Is it possible to save everyone?

Is it possible to save everyone?

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Your dream is stupid, Shirou.

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no, someone gets screwed in every route.
lmao accurate

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Fate Shirou was ready to immediately murder Shinji (literally had him by the neck and was about to snap it with his bare hands) to stop Rider's people-melting NP, this is wildly inaccurate
Shirou also does the stupid retardo self-sacrifice shit in HF btw

Shiki would just cut the trolley's line of death and save everybody because he's a chad unlike Shirou

reminder this is shirou's role model

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Looks like his tastes got passed on to his servant too.

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I thought this was gonna be about how he had lots of sex with Natalia.

people die when they're killed so no

i love seiba

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Shirou's issue is that he fundamentally can't be satisfied with anything less than 100% completion. He has an instinctual need to save everyone, even if he logically knows it's not possible. So even if he accepts compromise, he will never be happy with himself. He will never be satisfied with anything he does, and he will die never knowing what it feels like to have true satisfaction.

It's important to point out that Shirou absolutely has no real illusions about being able to save everyone, even in the Fate route. He knows full well it can't happen. But there's a difference between knowing something and being satisfied with that knowledge.

he didn't, though. she just collected his semen.

>Can you save everyone
>Not, "Should you save everyone"

He accepts a compromise in both UBW and HF though.
>I'll try even if it's futile, because the attempt is just as valuable as the win
>I'll stick with saving the one most important to me

>You didn't save everyone? But you tried you best, and I love you for that

The real answer.

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Everyone can be saved if nobody is alive (all according to the law of balance)

Again, he always accepts compromise. He's just not satisfied with it. Even if he can achieve some measure of happiness, he'll never know true self-satisfaction. He's like an artisan who is never truly happy with anything he creates. If he creates a sub-par sword, he'll be disappointed, but if he creates a perfect mimicry, well it's still just a mimicry so there's nothing to really be proud about. This is one of the secondary conflicts of his character. He can accept compromise and he can even potentially be happy, but he can't truly be satisfied. The closest he can get to satisfaction is acceptance that he did the best he could and simply failed to measure up.

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why do some artists make her eyes green? it's common enough to weird me out.

yes it is

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>the fire 10 years ago...

Because her eyes are cyan, and depending on the shade of cyan it can look closer to green or blue. Thus when some illustrators draw her from memory, they mistakenly remember green instead of blue or vice versa.

*whispering and piano start*

yeah yeah

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I haven't read/seen Prisma. Is Illya a brocon in it?

Save yourself first.

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Why are kiritsugutards so annoying?

Yeah but it's mostly played up for laughs because everyone else is also Shirousexual.

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There's this one part in Fate/Zero that I found kinda funny. Before he blows up the hotel Kayneth's staying at, he quietly admonishes himself for taking measures to get the hotel's guests and staff to evacuate the building before he blew it up. His reasoning is that since the Holy Grail can conceivably save billions of lives, letting the thousand or so people in the hotel die in order to maximize his chances of victory. Because sure, what's a thousand people compared to the potentially billions saved by the Grail, right? And he criticizes himself for not just killing them all, while also thinking that had it been nine years ago, he would have done it in a heartbeat. And the fact that he didn't proves he's degraded and grown weaker.

And it's like, the fuck? I understand being pragmatic, but this fucker is actually admonishing himself for not killing a thousand unrelated people, just because it's a little less pragmatic. And now you know why edgy teenagers loved Kiritsugu so much.

Shirou is gay actually

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Something about this goes past shirou and hits me to my core.

It's mostly just because of his design and because he uses GUN in a magic show
Edgy teenagers also love Archer, who is based

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part of life is accepting mediocrity unless you luck out

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>got a gf recently
>keeps sending me gifs of Kuro doing lewd shit
I think I found the one

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Thing is even at his worst, Archer is never as bad as Kiritsugu. Archer criticizes himself, but he's not half as hilariously edgy and stupid as Kerry. Even Emiya Alter in FGO, being an edgier caricature of Archer, is still less cringy than Kerry.

why is the shirou cooking show so wholesome bros

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You see, I get what you're saying but I pretty obviously can't actually do that or be satisfied with it.

because the comfy feels earned after all the suffering in FSN

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Archer is retarded and doesn't understand how spacetime works LOL.

I love Ridah

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Why is Fate/Zero so divisive?

He knows it's stupid but has to try anyway. Kind of a parallel to Shirou, I just now realize

fatefags are divisive

It's not really. I enjoy making fun of Kiritsugu but I like him and Zero.

>The Rin sex scene

Too real. I can't bust to this.

>Kind of a parallel to Shirou,

Archer's gonna freak....

Fate has such a good central premise that you could reuse the story until the end of time.

That's just masturbation with extra steps and timetravel

kiritsugu didn't have a normal upbringing at all and lived in isolation most of his life so it's no surprise he has a super warped world view
the thing to understand with zero though is it was written with contrast to fsn in mind, which was sometimes strength and sometimes resulted in hyper exaggerated nonsense
kiritsugu was a foil to shirou and all the general hand wringing over innocents in fsn, at least that was my impression when i first read the zero novel

the HF scene makes up for it even if it's just a dream
>the manga adaptation of the scene
holy shit, it's unironically better than any Fate doujin

This is why we never got Tsukihime II: The Dark Six

Tohsaka's anus...

I think part of the point of Kiritsugu was to show that Shirou was actually better than him in pretty much every way.

>I think part of the point of Kiritsugu was to show that Shirou was actually better than him in pretty much every way.

HF Shirou is who Kiritsugu and Archer wanted to be in the end

He's not. He's really not. And I really think that everyone who thinks doesn't actually understand Shirou or Archer or Kiritsugu. Instead, they, and you, are superimposing your own desires onto the character. Because you prefer Heaven's Feel's Shirou, you want to believe that THIS was the true answer all along just because you like it better.

Listen, the reason Archer loses interest in Shirou and instead simply treats him as another life to be saved in Heaven's Feel is because he no longer considers HF Shirou to be the same as himself. HF Shirou is no longer someone Archer identifies with. As far as Archer is concerned, he's a completely unrelated individual now. I'm not saying that he wouldn't be happy for HF Shirou, but what I am saying is that HF Shirou has NOTHING to do with those conflicts.

Would the moral of a fourth route have been, "Can you save yourself?"

No. Shirou can't save himself for his own sake. Even in Heaven's Feel, the reason he tries so hard to survive at all is purely for Sakura's sake. He's lost everything else so Sakura is the only thing that gives him any purpose.

I think you don't understand. You are implying that Archer is fine with how he himself is. He wants Shirou to change paths specifically because the outcome was not what he had in mind.

The paradox of Archer is that he's critical of Shirou because Shirou as a chance of becoming him. But the moment Shirou dramatically diminishes his chances of becoming Archer, Archer loses interest in him. He doesn't go "My past self managed to find a different path, I am proud of him (me)". Instead he goes "He's not me anymore, so I no longer feel anything for him beyond what I'd feel for a total stranger. And because he's a stranger now, I will save him as I would any other stranger."

Shirou and Archer parallels Gilgamesh in that sense. Gilgamesh considers his past and future selves to be completely separate individuals as well, so he feels neither shame nor pride in himself from any point in time beyond the present.