Diablo clones...now THAT was a genre

Diablo clones...now THAT was a genre.

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I was playing Titan Quest earlier today, giving it another try, and holy shit that game is just so slow and boring

Most Diablo-like ARPGs are better than Diablo too. Torchlight 2, Grim Dawn, Wolcen and Path of Exile are all way better than any of the Diablo games... especially Diablo 3

I thought about playing Throne of Darkness the other day shit was so good

>Path of Exile
Fuck off
Anyone who says PoE is an ARPG is a retard who brings the reputation of the genre down.

Borderlands is better than diablo

Titan Quest is the worst Diablolike, don't waste your time. Try Chronicon or Sacred 1 instead.

You may not like PoE but its literally an ARPG and its better than any of the diablo games

I've beaten it twice
I don't know why
It's like a fever dream where I'm half asleep

Probably the worst video game genre

whats the best diablo clone i can play with a controller from the couch like a piece of shit neet

borderlands 2 and torchlight 2

but ive already played those to exhaustion, thanks though nice picks

how is it not an arpg
it took every single arpg-defining feature and took it to extremes
your mileage with the results may vary but it is what it is

d2r and now poe both have excellent gamepad support
however no reason to start Poe right now new league is in a week

ive actually never played diablo 2 now that i think about it. just a bunch of the clones. d2r is good? i tried poe but i got killed by lag spikes twice and it kind of soured it for me.

I have good memories of all three Diablo games.

it's alright however it does play like a pretty old game and you will have trouble in later difficulties if you go in blind with immunes and whatnot and endgame is autistically running the same areas for thousands of times hoping that good stuff drops just to optimize your guy a bit further, there isn't that much content when it gets down to it, still fine for a fairly long time though
decent builds in Poe usually survive lag spikes but I don't know why it soured the game for you there's gonna be an eventual death in every game in the genre once you start getting to the endgame, it's impossible to build against everything without exhaustive knowledge of all of the game systems
don't tell me you've been playing hardcore, just don't do it in these games, no matter how many defences you stack you will eventually get one shot by some rare with 10 auras that's just the genre for you

Any Diablo likes that play well on Deck?

I miss Marvel Heroes.

They're called hack and slash, you fucking faggot.

I haven't played a single diablo clone that I was satisfied with. They either have a horrible art style and unappealing setting, or they're just way too complicated for a newcomer like path of exhile.

s h i l l


Cringe post, poe is p2w chink trash.

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You can tell this thing is really a shill with how hard it tries to shut down criticism
0.5 social credit points have been deducted for a poor showing, comrade

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Na, the other poster is right. PoE turned from an aRPG into a full-blown online casino. It's a MTX shop with a video game attached to it.

I never understood the hate for Grim Dawn, I like clicking stuff until it explodes and it fills that requirement nicely. Then again I'm not the type to spend dozens of playthroughs on long ARPGs either.

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>torchlight 2
this game is so easy and have so many qol features that it's an idle rpg at this point. its ruined by over casualization.

It's probably the speed of the early game that people can't stomach, when they come from PoE. For me personally, I took a break again when I saw that I had to go through the campaign three times. The second time seems so pointless, as you are levelled already quite high after finishing it once. Hope with their next game, if they ever make one, that they skip this. Generally speaking, I'd welcome it if an arpg would skip a long-winded campaign in favour of short missions.

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all of the casino part (the actual item drops and stuff) is accessed for free and is integral part of the genre for better or worse
all of the mtx are cosmetic save for a few of stash tabs that you'll need if you will want to spend a ton of hours in the game and it will cost you less than buying some other videogame
battlepass is literally a handful of skins and that's it
there is a metric ton of problems with Poe and it's monetization system is the least of those

level up and try Nioh 1 & 2, there are a ton of different classes, all modular esp when meshed with ninja/magic/yokai(in 2) moves and its got all the fun gear minmaxing you diablo autists love

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I was enjoying them for a while end of last year. Burned out now, tried playing Torchlight 2 and Grim Dawn and couldn't stand it for very long. Lost Ark sucks. Might try Last Epoch eventually, if I can get it very cheap. PoE2 as well.

Diablo 1 is a different kind of game and nothing is like it or better than it including Diablo 2.

