All style no substance?

Call me a shitter but it's hard for me to get into this game because it really feels like it's playing itself? I guess because of the way the levels are designed and how they have branching paths and all, it really feels like all I do is just hold left and Sonic will always find himself on the right path, no matter what.

Feels a lot like pinball. The ball will bounce around on its own, but occasionally I'll have to click the bumpers to ensure I don't lose. For that reason the gameplay doesn't feel all that impactful or rewarding.

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I like Mania but it really just feels like there's a reference every 2 seconds

>all style no substance?
That's every classic Sonic game

Im so tired of hearing you dogshit secondaries describe your retarded anectodes on classic sonic gameplay. Just do us all a favor and suck the end of a shotgun already.

Its fun when you try to go for faster times, just beating the games isnt impressive, the games are designed so anyone can finish them.

retro sonic really is a midwit filter innit

elaborate, im genuinely curious

Classic sonic did not have modern level design with boost pads and other such elements everywhere to guide you on a handheld tour through massive segments of every level, classic games would often let you loose with the physics and let you find your own path

low iq love the simple gameplay and going fast, high iq appreciates the non-linear levels and being able to go faster each playthrough via improvement in skill, midwits just merely beat the levels and aren't impressed with speed nor impressed with how the game rewards you well for improving in skill.

You're confusing high iq with being autistic.

some are but high iqs tend to prefer depth combined with simplicity.

>Feels a lot like pinball. The ball will bounce around on its own, but occasionally I'll have to click the bumpers to ensure I don't lose. For that reason the gameplay doesn't feel all that impactful or rewarding.
Shitter detected

High IQ recognize linear as superior. Also open levels are especially awful when the environments are all so copy pasted samey; it's like a fucking corn maze.

picture of OP

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>High IQ recognize linear as superior.
no, why would they?

>Also open levels are especially awful when the environments are all so copy pasted samey; it's like a fucking corn maze.
sonic paths and levels are distinctive

Only midwits complain about midwits

because linear progression allows you to experience all of the content on each run rather than it being spread out over separate runs for the sake of "variety"

Dawg its not that hard I don't get what is so damn hard for you new players to understand about Sonic. Your first playthrough is to beat the fuckin game after that you go back and play your favorite level and try to beat it as fast as you can which generally means not getting hit or dying and then you do the same thing for the next level and so on. That's the reward. Learning the game inside and out and having bragging rights like the old days. Sonic's postgame (which is where most of your time goes into in this franchise anyway) has always been replaying the levels and beating them as fast you can so you can say "wow that felt fucking cool and I definitely looked cool while doing it." It works like a racing game you play all the courses then you play for the best time because shit there's a fuckin timer and you do go fast so put two and two together.

As someone who grew up with Nintendo this is honestly how every 2D sonic feels to me. I want to explore but feel I'm being punished so just run until I hit an unavoidable spike or stop at a wall. I'm not a console war cunt either. Sega has some great IPs that I love as much as any other corporation

>better replay value is bad!
ok cool

was going to post something but already said it

>until I hit an unavoidable spike or stop at a wall.
It's avoidable if you're not a slow shitter and react in time

Simply not true.

I never played a Sonic game besides Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, but I thought Sonic Mania was complete shit.
>the acceleration/momentum just feels really awkward, Sonic goes from slow to top speed very quickly and it just feels very jerky making precise jumps
>backgrounds look like shit, are way too overly busy, and literally hurt my eyes and make it hard to see anything
>"alternate routes" hardly mean anything when everything looks copy pasted identical with only slight variations in the specific layout
>very limited in terms of abilities/upgrades. combat overall is very basic
>the blue sphere stages are so fucking retarded. completely stupid concept that isn't explained at all, is very boring and tedious, hurts your eyes, and the controls are janky. Not to mention it's a pain to go back and redo one
What the fuck do people see in this game?

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It literally is, if you just hold right the whole time like a braindead retard then no shit you'll take damage when you get to a spike that you're supposed to evade.

>combat overall is very basic
If that's your priority in a high-speed platformer you're looking in the wrong series. Combat in StH has never been a focus, go play Spark the Electric Jester.

This post makes a strong case for the correlation between zoomers, ADHD, and computer vision syndrome

I'm 27 and very few games do that to me. It's the combination of way too overly bright and busy visuals, lack of unique or visually distinct elements, extremely comically fast speed that serves no purpose beyond making little kids go "woah man this is like so heckin fast!!", and playing such a fast scrolling game that is only 60fps on a display without strobing, so the persistence blur is so high due to the speed

I love 2D platformers, I just hate Sonic.

I really like mania, but I don't like the bosses. I just want to fight Eggman, I don't wanna do a reference to another game. I hope if they ever make another game, they do real boss fights.

What zone are you on? Every Sonic game is easy until it hits you with the pleb filter zone.

Either you havent played mania or you havent played the genesis games

It really is, everything in the game is avoidable that can either be gone through with skill or memory.

