>angels are enemies

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>angels are sexy

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>God and the Church are evil
Can't they do something original instead of just copying real life?

But everything is sexy in this game, including fruit.

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You're not really the good guy though.

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>final boss in an angel
>killing her results in ragnarok

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>kyaah, user-kun, you're not going to eat me are you?!

Notice how your characters have low hp and deal high damage while enemies have high hp and deal low damage. Every RPG ive ever played has been balanced like this, cannot unsee

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Dungeon Travelers 2 locked to a shit console.

>every day I see people whining that 2-2 will never get translated
>I can read Japanese
>can't be bothered to play it

>God is the enemy

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Not only is god the enemy, you also travel to different realms just to fuck their gods up despite them never having done anything to you.

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>has blobbers
>has falcom
>has atelier
>has disgaea
good console

The only real fault it had were the memory cards and PSN. I swear to fucking god the download list was a fucking nightmare to manage. It had a lot of exclusives, but due to how unpopular the system was a good chunk of them have been ported to other systems. Even if you don't like handhelds, at least a lot of niche games were able to be made thanks to it.

That shield doesn't look like something the good guys would use.

>The enemy are angels
>you defeat and marry their leader so the angels are now part of your army

>finally beat the Queen of Darkness in DT2-2 after around 70 hours
>game doesn't end
>look up online, find out I'm only halfway through
forgive me, I can't go on

Your party comp?

why are you retards still surprise about this? a nation that doesn't believe in acutal sanctity and reverence will produce this kind of product

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I don't remember exactly, but I think it was
Ruko (DL)/Eltricia(MP)
for my main team. I know MP sucks until super late game but I don't care, I need Elt and Ist in my team

Stop throwing Jihad around, dumb princess.


The entire story mode in DT2 and 2-2 are glorified tutorial.

An absurd amount of anime have the Church, God, or especially the Pope as antagonists as well. it's almost insane. I don't know why the Japs have such a hardon for it.

Because it's good. People take gratification from it.

Demons are cuter

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kinda low on heals, or did you just completely rely on Carol?

Ist was my main healer yeah, Jina was a healer for a while until I jammed El and Ist into my party. I still kept Jina's appearance as healer since it's her cutest class (can't remember if PR or BS)

>>angels are enemies
wait until you see its demons

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If they're all as weak as angry manju then it's no problem.

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It's also on PSP

pff that's the nerfed version

Come on, how am I supposed to get Siena from ジーナ. I could see Geena, Zina, but Siena? Gimme a break
What's her romanized full name? I won't even try since I don't even remember the whole thing

>god is always final boss

Shadowbab, please.

>on what
sexual slavery of battlefield whores


ジーグドラド (Siegdrad) -> ジーナ
Basically romaji fuckery.

That's some bullshit, I went and looked up RL people named Siena and checked their katakana names and none are anywhere near that. Whatever, she's a cute however her name is spelled

japs already are massively challenged when it comes to pronouncing German names like Siegfried properly, take it further and that's how you reach this monstrosity of a name.

They have no problem saying zigfrido

they say djeegfreedo though

>you play as the angel

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>a dt2 thread that lasted 5 hours

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Ist has so many convenient functionalities built in...

That's a valkyrie.

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I learned jap for those sweet gal games, then some years I remembered DT and had a blast with the whole trilogy

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it's more like djeekfreedo

I'll eventually play 2 then 2-2 when I inevitably feel like it, but I hear Dungeon Travelers (toheart2) is a legit garbage game.

I completely disagree, suggest you see for yourself.

There are no games that balance ecchi, story, comedy and gameplay as well as Dungeon Travelers does it

Same. I'll play it some day though.

why should I read to heart 2 instead of the other million visual novels with the same premise?

Name one good thing about religion that isn't coping about the fear of death.

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It's an useful tool of control that lets you subjugate even the most law-illiterate person

fun dialogue
great music
light on dumb ass drama (except the council pres route)

Though I'm biased towards games from that time. It's a generational thing

Population control, they don't even hide it either. Calling their followers sheep and all.

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The church literally fucked our world out of almost a century of technological development. So fuck them. They are permenantly the bad guys and the fact people still trust them at all proves how willing we are to be herded.