The problem is, that the gameplay dissolved into an online casino. You are reduced to pulling the leaver, one-tapping everything until the game says otherwise, and you get obliterated in a blink of an eye. All mechanics in maps act as road blocks you hit in maps, where you also pull only a leaver, and the casino says in most cases, here is your shit loot.
Party play is almost non-existent and everyone is grinding hours and pixels alone. It fucking sucks compared to the old days when you joined random games to party up for maps and other stuff. Today it's just a task driven hellhole, with you clicking on all bullshit to get by.

that's what happens when all you do is pilot around a txt file that fires digits at other txt files nearby, all of your first paragraph is present in every arpg and in some ways was even worse in d2 what with the ridiculous drop rates of some of the high runes, you really can't do much better in the genre, at least no one managed in 20 years
top of the economy is dominated exclusively by partyfags

>its got all the fun gear minmaxing you diablo autists love
Nioh 1's gearing system was pretty simple. I haven't yet played the second game but it's not really the same thing when you can pretty much guarantee to get a perfect weapon assuming you got some gold and those stones you got from daily quests.


there really aren't any indie diablolikes huh

Really want to spend all day Sunday immersed in a diablo clone. Any good suggestions? I've probably played most of the "popular" ones

lmao good one user

>torchlight 2

I really like the speed of Diablo 2 combat. It isn't ADHD fast like PoE shit and not slow. Hell it's neither 1 button click click because a lot builds use more skills (ideal to play on gamepad). I wish this genre didn't turn into full loot pinata. But I guess it is hard to make challenging combat with RPG mechanics from top down view

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the original Fate is actually kino af

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I always find chapter 2 to be pretty tedious, the foothills are bland and cronley's gang are boring enemies.

D2r is pretty good for what it is, but it's gameplay is kinda dated. Fun for sure, but unless you enjoy doing the exact same shit ad infinitum to get slightly pvp gear or runes, there's really no point in getting invested in it. The other user suggesting Nioh is right. They are great games that you can mess around with that have a lot more variety, with a lot less time investment. I would say the first one has a better abyss and weapon balance, but you will be hard pressed to find a weapon you like with good stats without grinding high tier abyss levels. 2 is probably better overall even if it has some shitty mechanics, broken weapons and an easier abyss.

It's actually sick, but it's intended to be modded so you'll want to make sure to do that to conform with your preferences.

a shame that we never got a single one better than actual diablo. there's a few games like this
>no CRPG better than baldur's gate 2
>no classic FPS better than Doom 2
>no MMORPG better than EverQuest (at least for pve, pvp is a whole different argument)
>original ufo defense and terror from the deep are better than any of the firaxis x-com games
why is it that after 20+ years, developers haven't managed to make a superior version of these old ass games?

fucking kek user

is Chronicon worth picking up?

Jaded boomer mind.

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not an argument. also what does dark messiah have to do with anything? that's another example of a massively overrated game. fun physics for sure, but way too short, and way too easy. it's like those people who call vampire bloodlines one of the best games ever made and in reality it's a janky fucking mess with shit combat that requires you to make a hybrid combat character or get stuck in the second half of the game. Entirely overrated.

oh sorry, did I touch a nerve? you can go back to your mediocre arpg now

the only complaint i have about tftd is the shitty 2-stage cargo ship missions, finding that last enemy hidden in some corner somewhere. i would honestly like it more than UFO defense if not for those missions existing.

diablo 3

its a better version of Diablo 3

No offence man, but giving a list of things you like, isn't an argument either. Your post boils down to new game bad, old game good. When in reality there are good games out there that surpassed older titles.

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unironically does not get good until the 2nd difficulty

>there are good games out there that surpassed older titles
such as? no i'm not automatically going to say "lol that's shit" unless it actually is. refresh my memory here.

that's not exactly a high bar

More like, you are long into sunk cost territory. Buy another supporter pack, or else PoE2 will be cancelled. LOL

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True but chapter is 2 also really short so it kinda offsets it

high enough for a $10 indie game

path of exile, a week from now.

PoE is the logical conclusion of this entire genre

FPS from what you have not mentioned: Cyber Hook, Devil Daggers, Rune, Deus Ex, Team Fortress 2, Dystopia, Science and Industry, Sven COOP, NEOTOKYO° and God knows what else I forgot.
I fully expect another jaded reply, dismissing everything for the sake of it. Try out things, or be a faggot for the rest of your life.

I don't like how it was advertised as every class combination being viable but in reality you need to spec super autistically to be able to complete the game. I wanted to be like a Death Knight type character - melee with undead pets but you basically need to go all in on melee OR pets.

Comfy, even if it mostly plays itself

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