>"alternate routes" hardly mean anything when everything looks copy pasted identical with only slight variations in the specific layout
Retard. Let me spell it out for you. Alternative routes basically exist on a vertical plane. The higher the route is, the more potential you have to maintain speed and the harder it is to stay on track before plummeting to the lower levels. The appeal isnt seeing some new sight and if you thought it was theres a strong case to be made that youre severely autistic
>very limited in terms of abilities/upgrades
Except for speed shoes, elemental shields that improve mobility, drop dash, spin dash, being lifted by tails and all the abilities unique to characters besides sonic, right?

>just hold left
and this, kids, is how you can tell its a bait post, and nothing he said was serious or from the heart.

Have you? Not one genesis stage is as on-rails as Egg Monarch

>Replaying games

"Pleb filter" sounds like a bad excuse for shitty game desiagn.

It's true, some people are literally too stupid to play Sonic due to a lack of proper reaction time.

Why are zoomers like this

Why can't I like both?
Sonic Generations was probably my favorite in the series, but I also really enjoyed Sonic Adventure.
Obviously, some have aged better than others though.

It's almost like the game is a milestone celebration of some kind.

Naaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's silly.

>Feels a lot like pinball. The ball will bounce around on its own, but occasionally I'll have to click the bumpers to ensure I don't lose.
You're not gonna like Sonic CD...

>Call me a shitter but it's hard for me to get into this game because it really feels like it's playing itself? I guess because of the way the levels are designed and how they have branching paths and all, it really feels like all I do is just hold left and Sonic will always find himself on the right path, no matter what.
I do find this ironic as this is a common criticism with the main 3D "boost" games which this game was trying to go against. Never played Mania myself but it's an interesting take, in some ways I feel Sonic has always been like this, not necessarily in a bad way though

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Shit b8. The pinball-like physics of classic sonic games offer far more freedom and nuance in movement and how you tackle things. Light years ahead of any title that involves the word "boost".

I liked it and that's all I care about
Hell if anything I wanted more original stages, I don't mind Green Hill tho

Forcing retards to learn the mechanics that the game is designed around is good game design.

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>it really feels like all I do is just hold left and Sonic will always find himself on the right path, no matter what.
One of the achievements for this game is to beat Stardust Speedway Act 2 in under a minute. The level has very few obstacles and many scripted speed boosts so it should be easy to do, however the map is designed to throw you into the slowest paths of the level if you just hold right. The speed boosts are there to immediately punish you if you don't change routes in time, meaning there's no way you can stop and spin dash back if you go the wrong way. If you replay it enough to recognize the shortest forks in the road you can easily beat the level in under a minute. And yet, only 3.2% of players on Steam have been able to do it. It is the least completed achievement behind even getting gold on every blue sphere bonus stage.

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I ties to play sonic adventure 2 today.
Mission 1 was an egg man mission and I mast kept slamming the X button while a held forwards. Took about 4 minutes.
Mission 2 was a rouge mission and I just used the hints to find the emeralds. The enemies don’t move and barely shoot. I’m literally just walking to where the game tells me and pressing s button
Then there was another eggman mission and finally the mission I was waiting for, Shadow’s mission.
I literally held forward and jumped a bunch of times, enemies do nothing and most of the mission is just an empty road. What the fuck is this dogshit gameplay? And adventure fags have the audacity to shit on boost gameplay. At least boost gameplay qualifies as gameplay even if it’s mobile tier.

A lot of the beginning zones do feel like roller coasters and spectacles sometimes

Which is fine but it makes replays a bit boring

It just didn't age well, something that goes for most games I think.

You already made this retarded post before

The game is pure nostalgiabait.

and? does that make the game somehow less good?

It was a celebration of Sonic and a reminder of why Sonic ruled the 1990s in the first place. Great game we need another.

It does have 'play itself' sections, but 3D Sonic games are even worse. Look at Sonic Adventure, all you do is hold up, get to a speed bump and watch him go through loops.

But bro if you hold left sonic will run the wrong way and you wont be able to complete a single level...

I miss the actual 2D boost games, Rush was great.

I played the genesis classic Sonic games and Sonic Mania this year and I can say the reason why Sonic Mania is so good has nothing to do with nostalgia.
Only retards who uses "muh nostalgia" as an argument because they don't have any real criticism regarding the game itself.

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Sonic Adventure 2 has dogshit game design

Sonic doesn't work in 2D. It just guarantees that the games are trial and error because you can't possibly react to what's coming up on the fly. Sure, the games are "easy" in the sense that anyone can beat the game and get the emeralds, but to get "good" enough that the gameplay actually flows in a satisfying manner you need to have memorised the whole game.

>Sonic doesn't work in 2D. It just guarantees that the games are trial and error because you can't possibly react to what's coming up on the fly.
Wait until you learn about all those games that "doesn't work" because it relies on trail and error

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How is that any different from rhythm games and bullet hells?

maybe you should try gitting gud

I'm 35 though.

Mania's level design is really really really boring.
Try 3&K(preferably via Sonic 3 Complete hack with patched Ice Cap color and with "Pick by Game" option selected)

Or you can play Sonic 3 A.I. R but it doesn't have as much customization as Sonic 3 Complete.

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That's how I feel but with Sonic 2 instead for half of the game until it 180s into the far opposite extreme, pretty weird. Mania though I do like exploring even if it's the easiest classic-styled Sonic game to me.

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>it's another "zoomer is filtered by a children's game" thread

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ok git into coffin instead gramps

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