now retards getting jetted across the map, aoes overlapping and people forgetting how to do the first mech your shown
PF never changes.
cope edomite
Themepark MMO quest system is fucking boring and the only thing you can do is watch cutscenes or do what amounts to fetch quests. It usually isn't until end-game where variety in content opens up in a meaningful capacity because low level in any system is usually very shallow i..e pet battles in wow at low level pets is just 1 fucking ability. It's no surprise people want to play at the area where they have the most options.
This is why Runescape's quest system is fucking amazing.
I remember it was all the rage in 2001 at my high school but I have never played Runescape, can you explain what's the quest system like ?
The quests in runescape have meaningful rewards in them. They unlock power items that are important for account progression, unlock certain resources that cannot be accessed otherwise, or even entire zones.
Furthermore the quests in Runescape are hand tailored and varied. Some are puzzled based, others are a grand epic journey where you killed a hard boss in the end, and others are basically shitposts like "One Small Favor" where you need something from person x but they need item y so you go to person z but they need another item and that item is held by another person ect ect ect until you fulfill someone's request and you work your way back and all of these people are scattered across the world in the most obnoxious way possible but you don't even care because the reward is fucking amazing and the dialogue is funny.
Even if a quest itself gives shitty rewards it's usually required to complete a harder quest so you still account wide progress doing the shitty quests and the quests that are pre-requisite for other quests are generally linked in some way so it tends to make sense why you have to do a certain quest to access a more difficult quest.
Look at pic related. It's a quest called Recipe For Disaster. It's a quest revolving around cooking and one of the (many) quests required to be completed before you can do it is Cook's assistant - probably the first quest people will encounter and tied for one of the easiest quests in the game. The rewards for this quest are extremely important for account progression - one of the best gloves in the game and unlocking an extra area you can access a bank at.
TL;DR - quests are hand tailored, rewards are extremely important for account progression, and there's an immense amount of variety and depth to them. No "collect 5 bear asses" ad nauseum
100? Try 300
>It's good because A is required to unlock B
Sounds like you're describing cookie clicker.
Where's the substance?
RFD is clearly not the norm and was released as the 100th so they made it massive. It is essentially 10 shorter quests combined into 1
Nah based.
> game gets fun after you complete the game several times on the highest difficulty
Only reason I haven't tried this yet is cause made in China.
Its the exact same shit of collecting 50 bear asses or going around talking to people getting shit for them just like every MMO but "this ones better because instead of taking itself seriously it just makes jokes aimed at children."
it's made by Hong Kong people if that makes it better.
The good Chinese games are made by indie devs anyway so no money goes to the govt beyond taxes and shit.
I suppose that makes it a little less alarming, might try it out I thought for sure it was a Chinese game.
>cope edomite
Honestly idk why so many have to cope with ARR, it was a good story and I liked it even if a bit slow. There’s also a ton of stuff to do on the side so I didn’t really get bored there.
Stormblood was kinda meh tho, especially after looking on Heavensward which was way better.
The ones saying the game only gets good after n00 hours are losers who couldn’t find something fun to do.
Hating on Stormblood is the most Reddit take in every XIV thread.
Not appreciating military conflict between nations and a liberation front plot is truly a peabrain opinion on fiction writing.
But please go ahead and tell me how you love EW's Philosophy 101 conclusion and how "based!!!" that was.
HW > SB > ShB > ARR > EW
Hoping the fujo writer is gone for 7.0 and we get a proper writer for the next arc with the void shit.
game is good the second you log in. i played 3 times through arr with different characters, the first time even about a year after its initial release when you could not even do the story in one go because it would not give enough exp and it was totally fine. this filter shit is a meme
Is the Exarchic gear a reuse of older gear or is it original?
>play against a boss
>forced to lose because I don't have the move speed to dodge his skills
nice design
play the fucking game or look up videos, stop asking to be spoonfed newfag
XIV is shit deal with it WoW is KING.
Exactly. Played 4-5 games and realized how long it would take me to unlock even one character and stopped.
>arrive at location.
>fuck off, we don't want to fight the empire, we're sad despondent and want to wallow in our miserable, subjugated lives.
>do 5 quests
>thank you WoL-kun we will literally give our lives for you
>repeat literally 6 different times
Here's another example of a cutscene-skipper, classic Yea Forumsposter.
Endwalker ending>Shadowbringers ending
Shadowbringers rest>Endwalker rest
Why does every single male roe use this shaved sides zoomer haircut?
>why yes I'm having more fun with PVP than ever and also think it's better than it's ever been, how could you tell?
>dead thread
>POV: My lalafell dancing over your corpse in PVP
nigga looks like emo Kisame kek
Adolf, we're leaving...
I started playing FFXIV in 2015, and I actually liked ARR. Don't get all the complaints, but I do understand how people didn't like the Seventh Umbral Slog.
But it really doesn't.
>t. incel
>t. aids ridden faggot
why are you describing an incel?
cute bun
Stormblood's problem is that it never makes you care about the setting. I'd be devastated if Edmont or Chai Nuzz or GOOD MORNING SIRS was killed, but I genuinely don't give a shit if anyone wiped Mhiggerland and Jewgane off the map, and especially not Doma. I care more about the Ruby Sea pirates and the Kojin than I do the Ala Mhigans and the Domans.
She looks like she dominates Hyur Middie men.
the actual blackpill 99.9% of xiggers won't tell you about:
>game is ass until heavensward where it's amazing and then completely craters starting from Stormblood to current
FFXIV was only ever good during Heavensward.
Name of that hat and top gear please?
Where to cop?
>you get slightly better at the same 100 hours in
Battle Royales are not worth it.
For me, my personal issues were;
>some really annoying wild goose chases like wrong corrupted crystals and company of heroes feast, clearly designed for padding
>presents this big world built off 1.0 BUT FORGETS TO GIVE YOU THE 1.0 WORLD LORE which Heavensward rectifies, seriously despite Moenbryda being in post-ARR you literally don't learn what Sharlayan is until Illdyshire and the Circle of Knowing in post-HW
>Pray Return to the Waking Sands
>have a small amount of downtime as MNK
>whole rotation goes out the window
>which Heavensward rectifies
They don't even fill newbies in on Minfilia's backstory until ShB. And even then it's just the cliff notes.
>Ala Mhiggers prove time and again to be violent, stubborn, and opportunistic backstabbers
>we do all the heavy lifting to reclaim their desert shithole in the name of their savage war god and the dead Mhigger who opened up a WMD with zero forethought
Fuck Eorzea, let me secede to Garlemald
So same as usual since ARR then huh. Might not bother leveling that job ever.
They got rid of greased lightning and replaced it with something worse